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Mid-Week Mayhem Wednesday Rules and Info

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  • Mid-Week Mayhem Wednesday Rules and Info

    Wednesday Night Fights by: Dameon Angell and Wark <ER>

    Wark and I were bored one night and wondered how we can spice up our wednesday nights. So we came up with a game series that's one part survivor one part WWE Wrestling....

    The matches that are played will be voted on by everyone here. The top 3 winning matches will be hosted out the following Wednesday after the poll is posted (unless otherwise stated). Each match is then played out and the winning team gets a point (possibly more depending on the degree of difficulty of their match). And at the end of the season the squads with the highest amount of points (yet to be determined) will go in a Championship Match for the Wednesday Night Title. Easy as that. You vote, the squads play, and Wark and I come up with wierd shit to play.

    The rules to play are as follows:

    Originally posted by Basic Rules
    1.) You must be on the TWD Roster of the squad in question to participate (unless noted otherwise)
    2.) All basic rules to TWD matches apply. Lag limits, cheating, and the like will be followed by us.
    3.) All decisions to matches are FINAL. There will be no do-overs. If the referee does not see it, then there will be no call on it. You will respect the results as such.
    4.) In the event of a tie, a tie-breaker/sudden death game/round will be called immediately after the match in question. The rules and game type can and will be improvised on the spot to decide the game.
    5.) And and All rules can be changed at any time by us without warning.
    Here are the first matches (for example on this post) that will be voted on for the next Wednesday.

    Originally posted by Matches to Vote on
    Quicksand vs -Final- : Warbird UFC - ?go ufc
    Teams will be matched evenly according to how many players the squad with the fewest players has. Example. QS has 6; -F- has 8. It'll be a 6v6 Match.

    Kose vs Passion : Javelin UFC - ?go javufc
    Teams will be setup according to the Warbird UFC Match

    Shinobi vs Arcade: Hockey to 7 goals, win by 2 - ?go hockey
    5 Player Minimum Required to play, or you will forefit.

    Plade vs Squad!! : Race thru the Enigma Maze - ?go enigma
    Teams are free to field as many or as little as you want. First to get the flag wins it for their team.

    Dingus Inc. vs Wingmasters : Tanks Team Deathmatch - ?go tanks
    Teams are minimum of 5v5 or matching to the maximum players the team with the fewest players can field. Read: Warbird UFC

    Menasor vs Brainwave: Acromania - ?go trivia
    Team with the most points won, with the players in the top 10 wins after a player reaches 15 points. Again, points will be counted only for players in the top 10, you may have to contend with players not in the match.

    Rezin vs eXile: Extreme Spider Basing - ?go extreme
    Team Points Battle with spiders only. 10 minute time limit. Teams are minimum of 5v5 or matching to the maximum players the team with the fewest players can field. Read: Warbird UFC