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TV series in Daily Motion:



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Simpsons - Season 1


  1. 01x01 - Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
  2. 01x02 - Bart The Genius
  3. 01x03 - Homers Odyssey
  4. 01x04 - Theres No Disgrace Like Home
  5. 01x05 - Bart the General
  6. 01x06 - Moaning Lisa
  7. 01x07 - The Call of the Simpsons
  8. 01x08 - The Telltale Head
  9. 01x09 - Life on the Fast Lane
  10. 01x10 - Homers Night Out
  11. 01x11 - Crepes of Wrath
  12. 01x12 - Krusty Gets Busted
  13. 01x13 - Some Enchanted Evening
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 2


  1. 02x01 - Bart Gets an F
  2. 02x02 - Simpson and Delilah
  3. 02x03 - Treehouse of Horror
  4. 02x04 - Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
  5. 02x05 - Dancin Homer
  6. 02x06 - Dead Putting Society
  7. 02x07 - Bart vs Thanksgiving
  8. 02x08 - Bart the Daredevil
  9. 02x09 - Itchy and Scratchy and Marge
  10. 02x10 - Bart Gets Hit By a Car
  11. 02x11 - One Fish Two Fish Blowfish Blue Fish
  12. 02x12 - The Way We Was
  13. 02x13 - Homer vs Lisa and the 8th Commandment
  14. 02x14 - Principal Charming
  15. 02x15 - Oh Brother Where Are Thou
  16. 02x16 - Barts Dog Gets an F
  17. 02x17 - Old Money
  18. 02x18 - Brush With Greatness
  19. 02x19 - Lisas Substitute
  20. 02x20 - The War of the Simpsons
  21. 02x21 - Three Men and a Comic Book
  22. 02x22 - Blood Feud
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Simpsons - Season 3


  1. 03x01 - Stark Raving Dad
  2. 03x02 - Mr Lisa Goes To Washington
  3. 03x03 - When Flanders Failed
  4. 03x04 - Bart the Murderer
  5. 03x05 - Homer Defined
  6. 03x06 - Like Father Like Klown
  7. 03x07 - Treehouse of Horror II
  8. 03x08 - Lisas Pony
  9. 03x09 - Saturdays of Thunder
  10. 03x10 - Flaming Moes
  11. 03x11 - Burns Verkaufender Kraftwerk
  12. 03x12 - I Married Marge
  13. 03x13 - Radio Bart
  14. 03x14 - Lisa the Greek
  15. 03x15 - Homer Alone
  16. 03x16 - Bart the Lover
  17. 03x17 - Homer At the Bat
  18. 03x18 - Separate Vocations
  19. 03x19 - Dog of Death
  20. 03x20 - Colonel Homer
  21. 03x21 - Black Widower
  22. 03x22 - The Otto Show
  23. 03x23 - Barts Friend Falls in Love
  24. 03x24 - Brother Can You Spare Two Dimes
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Simpsons - Season 4


  1. 04x01 - Kamp Krusty
  2. 04x02 - A Streetcar Named Marge
  3. 04x03 - Homer the Heretic
  4. 04x04 - Lisa The Beauty Queen
  5. 04x05 - Treehouse of Horror III
  6. 04x06 - Itchy and Scratchy - The Movie
  7. 04x07 - Marge Gets A Job
  8. 04x08 - New Kid On The Block
  9. 04x09 - Mr Plow
  10. 04x10 - Lisas First Word
  11. 04x11 - Homers Triple Bypass
  12. 04x12 - Marge vs the Monorail
  13. 04x13 - Selmas Choice
  14. 04x14 - Brother From the Same Planet
  15. 04x15 - I Love Lisa
  16. 04x16 - Duffless
  17. 04x17 - Last Exit to Springfield
  18. 04x18 - A Simpsons Clip Show
  19. 04x19 - The Front
  20. 04x20 - Whacking Day
  21. 04x21 - Marge In Chains
  22. 04x22 - Krusty Gets Kancelled
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Simpsons - Season 5


  1. 05x01 - Homers Barbershop Quartet
  2. 05x02 - Cape Feare
  3. 05x03 - Homer Goes to College
  4. 05x04 - Rosebud
  5. 05x05 - Treehouse of Horror IV
  6. 05x06 - Marge on the Lam
  7. 05x07 - Barts Inner Child
  8. 05x08 - Boy Scoutz N the Hood
  9. 05x09 - The Last Temptation of Homer
  10. 05x10 - Springfield
  11. 05x11 - Homer the Vigilante
  12. 05x12 - Bart Gets Famous
  13. 05x13 - Homer And Apu
  14. 05x14 - Lisa vs Malibu Stacy
  15. 05x15 - Deep Space Homer
  16. 05x16 - Homer Loves Flanders
  17. 05x17 - Bart Gets An Elephant
  18. 05x18 - Burns Heir
  19. 05x19 - Sweet Seymour Skinners Baadasssss Song
  20. 05x20 - The Boy Who Knew Too Much
  21. 05x21 - Lady Bouviers Lover
  22. 05x22 - Secrets of a Successful Marriage
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Simpsons - Season 6


  1. 06x01 - Bart of Darkness
  2. 06x02 - Lisas Rival
  3. 06x03 - Another Simpsons Clip Show
  4. 06x04 - Itchy & Scratchy Land
  5. 06x05 - Sideshow Bob Roberts
  6. 06x06 - Treehouse of Horror V
  7. 06x07 - Barts Girlfriend
  8. 06x08 - Lisa On Ice
  9. 06x09 - Homer Bad Man
  10. 06x10 - Grandpa vs Sexual Inadequacy
  11. 06x11 - Fear Of Flying
  12. 06x12 - Homer The Great
  13. 06x13 - And Maggie Makes Three
  14. 06x14 - Barts Comet
  15. 06x15 - Homie The Clown
  16. 06x16 - Bart vs Australia
  17. 06x17 - Homer vs Patty and Selma
  18. 06x18 - A Star Is Burns
  19. 06x19 - Lisas Wedding
  20. 06x20 - Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
  21. 06x21 - The PTA Disbands
  22. 06x22 - Round Springfield
  23. 06x23 - The Springfield Connection
  24. 06x24 - Lemon of Troy
  25. 06x25 - Who Shot Mr. Burns (Part 1)
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 7


  1. 07x01 - Who Shot Mr. Burns (Part 2)
  2. 07x02 - Radioactive Man
  3. 07x03 - Home Sweet Homediddly-dum-doodily
  4. 07x04 - Bart Sells His Soul
  5. 07x05 - Lisa the Vegetarian
  6. 07x06 - Treehouse of Horror VI
  7. 07x07 - King Size Homer
  8. 07x08 - Mother Simpson
  9. 07x09 - Sideshow Bobs Last Gleaming
  10. 07x10 - The Simpsons 138th Show Spectacular
  11. 07x11 - Marge Be Not Proud
  12. 07x12 - Team Homer
  13. 07x13 - Two Bad Neighbors
  14. 07x14 - Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield
  15. 07x15 - Bart the Fink
  16. 07x16 - Lisa the Iconoclast
  17. 07x17 - Homer the Smithers
  18. 07x18 - The Day the Violence Died
  19. 07x19 - A Fish Called Selma
  20. 07x20 - Bart On The Road
  21. 07x21 - 22 Short Films About Springfield
  22. 07x22 - The Curse of the Flying Hellfish
  23. 07x23 - Much Apu About Nothing
  24. 07x24 - Homerpalooza
  25. 07x25 - Summer of 4 Ft 2
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 8


  1. 08x01 - Treehouse of Horror VII
  2. 08x02 - You Only Move Twice
  3. 08x03 - The Homer They Fall
  4. 08x04 - Burns Baby Burns
  5. 08x05 - Bart After Dark
  6. 08x06 - A Millhouse Divided
  7. 08x07 - Lisas Date with Density
  8. 08x08 - Hurricane Neddy
  9. 08x09 - The Mysterious Voyage of Our Homer
  10. 08x10 - The Springfield Files
  11. 08x11 - The Twisted World of Marge
  12. 08x12 - Mountain of Madness
  13. 08x13 - Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala (Annoyed Grunt) cious
  14. 08x14 - The Itchie, Scratchy and Poochie Show
  15. 08x15 - Homers Phobia
  16. 08x16 - Brother from Another Series
  17. 08x17 - My Sister My Sitter
  18. 08x18 - Homer vs the Eighteenth Amendment
  19. 08x19 - Grade School Confidential
  20. 08x20 - The Canine Mutiny
  21. 08x21 - The Old Man and the Lisa
  22. 08x22 - In Marge We Trust
  23. 08x23 - Homers Enemy
  24. 08x24 - The Simpsons Spinoff Showcase
  25. 08x25 - The Secret War of Lisa Simpson
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 9


  1. 09x01 - The City of New York vs Homer Simpson
  2. 09x02 - The Principal and the Pauper
  3. 09x03 - Lisas Sax
  4. 09x04 - Treehouse of Horror VIII
  5. 09x05 - The Cartridge Family
  6. 09x06 - Bart Star
  7. 09x07 - The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons
  8. 09x08 - Lisa the Skeptic
  9. 09x09 - Realty Bites
  10. 09x10 - Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
  11. 09x11 - All Singing All Dancing
  12. 09x12 - Bart Carny
  13. 09x13 - The Joy Of Sect
  14. 09x14 - Das Bus
  15. 09x15 - The Last Temptation Of Krusty
  16. 09x16 - Dumbbell Indemnity
  17. 09x17 - Lisa the Simpson
  18. 09x18 - This Little Wiggy
  19. 09x19 - Simpsons Tide
  20. 09x20 - The Trouble With Trillions
  21. 09x21 - Girlie Edition
  22. 09x22 - Trash of the Titans
  23. 09x23 - King of the Hill
  24. 09x24 - Lost our Lisa
  25. 09x25 - Natural Born Kissers
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 10


  1. 10x01 - Lard of the Dance
  2. 10x02 - The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace
  3. 10x03 - Bart the Mother
  4. 10x04 - Treehouse of Horror IX
  5. 10x05 - When You Dish Upon a Star
  6. 10x06 - Doh-in in the Wind
  7. 10x07 - Lisa Gets an A
  8. 10x08 - Homer in Kidney Trouble
  9. 10x09 - Mayored to the Mob
  10. 10x10 - Viva Ned Flanders
  11. 10x11 - Wild Barts Cant Be Broken
  12. 10x12 - Sunday Cruddy Sunday
  13. 10x13 - Homer to the Max
  14. 10x14 - Im With Cupid
  15. 10x15 - Marge Simpsonin Screaming Yellow Honkers
  16. 10x16 - Make Room For Lisa
  17. 10x17 - Maximum Homerdrive
  18. 10x18 - Simpsons Bible Stories
  19. 10x19 - Mom and Pop Art
  20. 10x20 - The Old Man and the C Student
  21. 10x21 - Monty Cant Buy Me Love
  22. 10x22 - They Saved Lisas Brain
  23. 10x23 - Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 11


  1. 11x01 - Beyond Blunderdome
  2. 11x02 - Brothers Little Helper
  3. 11x03 - Guess Whos Coming To Criticize Dinner
  4. 11x04 - Treehouse of Horror X
  5. 11x05 - E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)
  6. 11x06 - Hello Gutter Hello Fadder
  7. 11x07 - Eight Misbehavin
  8. 11x08- Take My Wife Sleaze
  9. 11x09 - Grift of the Magi
  10. 11x10 - Little Big Mom
  11. 11x11 - Faith Off
  12. 11x12 - The Mansion Family
  13. 11x13 - Saddlesore Galactica
  14. 11x14 - Alone Again Natura-Diddily
  15. 11x15 - Missionary Impossible
  16. 11x16 - Pygmoelian
  17. 11x17 - Bart To The Future
  18. 11x18 - Days Of Wine and DOhses
  19. 11x19 - Kill The Alligator And Run
  20. 11x20 - Last Tap Dance In Springfield
  21. 11x21 - Its a Mad Mad Mad Mad Marge
  22. 11x22 - Behind The Laughter
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 12


  1. 12x01 - Treehouse of Horror XI
  2. 12x02 - Tale of Two Springfields
  3. 12x03 - Insane Clown Poppy
  4. 12x04 - Lisa The Tree Hugger
  5. 12x05 - Homer vs Dignity
  6. 12x06 - The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
  7. 12x07 - The Great Money Caper
  8. 12x08 - Skinners Sense of Snow
  9. 12x09 - Homr
  10. 12x10 - Pokey Mom
  11. 12x11 - Worst Episode Ever
  12. 12x12 - Tennis The Menace
  13. 12x13 - Day of the Jackanapes
  14. 12x14 - New Kids On The Blecch
  15. 12x15 - Hungry Hungry Homer
  16. 12x16 - Bye Bye Nerdy
  17. 12x17 - Simpsons Safari
  18. 12x18 - Trilogy Of Error
  19. 12x19 - Im Goin to Praiseland
  20. 12x20 - Children of a Lesser Clod
  21. 12x21 - Simpsons Tall Tales
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 13


  1. 13x01 - Treehouse of Horror XII
  2. 13x02 - The Parent Rap
  3. 13x03 - Homer the Moe
  4. 13x04 - A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
  5. 13x05 - The Blunder Years
  6. 13x06 - She of Little Faith
  7. 13x07 - Brawl in the Family
  8. 13x08 - Sweets and Sour Marge
  9. 13x09 - Jaws Wired Shut
  10. 13x10 - Half Decent Proposal
  11. 13x11 - The Bart Wants What It Wants
  12. 13x12 - The Fastest Gun in the West
  13. 13x15 - Blame It On Lisa
  14. 13x14 - Tales From The Public Domain
  15. 13x13 - The Old Man And The Key
  16. 13x16 - Weekend at Burnsies
  17. 13x17 - Gump Roast
  18. 13x18 - I Am Furious Yellow
  19. 13x19 - The Sweetest Apu
  20. 13x20 - Little Girl In The Big Ten
  21. 13x21 - The Frying Game
  22. 13x22 - Papas Got a Brand New Badge
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 14


  1. 14x01 - Treehouse of Horror XIII
  2. 14x02 - How I Spent My Strummer Vacation
  3. 14x03 - Bart vs Lisa vs the Third Grade
  4. 14x04 - Large Marge
  5. 14x05 - Helter Shelter
  6. 14x06 - The Great Louse Detective
  7. 14x07 - Special Edna
  8. 14x08 - The Dad Who Knew Too Little
  9. 14x09 - Strong Arms O The Ma
  10. 14x10 - Pray Anything
  11. 14x11 - Barting Over
  12. 14x12 - Im Spelling as Fast as I Can
  13. 14x13 - A Star is Born-Again
  14. 14x14 - Mr Spritz Goes to Washington
  15. 14x15 - C. E. Doh
  16. 14x16 - Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky
  17. 14x17 - Three Gays of the Condo
  18. 14x18 - Dude Wheres My Ranch
  19. 14x19 - Old Yeller Belly
  20. 14x20 - Brake My Wife Please
  21. 14x21 - The Bart of War
  22. 14x22 - Moe Baby Blues
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 15


  1. 15x01 - Treehouse of Horror XIV
  2. 15x02 - My Mother The Carjacker
  3. 15x03 - The President Wore Pearls
  4. 15x04 - The Regina Monologues
  5. 15x05 - The Fat and the Furriest
  6. 15x06 - Today I Am a Klown
  7. 15x07 - Tis The Fiftheenth Season
  8. 15x08 - Marge vs Singles Seniors Childless Couples and Teens and Gays
  9. 15x09 - I (AnnoyedGrunt)
  10. 15x10 - Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
  11. 15x11 - Margical History Tour
  12. 15x12 - Milhouse Doesnt Live Here Anymore
  13. 15x13 - Smart and Smarter
  14. 15x14 - The Ziff Who Came to Dinner
  15. 15x15 - Co-Dependents Day
  16. 15x16 - The Wandering Juvie
  17. 15x17 - My Big Fat Geek Wedding
  18. 15x18 - Catch em If You Can
  19. 15x19 - Simple Simpson
  20. 15x20 - The Way We Werent
  21. 15x21 - Bart-Mangled Banner
  22. 15x22 - Fraudcast News
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 16


  1. 16x01 - Treehouse of Horror XV
  2. 16x02 - Alls Fair in Oven War
  3. 16x03 - Sleeping with the Enemy
  4. 16x04 - She Used to Be My Girl
  5. 16x05 - Fat Man and Little Boy
  6. 16x06 - Midnight Rx
  7. 16x07 - Mommie Beerest
  8. 16x08 - Homer and Neds Hail Mary Pass
  9. 16x09 - Pranksta Rap
  10. 16x10 - Theres Something About Marrying
  11. 16x11 - On a Clear Day I Cant See My Sister
  12. 16x12 - Goo Goo Gai Pan
  13. 16x13 - Mobile Homer
  14. 16x14 - The Seven-Beer Snitch
  15. 16x15 - Future-Drama
  16. 16x16 - Dont Fear the Roofer
  17. 16x17 - The Heartbroke Kid
  18. 16x18 - A Star Is Torn
  19. 16x19 - Thank God Its Doomsday
  20. 16x20 - Home Away From Homer
  21. 16x21 - The Father The Son and The Holy Guest Star
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 17


  1. 17x01 - The Bonfire of the Manatees
  2. 17x02 - The Girl Who Slept Too Little
  3. 17x03 - Milhouse of Sand and Fog
  4. 17x04 - Treehouse of Horror XVI
  5. 17x05 - Marges Son Poisoning
  6. 17x06 - See Homer Run
  7. 17x07 - The Last Of The Red Hat Mamas
  8. 17x08 - The Italian Bob
  9. 17x09 - Simpsons Christmas Stories
  10. 17x10 - Homers Paternity Coot
  11. 17x11 - We are On the Road to DOhwhere
  12. 17x12 - My Fair Laddy
  13. 17x13 - The Seemingly Never-Ending Story
  14. 17x14 - Bart Has Two Mommies
  15. 17x15 - Homer Simpsons This is Your Wife
  16. 17x16 - Million Dollar Abie
  17. 17x17 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bangalore
  18. 17x18 - The Wettest Stories Ever Told
  19. 17x19 - Girls Just Want To Have Sums
  20. 17x20 - Regarding Margie
  21. 17x21 - The Monkey Suit
  22. 17x22 - Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 18


  1. 18x01 - The Mook, the Chef, the Wife, and Her Homer
  2. 18x02 - Jazzy and the Pussycats
  3. 18x03 - Please Homer Dont Hammer Em
Back to Simpsons seasons index

Simpsons - Season 19


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Simpsons - Season 20


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American Dad


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American Dad - Season 1


  1. 01x01 - Pilot
  2. 01x02 - Threat Levels
  3. 01x03 - Stan Knows Best
  4. 01x04 - Francines Flashback
  5. 01x05 - Roger Codger
  6. 01x06 - Homeland Insecurity
  7. 01x07 - Deacon Stan, Jesus Man
  8. 01x08 - Bullocks to Stan
  9. 01x09 - A Smith in the Hand
  10. 01x10 - All About Steve
  11. 01x11 - Con Heir
  12. 01x12 - Stan of Arabia (1)
  13. 01x13 - Stan of Arabia (2)
  14. 01x14 - Stannie Get Your Gun
  15. 01x15 - Star Trek
  16. 01x16 - Not Particularly Desperate Housewives
  17. 01x17 - Rough Trade
  18. 01x18 - Finances With Wolves
  19. 01x19 - Its Good to be the Queen
  20. 01x20 - Roger n Me
  21. 01x21 - Helping Handis
  22. 01x22 - With Friends Like Steves
  23. 01x23 - Tears of a Clooney
Back to American Dad seasons index

American Dad - Season 2


  1. 02x01 - Camp Refoogee
  2. 02x02 - The American Dad After School Special
  3. 02x03 - Failure Is Not A Factory-Installed Option
Back to American Dad seasons index

Family Guy


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Family Guy - Season 1


  1. 01x01 - Death Has a Shadow
  2. 01x02 - I Never Met the Dead Man
  3. 01x03 - Chitty Chitty Death Bang
  4. 01x04 - Mind Over Murder
  5. 01x05 - A Hero Sits Next Door
  6. 01x06 - The Son Also Draws
  7. 01x07 - Brian: Portrait of a Dog
Back to Family Guy seasons index

Family Guy - Season 2


  1. 02x01 - Peter, Peter, Caviar Eater
  2. 02x02 - Holy Crap
  3. 02x03 - DaBoom
  4. 02x04 - Brian in Love
  5. 02x05 - Love Thy Trophy
  6. 02x06 - Death Is a Bitch
  7. 02x07 - The King is Dead
  8. 02x08 - I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar
  9. 02x09 - If Im Dyin Im Lyin
  10. 02x10 - Running Mates
  11. 02x11 - A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Bucks
  12. 02x12 - Fifteen Minutes of Shame
  13. 02x13 - Road to Rhode Island
  14. 02x14 - Lets Go to the Hop
  15. 02x15 - Dammit Janet
  16. 02x16 - Theres Something About Paulie
  17. 02x17 - Hes Too Sexy for His Fat
  18. 02x18 - E. Peterbus Unum
  19. 02x19 - The Story on Page One
  20. 02x20 - Wasted Talent
  21. 02x21 - Fore, Father
Back to Family Guy seasons index

Family Guy - Season 3


  1. 03x01 - The Thin White Line
  2. 03x02 - Brian Does Hollywood
  3. 03x03 - Mr. Griffin Goes to Washington
  4. 03x04 - One If By Clam, Two If By Sea
  5. 03x05 - And the Wiener is...
  6. 03x06 - Death Lives
  7. 03x07 - Lethal Weapons
  8. 03x08 - The Kiss Seen Around the World
  9. 03x09 - Mr. Saturday Knight
  10. 03x10 - Fish Out of Water
  11. 03x11 - Emission Impossible
  12. 03x12 - To Live and Die in Dixie
  13. 03x13 - Screwed The Pooch
  14. 03x14 - Peter Griffin: Husband, Father...Brother?
  15. 03x15 - Ready, Willing, and Disabled
  16. 03x16 - A Very Special Family Guy Freakin Christmas
  17. 03x17 - Brian Wallows and Peters Swallows
  18. 03x18 - From Method to Madness
  19. 03x19 - Stuck Together, Torn Apart
  20. 03x20 - Road to Europe
  21. 03x21 - Family Guy Viewer Mail #1
  22. 03x22 - When You Wish Upon a Weinstein
Back to Family Guy seasons index

Family Guy - Season 4


  1. 04x01 - North by North Quahog
  2. 04x02 - Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High
  3. 04x03 - Blind Ambition
  4. 04x04 - Dont Make Me Over
  5. 04x05 - The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire
  6. 04x06 - Petarded
  7. 04x07 - Brian the Bachelor
  8. 04x08 - 8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter
  9. 04x09 - Breaking Out Is Hard to Do
  10. 04x10 - Model Misbehavior
  11. 04x11 - Peters Got Woods
  12. 04x12 - Perfect Castaway
  13. 04x13 - Jungle Love
  14. 04x14 - PTV
  15. 04x15 - Brian Goes Back to College
  16. 04x16 - The Courtship of Stewies Father
  17. 04x17 - Fat Guy Strangler
  18. 04x18 - The Father, The Son, and The Holy Fonz
  19. 04x19 - Brian Sings & Swings
  20. 04x20 - Patriot Games
  21. 04x21 - I Take Thee Quagmire
  22. 04x22 - Sibling Rivalry
  23. 04x23 - Deep Throats
  24. 04x24 - Peterotica
  25. 04x25 - You May Now Kiss The...Uh...Guy Who Receives
  26. 04x26 - Petergeist
  27. 04x27 - Untitled Griffin Family History
Back to Family Guy seasons index

Family Guy - Season 5


  1. 05x01 - Stewie Loves Lois
  2. 05x02 - Mother Tucker
  3. 05x03 - Hell Comes To Quahog
Back to Family Guy seasons index



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Futurama - Season 1


  1. 01x01 - The Space Pilot 3000
  2. 01x02 - The Series Has Landed
  3. 01x03 - I Roommate
  4. 01x04 - Loves Labors Lost In Space
  5. 01x05 - Fear Of A Bot Planet
  6. 01x06 - A Fishful Of Dollars
  7. 01x07 - My Three Suns
  8. 01x08 - A Big Piece Of Garbage
  9. 01x09 - Hell Is Other Robots
Back to Futurama seasons index

Futurama - Season 2


  1. 02x01 - A Flight To Remember
  2. 02x02 - Mars University
  3. 02x03 - When Aliens Attack
  4. 02x04 - Fry & the Slurm Factory
  5. 02x05 - I Second That Emotion
  6. 02x06 - Brannigan Begin Again
  7. 02x07 - A Head in the Polls
  8. 02x08 - Xmas Story
  9. 02x09 - Why Must I Be A Crustacean In Love
  10. 02x10 - Put Your Head on My Shoulder
  11. 02x11 - Lesser of Two Evils
  12. 02x12 - Raging Bender
  13. 02x13 - Bicyclops Built for Two
  14. 02x14 - How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back
  15. 02x15 - A Clone of My Own
  16. 02x16 - The Deep South
  17. 02x17 - Bender Gets Made
  18. 02x18 - Mothers Day
  19. 02x19 - The Problem with Popplers
  20. 02x20 - Anthology of Interest I
Back to Futurama seasons index

Futurama - Season 3


  1. 03x01 - The Honking
  2. 03x02 - War Is The H-Word
  3. 03x03 - The Cryonic Woman
  4. 03x04 - Parasites Lost
  5. 03x05 - Amazon Women in the Mood
  6. 03x06 - Bendless Love
  7. 03x07 - The Day the Earth Stood Stupid
  8. 03x08 - Thats Lobstertainment
  9. 03x09 - The Bird-bot of Ice-catraz
  10. 03x10 - Luck of the Fryish
  11. 03x11 - The Cyber House Rules
  12. 03x12 - Insane in the Mainframe
  13. 03x13 - Bendin in the Wind
  14. 03x14 - Time Keeps on Slipping
  15. 03x15 - I Dated a Robot
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Futurama - Season 4


  1. 04x01 - Roswell That Ends Well
  2. 04x02 - A Tale of Two Santas
  3. 04x03 - Anthology Of Interest II
  4. 04x04 - Love & Rocket
  5. 04x05 - Leelas Homeworld
  6. 04x06 - Where the Buggalo Roam
  7. 04x07 - A Pharaoh To Remember
  8. 04x08 - Godfellas
  9. 04x09 - Futurestock
  10. 04x10 - A Leela of Her Own
  11. 04x11 - 30 Percent Iron Chef
  12. 04x12 - Where No Fan Has Gone Before
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Futurama - Season 5


  1. 05x01 - The Crimes of the Hot
  2. 05x02 - Jurassic Bark
  3. 05x03 - The Route of All Evil
  4. 05x04 - A Taste of Freedom
  5. 05x05 - Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch
  6. 05x06 - Less Than a Hero
  7. 05x07 - Teenage Mutant Leelas Hurdles
  8. 05x08 - The Why of Fry
  9. 05x09 - The Sting
  10. 05x10 - The Farnsworth Paradox
  11. 05x11 - Three Hundred Big Boys
  12. 05x12 - Spanish Fry
  13. 05x13 - Bend Her
  14. 05x14 - Obsoletely Fabulous
  15. 05x15 - Bender Should not Be Allowed on Tv
  16. 05x16 - The Devils Hands Are Idle Playthings
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South Park


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South Park - Season 1


  1. 01x01 - Cartman Gets an Anal Probe
  2. 01x02 - Volcano
  3. 01x03 - Weight Gain 4000
  4. 01x04 - Big Gay Als Big Gay Boat Ride
  5. 01x05 - An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
  6. 01x06 - Death
  7. 01x07 - Pink Eye
  8. 01x08 - Starvin Marvin
  9. 01x09 - Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo
  10. 01x10 - Damien
  11. 01x11 - Toms Rhinoplasty
  12. 01x12 - Mecha-Streisand
  13. 01x13 - Cartmans Mom is a Dirty Slut
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South Park - Season 2


  1. 02x01 - Terrance & Phillip in "Not Without My Anus"
  2. 02x02 - Cartmans Mom is Still a Dirty Slut
  3. 02x03 - Ikes Wee Wee
  4. 02x04 - Chickenlover
  5. 02x05 - Conjoined Fetus Lady
  6. 02x06 - The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka
  7. 02x07 - City on the Edge of Forever
  8. 02x08 - Summer Sucks
  9. 02x09 - Chefs Salty Chocolate Balls
  10. 02x10 - Chickenpox
  11. 02x11 - Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods
  12. 02x12 - Clubhouses
  13. 02x13 - Cow Days
  14. 02x14 - Chef Aid
  15. 02x15 - Spooky Fish
  16. 02x16 - Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!
  17. 02x17 - Gnomes
  18. 02x18 - Prehistoric Ice Man
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South Park - Season 3


  1. 03x01 - Rainforest Schmainforest
  2. 03x02 - Spontaneous Combustion
  3. 03x03 - The Succubus
  4. 03x04 - Jakovasaurs
  5. 03x05 - Tweek vs. Craig
  6. 03x06 - Sexual Harassment Panda
  7. 03x07 - Cat Orgy
  8. 03x08 - Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub
  9. 03x09 - Jewbilee
  10. 03x10 - Korns Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery
  11. 03x11 - Chinpokomon
  12. 03x12 - Hooked on Monkey Fonics
  13. 03x13 - Starvin Marvin in Space!
  14. 03x14 - The Red Badge of Gayness
  15. 03x15 - Mr. Hankeys Christmas Classics
  16. 03x16 - Are You There God, Its Me Jesus
  17. 03x17 - Worldwide Recorder Concert
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South Park - Season 4


  1. 04x01 - The Tooth Fairys TATS 2000
  2. 04x02 - Cartmans Silly Hate Crime 2000
  3. 04x03 - Timmy! 2000
  4. 04x04 - Quintuplets 2000
  5. 04x05 - Cartman Joins NAMBLA
  6. 04x06 - Cherokee Hair Tampons
  7. 04x07 - Chef Goes Nanners
  8. 04x08 - Something You Can Do With Your Finger
  9. 04x09 - Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?
  10. 04x10 - Probably
  11. 04x11 - 4th Grade
  12. 04x12 - Trapper Keeper
  13. 04x13 - Helen Keller! The Musical
  14. 04x14 - Pip
  15. 04x15 - Fat Camp
  16. 04x16 - The Wacky Molestation Adventure
  17. 04x17 - A Very Crappy Christmas
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South Park - Season 5


  1. 05x01 - It Hits the Fan
  2. 05x02 - Cripple Fight
  3. 05x03 - The Super Best Friends
  4. 05x04 - Scott Tenorman Must Die
  5. 05x05 - Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow
  6. 05x06 - Cartmanland
  7. 05x07 - Proper Condom Use
  8. 05x08 - Towelie
  9. 05x09 - Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants
  10. 05x10 - How to Eat With Your Butt
  11. 05x11 - The Entity
  12. 05x12 - Here Comes the Neighborhood
  13. 05x13 - Kenny Dies
  14. 05x14 - Butters Very Own Episode
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South Park - Season 6


  1. 06x01 - Jared Has Aides
  2. 06x02 - Asspen
  3. 06x03 - Freak Strike
  4. 06x04 - Fun With Veal
  5. 06x05 - The Terrance & Phillip Movie Trailer
  6. 06x06 - Professor Chaos
  7. 06x07 - Simpsons Already Did It
  8. 06x08 - Red Hot Catholic Love
  9. 06x09 - Free Hat
  10. 06x10 - Bebes Boobs Destroy Society
  11. 06x11 - Child Abduction is Not Funny
  12. 06x12 - A Ladder to Heaven
  13. 06x13 - The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers
  14. 06x14 - The Death Camp of Tolerance
  15. 06x15 - The Biggest Douche in the Universe
  16. 06x16 - My Future Self n Me
  17. 06x17 - Red Sleigh Down
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South Park - Season 7


  1. 07x01 - Cancelled
  2. 07x02 - Krazy Kripples
  3. 07x03 - Toilet Paper
  4. 07x04 - Im A Little Bit Country
  5. 07x05 - Fat Butt and Pancake Head
  6. 07x06 - Lil Crime Stoppers
  7. 07x07 - Red Mans Greed
  8. 07x08 - South Park is Gay!
  9. 07x09 - Christian Rock Hard
  10. 07x10 - Grey Dawn
  11. 07x11 - Casa Bonita
  12. 07x12 - All About the Mormons?
  13. 07x13 - Butt Out
  14. 07x14 - Raisins
  15. 07x15 - Its Christmas in Canada
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South Park - Season 8


  1. 08x01 - Good Times With Weapons
  2. 08x02 - Up the Down Steroid
  3. 08x03 - The Passion of the Jew
  4. 08x04 - You Got F*cked in the Ass
  5. 08x05 - AWESOM-O
  6. 08x06 - The Jeffersons
  7. 08x07 - Goobacks
  8. 08x08 - Douche and Turd
  9. 08x09 - Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes
  10. 08x10 - Pre-School
  11. 08x11 - Quest for Ratings
  12. 08x12 - Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset
  13. 08x13 - Cartmans Incredible Gift
  14. 08x14 - Woodland Critter Christmas
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South Park - Season 9


  1. 09x01 - Mr. Garrisons Fancy New Vagina
  2. 09x02 - Die Hippie, Die
  3. 09x03 - Wing
  4. 09x04 - Best Friends Forever
  5. 09x05 - The Losing Edge
  6. 09x06 - The Death of Eric Cartman
  7. 09x07 - Erection Day
  8. 09x08 - Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow
  9. 09x09 - Marjorine
  10. 09x10 - Follow That Egg
  11. 09x11 - Ginger Kids
  12. 09x12 - Trapped in the Closet
  13. 09x13 - Free Willzyx
  14. 09x14 - Bloody Mary
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South Park - Season 10


  1. 10x01 - The Return of Chef!
  2. 10x02 - Smug Alert!
  3. 10x03 - Cartoon Wars (1)
  4. 10x04 - Cartoon Wars (2)
  5. 10x05 - A Million Little Fibers
  6. 10x06 - ManBearPig
  7. 10x07 - Tsst
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