In an effort to revitalize MMR and improve overall match quality, the following players will be banned from participating in MMR due to regular poor-performance and complaints. Players on the ban list will temporarily be banned until Jan 1 2025, and will be re-evaluated amongst staff along with current population and recent match-quality.
The point is, it's time to start making more of an effort for repeat offenders to change their playstyle and improve their gamesmanship.
PLAYERS, WE NEED YOU: If the population of MMR comes back, then the new bot is designed to better-handle team generation when lower rated players are queued (think !mtt, but better).
Keeping this thread locked as it's not an ongoing discussion.
- Avantgarde
- defaultdolphin_2
- y0gi
The point is, it's time to start making more of an effort for repeat offenders to change their playstyle and improve their gamesmanship.
PLAYERS, WE NEED YOU: If the population of MMR comes back, then the new bot is designed to better-handle team generation when lower rated players are queued (think !mtt, but better).
Keeping this thread locked as it's not an ongoing discussion.