SSBE Contest Rules You can use as a guide behind the idea of the site. - The site can be no larger than 50KB in size (I will allow a little bit of leway on this, but I don't suggest going over the limit.) - All areas where banners are to be displayed must have a black background. - Frames are NOT allowed. - The site should be just a template. - The site must have areas for the following things at all times: Body Area - will be used to show pretty much any link within the site including the main intro text, personal banner emporium's, and perhaps the top 50 list. SSBE Statistics - Area to show site stats ie: banners collected, # of contributers, collected today, etc.... SSBE Affiliates - basically a links area SSBE Search - A username search to bring up someones personal banner emporium Login - a basic login form (username/password) Random 10 - Shows 10 random banners and who contributed them Super Popular - Shows 10 most popular banners and how many people have worn them Given' 'Em Up - Shows 10 people who have contributed the most banners The New Stuff - Shows the most recent 10 banners and when they were collected ***NOTE*** Most of these you can get an idea by visiting the current site. ***EXTREME NOTE*** There will be no 'Check The Ratings' area, nor any rating system in the new design. The idea of the design is to focus on the banners, and the content of the site moreso than the actual design. Remember this site is for Subspace banners. Any criteria that is not met will be judged appropriately.