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Any suggestions for TWD in general?

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  • #46
    I said in the first post that the intention was not to limit anyone from playing TWD.

    We now have the ability to set lag limits for individual ships from 1-8, so while implementing those limits I took the time to tweak the overall lag limits which were different across individual divisions and TWD-> TWL. In some cases TWL was less strict than TWD, which doesn't make sense. At least they're now uniform, although TWL may possibly remain more strict than TWD.

    But yeah, comparing this to changing resolution limits doesn't make any sense. Maybe if we implemented a MINIMUM resolution of 1920x1440 you'd have something to compare it to.


    • #47
      Thats where you are wrong Stabwound, the problems regarding changing lag limits and raising resolution limits are the same. This is a 15 year old game, and a 12-13 year old zone, people play this game for the simplicity of it an the fact that it doesn't require much if any computer resources to run and that even poor brazillians can play the game with their wooden modems that they cut down all the trees for.

      If you are saying you want to bring this game up to speed with 2010 technology you have to do so across the board, you can't pick certain technologies that have advanced over the years and upgrade the zone with them and not look at other technologies that have advanced and not upgrade the zone with them.

      Someone with 270ms and 2.0 2.0 packetloss has as many advantages if not more than someone who has say.. double the resolution that a majority of the players in the zone are capable of playing with.
      Rabble Rabble Rabble


      • #48
        Originally posted by Stabwound View Post
        Yes, it was intentional to disallow Australians (or people with dialup, whatever) from playing special ships in BD. I already explained why.

        It wasn't intentional to disallow them from playing TWD altogether, though. Whatever, I guess we have to have 300ms limit again.
        This isn't fair at ALL. I'll let blood's rants on sweetchat summarize it:
        2:blood> the thing is you CAN'T get a better ping from this far away
        2:blood> what that rule is doing is effectively unabling some people to play those ships in base leagues ever

        Please tell me how that's fair for those guys? Unless you're willing to move the server to help them, and screw the Americans/Canadians over, then rethink your logic. Wtf do you want them to do, move to America to be closer to the server? Yes, let's force even less Eurofobs to avoid shooting spaceships.

        Like I said, rethink your logic.


        • #49
          Originally posted by evildeed View Post
          add a "Free Agent" option on the right side below 'Gallery' that shows what people are squadless/looking for squads?
          Arobas (I'm assuming) has done it again:


          • #50
            Here's something that is missing on the twd site.

            Last edited by Cornelius; 07-18-2010, 09:19 PM.
            Mega Newbie
            TWLD Season MVP - 3 times
            TWLD Captain/wb player Champion - Stray
            TWEL wb and spid Champion!
            TWLD final's chocker - 3 times
            TWLJ bencher Champion
            TWLB bencher Champion
            Inactive Player


            • #51
              Guys its 2010, just because not everyone can play in twd matches doesn't mean we should change it back.. because most people can play twd with the new lag limits. I am just afraid that the game is changing with the times I mean after all we need 1900x1600 resolution because its 2010... unfortunately fixing the lag limits just comes with the territory of upgrading the games technology after 13 years.

              Rabble Rabble Rabble


              • #52
                River, they just want them to not be able to lag through 10 bullets to shoot a bomb and kill a terr through two reps. How is THIS fair either? The question of what is fair can be raised on both sides of the argument. I personally support this change 10923094284%. They can still play, just not special ships in bd/lb.

                --|-- Question: What is the average male penis size in humans? (erect in inches)

                --|-- Ease got the correct answer, '5.3 inches', in 6.379 sec. and is tied for the lead with 2 pts.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by saetep View Post
                  River, they just want them to not be able to lag through 10 bullets to shoot a bomb and kill a terr through two reps. How is THIS fair either? The question of what is fair can be raised on both sides of the argument. I personally support this change 10923094284%. They can still play, just not special ships in bd/lb.
                  This. Keep it implemented. The advantage some of these guys have is just ridiculous. And it's not the fact that these guys are special'd because they have amazing aim or something, they are specialed because they can lag through anything. It's an abuse of their lag which ruins it for the other team completely, and I can vouch for this since I've squadded with most of these "victims" in question.

                  It's either limit the ridiculously unfair advantage of 1 person, or reverse it and continue to ruin the fun for the 8 on the other team. It's a very easy call, rethink YOUR logic here river. Stab, keep it enforced.
                  JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                  turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                  Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                  the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                  • #54
                    I'm all in for 5v5 spider basing. playing against an aussie in jav/wb is terrible.

                    as for the lag-issues: i think turban got it somewhat right, it's tinfo, spikes and such that need to be less tolerable. the high ping is not really an issue, i used to play this game with 10ms when the server was in Finland. my average ping on 256kb when it moved was 150, now with 24mbit I can get 120.

                    when you can download movies with 2 megs per second and are not allowed to play a 15 year old game, (not at the same time) something's is not right, and it's not your connection.
                    TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by evildeed View Post
                      add a "Free Agent" option on the right side below 'Gallery' that shows what people are squadless/looking for squads?
                      Don't forget to check ip's. If you change names your alter ego will still be on the list of people that are looking for a squad. Unless it's too much difficulty to implement that.
                      Winner TWL-B Season 10 dicE / TWL-D Runners up
                      Winner TWL-D Season 8 -Final-
                      Winner TWT Season (?) Melee
                      Winner TWDL Season 2 Scrotal's Horde!!


                      • #56
                        Allow more assistants. I say up to 15. Also some lifetime stats would be nice, have stats for lifetime and stats for current squad on the player profile. Even if you can't get the stats from the past, start counting them from here on.


                        • #57
                          i say anyone should be able to accept/challenge/start a game

                          need more subs btw, 2 or 3 for dd/jd
                          TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                          • #58
                            Its been awhile since I've looked around these forums!

                            I've always thought it would be cool to have filters on the statistics page. Currently the stats are dominated by players who have only played a handful of games. It would be nice to look only at names that have played 10 or 20 games. I think the entire stats section would have more meaning if you needed to play a certain number of games before you're listed there, but a filter could be a good start.

                            You could even go as far as having a list on the front page of top 5 K, AVK, or whatever is decided as representative of being "good" in a particular league. Maybe top 3 would get some sort of icon next to their name for kicking ass on the roster page? similar to the medals shown for TWL wins.


                            • #59
                              I think you should add the !cancel command into the twd bots. One team sends a !cancel request and the other team has the chance to !accept the cancel command. Also add the !removecancel option. But only have it so the teams can only use it during arranging lineups and not when the match has started.
                              Only captains/assistants can do this btw.
                              Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

                              - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


                              • #60
                                Yes, definitely need at least 2 subs in dd/jd, it would be very helpful in case someone lags after the sub is made and the match is effectively ruined.
                                2:blood> i think vt is a terrible player to be honest
                                2:vt> what makes you think i am terrible
                                2:blood> irrefutable empirical evidence

