UPDATE! October 27th, 2010 @ 10:00 AM EST ~ New Version (Dark Edition - not related to the Dark squadron in any way)
This is a custom graphics set for Continuum created by Turban. This set has been tested by several players and I will continue to update this set as long as other players are interested. Thus, if you are bored of playing with the default graphics day after day, you should give this graphics set a shot. It is going to be a refreshing experience, you will not regret changing to this graphics set the slightest bit.
Unfortunately this set does NOT have rolling ship graphics.
It is also possible to edit any graphics file you want. All you have to do is change the BM2 extension of the file to PNG and open it with a graphics editing program, such as Photoshop. When you are done with editing the file, save the file as a BM2 file to your graphics folder and you are good to go!
NOTICE! SHIPS.BM2 and MENUTEXT.BM2 are saved as 32-BIT BMP files to make it possible to see the ships and text in the zone selection screen. If you wish to edit either one of these files, you have to change the extension to BMP instead of PNG as mentioned above.
NOTICE! This set also has non-compressed sound files included along with an extra skin. I have included my banner folder that has been ordered from #000 to #340, making it extremely easy to find the banner you're looking for.
If you wish to see screenshots of this graphics set then click the thumbnails located below. I have uploaded all of screenshots to uploadscreenshots.com as that site does not have a huge loss of quality when uploading screenshots. Please keep in mind that you will get the best experience of this graphics set by testing it out yourself!
Screenshot #1: Public Arena (Attached in Javelin)

Screenshot #2: Public Arena (Warbird in Lower Base)

Screenshot #3: Public Arena (Lancaster in Lower Base)

I have removed the old download links from this section, only the latest download link remains. Last version had 109 downloads in a period of 2 months (57 days to be precise).
current download count (uploaded 10/27/2010 - updated count 12/18/2010): 58
UPDATE! October 27th, 2010 @ 10:00 AM EST ~ New Version (Dark Edition - not related to the Dark squadron in any way)
This is a custom graphics set for Continuum created by Turban. This set has been tested by several players and I will continue to update this set as long as other players are interested. Thus, if you are bored of playing with the default graphics day after day, you should give this graphics set a shot. It is going to be a refreshing experience, you will not regret changing to this graphics set the slightest bit.
Unfortunately this set does NOT have rolling ship graphics.
It is also possible to edit any graphics file you want. All you have to do is change the BM2 extension of the file to PNG and open it with a graphics editing program, such as Photoshop. When you are done with editing the file, save the file as a BM2 file to your graphics folder and you are good to go!
NOTICE! SHIPS.BM2 and MENUTEXT.BM2 are saved as 32-BIT BMP files to make it possible to see the ships and text in the zone selection screen. If you wish to edit either one of these files, you have to change the extension to BMP instead of PNG as mentioned above.
NOTICE! This set also has non-compressed sound files included along with an extra skin. I have included my banner folder that has been ordered from #000 to #340, making it extremely easy to find the banner you're looking for.
- To download this graphics set you have to scroll down to the download section to find the download link or click here to download the set.
- IMPORTANT! When you have downloaded this set the first thing you should do is make a backup copy of your old graphics folder. After you have made a backup copy of that folder, either delete or rename the folder.
- Now you only have to drag the new graphics folder to C:\Program Files\Continuum and you are done. If you are using Windows VISTA or Windows 7, you may have to add permissions (admin) to your account or you will not be able to overwrite the old files.
- IMPORTANT! Default options are not the best ones for this set. To change your options, open up your Continuum client and go to VIEW > OPTIONS (or hit CTRL+O) in the zone selection screen. You need to make some changes, please see below for the optimal settings!
DISPLAY SECTION --------------- Weapon Gauge: Standard Kill Messages: Center Status Gauge: Standard Enter Messages: Center Energy Bar: Standard Leave Messages: Center [x] Transparent Stats Box CHAT SECTION ------------ Font Size: Medium [ ] Block Obscenity Chat Window: Always Show [ ] No Duplicate Messages Name Length: 16 [ ] Ignore Public Macros Message Lines: 12 [x] Transparent Messages [ ] Help Messages [ ] Message Alarm RADAR SECTION ------------- Radar Mode: Large [x] Transparent Radar Target Bounty: 20 [ ] Transparent Map [x] Show Radar Grid [x] Show Clock GRAPHICS SECTION ---------------- [x] Show Backgrounds [x] Show Bomb Trails [ ] Adjust Brightness [x] Show Stars [x] Show Bullet/Shrap Trails [ ] Detailed Explosions [x] Show Ball Trails [ ] Rolling Ships [x] Translucent Effects Color Depth: 32 [x] Visible Thrust OTHER OPTIONS SECTION --------------------- [x] Multi-Fire Starts On [x] Use Optional Level Graphics and Sound [x] Show Player Ping Times
If you wish to see screenshots of this graphics set then click the thumbnails located below. I have uploaded all of screenshots to uploadscreenshots.com as that site does not have a huge loss of quality when uploading screenshots. Please keep in mind that you will get the best experience of this graphics set by testing it out yourself!
Screenshot #1: Public Arena (Attached in Javelin)

Screenshot #2: Public Arena (Warbird in Lower Base)

Screenshot #3: Public Arena (Lancaster in Lower Base)

* bgXX.bm2 - this is a random planet in the background * bombflsh.bm2 - This is the flash that comes out of the front of your ship when you fire a bomb * bombs.bm2 - These are the bombs themselves, they animate from the left to the right * bullets.bm2 - These are the bullets themselves, they go through the frames left to right * colors.bm2 - These are an assortment of lines and each color means a different color of a certain object in continuum. * damage.bm2 - This is the graphic for when a ship has been hit and shows damage * disp.bm2 - This is the background to the display in the upper right * dropflag.bm2 - This is the animation that will show in the upper right when you have a flag and how much time is left until it drops * empburst.bm2 - This is the explosion that a EMP bomb will make * engyfont.bm2 - This is the amount of energy your ship has, it will show on the upper right display * exhaust.bm2 - This is what your ship propels itself with, this graphic will appear behind your ship depending on which way you are flying * explode0.bm2 - This is the image that will appear after your bullets hit something * explode1.bm2 - This is the image that will appear when a ship has been destroyed * explode2.bm2 - This is the image that will appear when a bomb or thor hits something * flag.bm2 - This is the animated graphic of both owned and unowned flags * goal.bm2 - This is the graphic that appears as a goal * gradient.bm2 - This image controls the colors of bullet trails and the energy bar * hlthbar.bm2 - This is the image that will appear over your health bar on the top of the screen * icondoor.bm2 - This is the image that will appear to show how many of a certain item you have (bursts, etc) * icons.bm2 - These are what will show up for your items (lvl 1 bullets, etc) * junkjv.bm2 - This is the image that will fly off of the Javelin after it has been killed * junklv.bm2 - This is the image that will fly off of the Leviathan after it has been killed * junknw.bm2 - This is the image that will fly off of the Lancaster after it has been killed * junksh.bm2 - This is the image that will fly off of the Shark after it has been killed * junksp.bm2 - This is the image that will fly off of the Spider after it has been killed * junkte.bm2 - This is the image that will fly off of the Terrier after it has been killed * junkwb.bm2 - This is the image that will fly off of the Warbird after it has been killed * junkwe.bm2 - This is the image that will fly off of the Weasel after it has been killed * king.bm2 - This is the image that will appear when you are still a player in the king of the hill game * kingex.bm2 - This is the image that appears with the time left in the king of the hill * led.bm2 - This is the font for the digits that appear in the top right display * menutext.bm2 - This is the font that is used on the main menu only (never in-game) * mines.bm2 - These are the mines that appear after a ship lays them * over1.bm2 - This is the image that will show up for one of the two kinds of small rocks that spin * over2.bm2 - This is the image that will show up for the big rocks that spin * over3.bm2 - This is the image that will show up for the second small rock * over4.bm2 - This will show for the 'space station' image that spins * over5.bm2 - This image is the graphic for the wormhole spinning * powerb.bm2 - This is the animation that will appear as the powerball which you can shoot into goals to score points * prizes.bm2 - These are the green things that are dropped from a ship after it is killed * radarh.bm2 - This is the horizontal line under the radar (not used in continuum 0.??+) * radarv.bm2 - This is the vertical line to the right of the radar (not used in continuum 0.??+) * repel.bm2 - This is the image that will be shown when a player releases a repel * rocket.bm2 - This is the image that will be shown when a player uses a rocket * shield.bm2 - This is the image that will appear when you have a shield, and what percent your shields strength is at * shrapnel.bm2 - This is the little piece of bombs that fly off your bomb explosion * spark.bm2 - This image will appear when you are EMP'd (your energy is not refilling) * ssshield.bm2 - This is the spinning subspace logo that appears next to a name of the player with the most points in the arena * starXX.bm2 - This is one of the random stars in the background * super.bm2 - This stores frames for the animation that appears on the right when you have super * trail.bm2 - These are the trails for the bombs fired by a ship * turret.bm2 - This is what you look like when you are a turret * turret2.bm2 - This is what everyone else looks like when they are a turret * wall.bm2 - This is the image that will appear when a player lays a brick * warp.bm2 - This is the animation that will appear when a player warps * warppnt.bm2 - This is the image that will appear where your portal is after you lay one * ships.bm2 - These are the ships, you can also have them in seperate files as ship1.bm2, ship2.bm2, etc
I have removed the old download links from this section, only the latest download link remains. Last version had 109 downloads in a period of 2 months (57 days to be precise).
current download count (uploaded 10/27/2010 - updated count 12/18/2010): 58