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"I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of bubble gum."
Last Activity: 07-11-2024, 01:11 PM
Joined: 10-20-2018
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  • Falconeer
    replied to serious no-staff problem
    This was the problem in DSB too. Beer Hunter took like 10 months to putfile a simple file, and refused to give me total and complete access to the server even though I was the only one developing things. It's a motivation kill to have to wait for someone to...
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    Last edited by Falconeer; 07-11-2024, 01:10 PM.

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  • This wont really solve your problem. If people wanted to play in HZ or SVS they would just log off their zone and log into the other one. It's literally the same thing as switching arenas. What you really need is to unite the discords into 1, then have zone...
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  • Falconeer
    replied to serious no-staff problem
    Just give me sysop/ftp access and I'll keep a productive trench wars dev team alive. I can also do graphics similar to the level of BIET, I've also coded before but mainly could actually be active. I'd still be the best staffer around, the best mod since I...
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    Last edited by Falconeer; 07-06-2024, 07:32 PM.

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