C 9:Mattey> you are tricksy, false hobbit C 9:Deliver> PO SAVES THE DAY C 9:Deliver> condom C 9:Mattey> and having 6 pictures on the gallery speaks to a whole lot more insecurities, i think you need my help tagmor C 9:Deliver> check this C 9:TagMor> they all have relevance mattey C 9:ekko> mattey you are cute C 9:ekko> minus the bad posture C 9:Mattey> hah, that picture is 8 years old now, ive played this game way too long C 9:Mattey> :x C 9:Deliver> must be a good furit to have 3 pics of it C 9:PureOwnage> Took me a few but i found it. :p C 9:Deliver> does that furit relate to your sexualty C 9:All Star> elimbeta C 9:Exodius> what the fact that he likes to bit into things that resemble balls? C 9:ekko> pureownage which guy are you C 9:ekko> in gay world you would be a 'bear' C 9:TagMor> u mean fruit? C 9:dads revenge> lol C 9:ekko> and mattey would def be a twink C 9:TagMor> those pics were old C 9:PureOwnage> How the fuck did I get brought into the gay conversatino C 9:Deliver> twink C 9:Exodius> it's ok tagmor you can admit your gay,a dn you like to bit balls C 9:PureOwnage> I've been talking with Deliver over here C 9:TagMor> and again, it has symbolic relevance C 9:ekko> i am just random twgallerying people talking C 9:Mattey> this is a picture of me now : http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/1513/picture45k.jpg C 9:Exodius> you devoured that apple pretty fast C 9:Exodius> by the way it looks C 9:Mattey> holding a "quake sucks" sign C 9:ekko> how old are you now mattey C 9:TagMor> lool C 9:Deliver> hes 22? C 9:TagMor> yeh you're not gay.. C 9:Deliver> looks more like a crazy then gay C 9:Exodius> i know i'm not but i have the feeling you are C 9:Exodius> i have gaydar C 9:Exodius> i sense that you are gay C 9:TagMor> http://i40.tinypic.com/11so3ld.jpg C 9:Exodius> it's ok you can admit it tagmor C 9:Deliver> wtf is that C 9:TagMor> gf riding horse C 9:PureOwnage> Need closeups here C 9:ekko> mattey you were cuter without the beard C 9:PureOwnage> Faraway pics don't work C 9:Exodius> heard she was a tranny C 9:dads revenge> www.horseridinggf.omg C 9:Exodius> rofl C 9:Pure_Luck> mattey haha C 9:Pure_Luck> hahahha dads C 9:Deliver> ok if you dont have a pic with your hands on her ass you are not dating C 9:TagMor> im not taking a pic like that C 9:Deliver> WHY NOT C 9:TagMor> lemme find one of her sitting on my lap C 9:dads revenge> webcam FTW C 9:Exodius> because he's not taking a pic with a guy C 9:Deliver> LOL C 9:Exodius> remember he doesn't like girls C 9:Exodius> he likes guys C 9:Stayon> bd jd? C 9:Exodius> thats the only ass he'll touch C 9:Mattey> yeah ekko, i lost my electric razor C 9:Deliver> http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cock+slapping C 9:Deliver> LOL WTF C 9:Mattey> tagmor, that proves nothing, you took a picture of a woman you obsess over C 9:Mattey> riding a horse C 9:Mattey> SHES YOUR'S DUDE C 9:ekko> http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v47/5/39/89904715/n89904715_30692735_5898.jpg C 9:PureOwnage> Spinning cock slap C 9:PureOwnage> WTF del C 9:Deliver> click it C 9:Deliver> read the shit C 9:renzi> jd? C 9:renzi> bd? C 9:Deliver> "Mike used the "Spinning cock-slap" to knock the drink out of Tina's hand and spilled it all over her new blouse." C 9:PureOwnage> I did C 9:Eelam> ekko aren't u homo C 9:renzi> eelam C 9:renzi> i say you say that youre a fag on fb C 9:renzi> saw* C 9:Necromotic> eelam da better lookin brownie den ekko C 9:Eelam> loll C 9:TagMor> lol mattey C 9:Eelam> necro C 9:Eelam> check out myh new fb pic C 9:Eelam> look so fresh C 9:ekko> whatever my sexual orientation may be C 9:ekko> i have probably kissed more women than half of you C 9:Knockers> half of these ppl are 12-16 C 9:Pure_Luck> intersting C 9:Knockers> id hope so C 9:Eelam> loll C 9:Deliver> http://www.hollow-hill.com/sabina/images/fabulous-dude.jpg C 9:PureOwnage> ROFL C 9:Knockers> you're slightly gay for even linking that :P C 9:Mattey> women lips are so much better than men lips, men lips feel like the top of your forearm, women feel like the bottom of your forearm C 9:Knockers> personal experience matt? C 9:TagMor> .. C 9:dads revenge> lol C 9:TagMor> i admire your courage mattey C 9:Mattey> i mean yeah ive kissed a guy, but not sexually C 9:zidane> lol C 9:TagMor> you are a noble warrior of the land of gay C 9:Deliver> dads dont count C 9:ekko> i agree with you matt, women are soft and enjoyable to kiss, men have stubble and are itchy C 9:Mattey> ^ C 9:Knockers> itchy lol C 9:PureOwnage> Someone is gonna sig that. I know it C 9:Mattey> see you homos C 9:Mattey> i was right C 9:Deliver> YOU HAVE ALL BEEN KISSED BY MEN, only gay if dick goes in ass C 9:Mattey> haha C 9:ekko> i am not gay then C 9:ekko> :P C 9:PureOwnage> So dick in mouth is cool? C 9:Mattey> even then, thats not totally gay C 9:ekko> what IS totally gay? C 9:Deliver> safe zone PO C 9:zidane> LOL C 9:PureOwnage> ROFOOOOOFL C 9:Piston> yo nubs C 9:zidane> lool C 9:Piston> calm down C 9:Piston> its not that funny C 9:Piston> i am your snesai C 9:Piston> sensai C 9:Knockers> it's funnier than your face, and thats saying somethingf C 9:renzi> JD? C 9:Piston> u cant speak in public like that about me C 9:Deliver> one day you might be talking and cock comes by ands up in your mouth.. you never can be safe PO C 9:TagMor> they are in somekind of homo frenzy C 9:Deliver> ends* C 9:TagMor> a gay freakout C 9:Mattey> totally gay is fukking a dude in teh butt while watching mixed martial arts C 9:PureOwnage> rofl C 9:Mattey> there is nothing gayer than mixed martial arts C 9:Mattey> me fukking ekko or vice-versa is much less gay C 9:TagMor> i think that was a hint ekko C 9:Deliver> what if you are in the gym change room and someones dick touchs your cheek while you change.. does that make you gay? C 9:Knockers> what if you're really drunk, and you were watching it anyways, and you pass out, get fucked, is it still gay? C 9:ekko> okay i am an anal sex virgin, i have never been fucked. C 9:ekko> am i gay? C 9:Mattey> its gay, but not quite totally gay knockers C 9:Stayon> jd? C 9:Mattey> gay, but not totally gay C 9:Mattey> im the gay-guru C 9:Pure_Luck> u are all gay C 9:Mattey> i am king though pl C 9:Eelam> ekkok go to jail C 9:Mattey> right? C 9:TagMor> cept me C 9:Necromotic> gay ass fuks C 9:Eelam> guys will run a train on u C 9:Draft> 3:Ease> someone tell ekko i'm into him C 9:Knockers> i see C 9:TagMor> i am hetro with kmart model gf C 9:Knockers> that'll never get old for you will it draft? C 9:Pure_Luck> kmarts for welfare motherfuckers C 9:All Star> anyone else wanna measure their hard on? C 9:Mattey> tagmor, if you have had sex with more than one woman i weep for humanity C 9:veLOce> LOL ALL STAR IS ON?> C 9:TagMor> its different here C 9:Deliver> what if you are in the steam room with some guys and get a hardon.. does that make you gay C 9:dads revenge> now matter what you type anymore you cant escape 9:Mattey> i mean yeah ive kissed a guy 9:ekko> and mattey would def be a twink C 9:Mattey> your kind needs to be bred out C 9:zidane> LOL phiz C 9:Pure_Luck> tell her to model for a real store C 9:zidane> lol C 9:flared> twjd? C 9:TagMor> more like maceys C 9:All Star> sup veoloce C 9:Necromotic> what should i have for dinner tonight? a gay hot dog or a gay tamale? C 9:ekko> what is a gay hot dog? C 9:All Star> a gay wb pilot is always delightful C 9:Deliver> kmart still around..wow C 9:Pure_Luck> people who model for kmart are usually found by those retards in malls asking people to pay money to get into modeling C 9:PureOwnage> lol barely C 9:Mattey> i kissed a guy because it was new years and some heinous female(?) was chasing me so i decided to kiss my friend when the ball dropped, he was smoothly shaven though C 9:Mattey> most guys arent C 9:Knockers> damn right C 9:Ease> ok WHAT THE FUCK C 9:TagMor> lol pure C 9:Pure_Luck> mattey, u are a homo C 9:Knockers> stubble is the sign of a beast C 9:Pure_Luck> certified C 9:Ease> ban the gays C 9:Might> no dont ban us :( C 9:Draft> ban paradise C 9:flared> twjd? C 9:Knockers> Ease, come cuddle C 9:Mattey> it wasnt sexual though C 9:Jethro Tull> bet it took all night to set that situation up huh C 9:Mattey> barely any tongue C 9:Aquatiq> stfu everyone C 9:Might> no u C 9:Necromotic> Lolzz C 9:Ease> i use this chat to make fun of megaman, don't wanna have to leave it C 9:Ease> wow C 9:zidane> LOL C 9:diakka> look at what you started tag C 9:Deliver> what if the chick you kissed has a stash C 9:TagMor> wow mattey C 9:zidane> barely any tongue C 9:Deliver> not gay right? C 9:zidane> lool C 9:TagMor> your way of coming out is quite perculair C 9:Mattey> barely any at all, its not gay if its just the tip C 9:TagMor> peculair* C 9:Knockers> lol is this actually upsetting people? thought homophobia went out of style when ppl realize it makes them look like a complete idiotr C 9:dads revenge> as the closet door opens Mattwink appears C 9:Might> I condone whatever gay experience you had Mattey! C 9:Mattey> thats barely a gay experience C 9:flared> twjd? C 9:Mattey> jd fury C 9:Might> then I barely condone it C 9:Mattey> haha C 9:TagMor> Mattey> Im not gay, i kiss guys when i dont wanna kiss girls C 9:TagMor> mhm C 9:Pure_Luck> mattey C 9:Pure_Luck> u ever seen the jason ellis show? C 9:Deliver> if you have anal sex with a girl and by accident you think of your friend. does that make you gay? C 9:Mattey> dude, you missed the heinously ugly part, my guy friend was much more attractive than she was, i dont care how many vaginas she had C 9:Pure_Luck> or heard C 9:Mattey> no C 9:ekko> guys, befriend homosexuals, they are usually friends with hot women that you can be introduced to. C 9:Mattey> what is it p_l? C 9:Mattey> BUT YOU MIGHT CATCH THE GAY EKKO C 9:Mattey> OH NOZ C 9:Mattey> then tagmor will make fun of you on teh internet C 9:Deliver> what if you are watching a porn and you get ricked rolled into gay porn and you cum.. does that make you gay C 9:Mattey> haha, tagmor real talk, you ever actually touched a vagina? C 9:TagMor> when was i making fun of the homokind? C 9:TagMor> i was helping your fallen brother, diakka C 9:shayde> hey gf just read this asking me wtf we talk about on here now C 9:shayde> f'in queers C 9:Mattey> haha C 9:shayde> stfu with ur gay shit C 9:Might> sigh Mattey C 9:Mattey> i hope thats true shayde C 9:Might> dont say real talk, that's reserved to fags C 9:Might> you're not a fag are you? C 9:Draft> <--? =( C 9:Might> you are C 9:Mattey> real talk is from 4chan, where everyone is a fail-fag, lame-os on ss adopt 4chan memes about 4 months after they become unfunny C 9:Deliver> worst thing is the world is to beat off to porn and have to screen change to a dude while busting off C 9:Mattey> there are a lot worse things C 9:TagMor> for you maybe C 9:All Star> elimbet wb to 10 C 9:Might> there's no reason to force failed/forced memes onto the TW population C 9:Might> just because they excist on 4chan C 9:Mattey> i dont force anything C 9:Might> :| C 9:Mattey> except my dick into man-ass C 9:Mattey> haha trolled C 9:Mattey> gnight tw C 9:Spider> gnite babe C 9:Mattey> ^_- C 9:Deliver> if you are watching sports and get a hard on does that mean you are gay? C 9:Might> REAL TALK IS A FAILED MEME C 9:TagMor> 4chan is killing the interweb C 9:Mattey> 4chan saved the internet C 9:TagMor> nope C 9:Mattey> image boards are the future, nobody will need keyboards, there will be 1,000,000 images to choose from to express your emotions C 9:Mattey> a picture is worth 1000 words, well 1,000,000 tagmor words C 9:TagMor> why attack me? C 9:TagMor> i am only trying to help your kind C 9:Deliver> tagmor where is this PIC? C 9:TagMor> what pic? C 9:Deliver> of the girl and you C 9:TagMor> oh right C 9:TagMor> gf is down the street atm C 9:Deliver> working? C 9:TagMor> she is at the circus C 9:Deliver> sorry had to.. cant miss a setup C 9:Deliver> who won the masters? C 9:Mattey> cabrera C 9:Mattey> angel C 9:Spider> ya who the fuck is that C 9:Spider> was that a surprise C 9:Mattey> angel cabrera C 9:Deliver> WHO C 9:Spider> Or do I just not know many golfers? C 9:Mattey> hes a top 20 golfer C 9:Deliver> only know like 6 golfers C 9:Jethro Tull> i heard tiger woods is pretty good C 9:Spider> I was like "not tiger woods? No phil Mikelson? Not Mike Weir? who the fuck else is there to?" C 9:Spider> thats my golf knowledge C 9:Spider> or that singh guy C 9:Pure_Luck> hey spider C 9:Spider> Yo PL C 9:Spider> Whats new C 9:Pure_Luck> are u gay C 9:Spider> Not in actual fact C 9:Pure_Luck> u remind me of a gay person C 9:Pure_Luck> euro liberal fag C 9:Spider> I think I project that here and irl to be honest C 9:Pure_Luck> k just checkin C 9:Mattey> if you're gay that means that you are worth 3/5 of a person C 9:Spider> word C 9:Ease> yes, the 3/5 compromise revised C 9:Deliver> was Observe and Report anygood? or fast and the furious? C 9:Spider> There is another fast and the furious? C 9:Mattey> so tagmor, when you arent bashing homosexuals in an online spaceship game, what are your interests? C 9:flared> ya its called 3fast3furious C 9:Mattey> im guessing mixed martial arts C 9:Spider> lol no it isnt. is it? C 9:Spider> So you're pro-gay Mattey? C 9:Spider> "Yes but not with you" C 9:24> *touches spider erotically* 24> i'm not gays are gay C 9:Spider> hey 24 C 9:24> :) C 9:24> hola C 9:24> senior spider C 9:Spider> How is it going? C 9:24> it's going C 9:Spider> are you a mod? why do I feel like you are C 9:24> i am C 9:24> not sure why you feel that way C 9:Spider> Dude I thought so! Wow I'm so up to date C 9:24> elite C 9:24> must have read my mind when i rubbed you earlier C 9:Spider> Mmhmm C 9:Mattey> i am pro homosexuality like im pro womens rights C 9:Deliver> WTF stop this gay shit C 9:Spider> Sweet C 9:Deliver> how can you not like tits C 9:ekko> Did you know the illuminati funded the womens rights movements C 9:ekko> just so they could tax the other half of the population C 9:ekko> only reason C 9:ekko> they don't care about bitches C 9:Spider> lol C 9:24> what's illuminati? C 9:tmac> a fukin conspiracy theory C 9:ekko> old white men C 9:Deliver> i will say this over and over till goverment gets it. Womens right movement increased the gay population C 9:Spider> Its la secret society C 9:24> lol C 9:Mattey> so what? who cares about a bigger gay population? C 9:24> right? C 9:24> more for us C 9:Mattey> less people, more land for your descendants... right? C 9:Phat Wong> leaving chat C 9:Knockers> gay cock butthole C 9:Spider> Phat if you're leaving chat in protest at least tell us whos side you're on C 9:Knockers> forgot to contribute for a while sorry C 9:24> think about it...if there are more gay men...that takes out 2 (competitors) each couple C 9:24> yay for gays C 9:Jethro Tull> did you know that gay people cant use can openers C 9:tmac> but most guys like that arnt competitors anyway 24 C 9:24> let's hear why C 9:ekko> that confirms it, i must be straight then. C 9:24> tmac C 9:24> i live in austin C 9:ekko> what do you mean tmac, gay men are among the most beautiful in the world bitchh C 9:24> alot of gay guys have more muscle than 10 of you C 9:tmac> oh C 9:Deliver> ekko your homo is showing C 9:Spider> Its true, I am weak as fuck C 9:24> rofl spider C 9:Spider> :) C 9:tmac> that doesnt make him a competitor :P C 9:zidane> LOOOL C 9:tmac> its bout da swagga C 9:24> as long as your fuck isn't weak spider :) C 9:24> as long as your fuck...isn't weak C 9:Spider> True, true. Although I dont remember ;P C 9:Mattey> who cares? muscles or looks isnt whats attractive to mates, its security and money C 9:ekko> gay men statistically have larger penis's just so you know. C 9:tmac> we got u the first time two four C 9:zidane> LOL C 9:24> ekko, that's why straight men have pills C 9:24> gg C 9:tmac> not for young girls mattey hah C 9:Mattey> granted you cant look like a mongoloid, but as long as you arent hideous and have money (which= security) you have your pick of mates C 9:ekko> how offensive! C 9:tmac> well pretty much thats true C 9:24> i agree C 9:ekko> i am mongolian C 9:24> but looking good helps C 9:Mattey> haha mongoloid != mongolian C 9:Spider> MATTEY RACIST OME C 9:Spider> OMG* C 9:24> and from what i understand, most gay people are have the financials/smarts C 9:Deliver> women care more about money then dick size C 9:24> unless your from mongonlia C 9:24> mongolia C 9:mongol> why people talking about me C 9:Jethro Tull> if mongolian you get to steal your wife/wives C 9:ekko> LOL MONGOL C 9:mongol> not ugly. C 9:ekko> girls don't like boys, girls like cars and money C 9:24> gay? C 9:Spider> hah C 9:Mattey> (often lowercase) Pathology. (no longer in technical use) of, affected with, or characteristic of Down syndrome. C 9:24> haha that's a song :) C 9:ekko> it's true, if a really attractive woman who was really wealthy and wanted to be my sugarmomma was like yo ill pay for all your shit C 9:ekko> i would be her bitch C 9:ekko> and impregnate her C 9:Deliver> my question is why are there still ugly people.. they should have died out by now C 9:Spider> That seems legit, formatted like its from some sort of reference material C 9:Mattey> gene variation C 9:24> because money exist C 9:tmac> agreed ekko C 9:24> ugly people have sex with ugly people C 9:24> so they continue C 9:Spider> Also wouldnt an ugly woman mate with an ugly man? C 9:24> how would they die out? C 9:Spider> ya C 9:Stabwound> sometimes people just end up ugly C 9:tmac> ^ C 9:Stabwound> look at bruce willis' kid C 9:mongol> going to be like the gorloks in TIME MACHINE C 9:ekko> two ugly people can make a beautiful child C 9:mongol> ugly people will be underground C 9:soDly> i pity the foo that ends up ugly C 9:24> hah, i love how spider and I are like "they, those, them ugly people" C 9:mongol> beatiful people will rule C 9:Spider> lol C 9:Spider> haha C 4:bioture> tsk tsk C 4:24> lol C 4:24> hate those lag abusers C 4:Aquatiq> true C 4:24> aquatiq banned C 9:ekko> I honestly think 95% of people are attractive, it's just things like obesity and intense acne that tips them to the ugly side, imagine if EVERYONE had a fit body, and nice skin.. C 9:ekko> like i see so many beautiful fat people C 9:Spider> ya thats true C 9:ekko> that are just bleh C 9:Deliver> sick of fucking ugly people in office. all happy and shit till you see their face and lose your will to work C 9:Spider> Or shit makeup or whatever C 9:24> lol deliver wtf C 9:24> you fucking ulgy poeple? C 9:24> ugly*? C 9:24> Deliver> sick of fucking ugly people C 9:Spider> Deliver spoke twice that I read and I didnt 100% understand either time C 9:Deliver> dude it was dark :( C 9:Spider> lol C 9:24> lol beer = everyone is beautiful C 9:Deliver> HAHAH so true C 9:Mattey> blame it on the al-al-al-alcohol baby C 9:24> i went out with the waitress, i mean she was really cute C 9:menelvagor> twbd? C 9:24> probably a 7 or 8 C 9:Spider> I think part of that is the fact taht it is dark in bars and people dress up slutty for it C 9:Deliver> every guy has fucked 1 ugly chick in his life C 9:24> granted she's wearing an apron C 9:24> and i went to the bar with her