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TWD Stats > Spider

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  • TWD Stats > Spider

    Would it be possible to start collecting "kills per minute" for each twd game, and then display "average kpm" on the statistics page? It would be the most useful way of sorting spiders to find out who's best.

    The following are useless so could be removed to make space, and general usability: Ldr, St, R, K, D, AK, AD

    "St" is showing the wrong information and should be removed anyway.

    A "nice to have" would be a filter for minimum games. A simpler alternative might be to only show people with 10+ games. This is just to remove useless rows where people performed well for a small number of games.

    Last edited by Rab; 10-10-2019, 01:42 PM.

  • #2
    Oh and just as a reminder, the best formulas for ranking people I've ever seen are here:


    • #3
      - overhaul the Ladder/Rating system into one stat and make it work properly, I am unaware what the current formula is but the top 5 players seem to change daily and feels completely random (probably the only hard part here)
      - star for basing is completely broken, it does not change from 6 and barely seems to change for DD/JD. It's a cool idea having an automated star number for players but fix it or remove it
      - completely agree with players under 10 games should not even show up in zone statistics area and remove rounds for basing.
      - change the w:l to simply W% (winning percentage) this will prevent people that are something like 18-0 from showing up as 0.
      - i don't see the problem with leaving kills and deaths in
      - change kills and deaths per game into kills and deaths per minute
      - add accuracy (kills/bullets)
      - not sure if anyone cares about this one but could add something with greens, greens collected per game maybe? Bot already tracks this
      - RPD is so close with a lot of sharks, should add an extra . spot so 2.87 instead of 2.9
      - for DD and JD, add in knockouts per round
      - for JD throw in TK per round
      - TWDB (overall) is broken, it only seems to count spider stats not all basing stats like it is supposed to. This bug has been here for quite some time, no reason to not fix it, I mean hell I could probably fix it given the chance.
      - remove weasel from basing stats, waste of space since you can not actually add weasel to games.
      Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd

      rylo> 1.5 mil for whoever kills renzi
      (10 seconds later)
      rEnZi is out. 17 kills 10 deaths. 2 players remain.
      P TW-Pub> rylo sent you $1,500,000, you now have $4,047,199.

      If you're going to do a thing you should to it to the best of your ability or don't do it at all.

