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TWDTJ - who had the best draft?

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  • TWDTJ - who had the best draft?

    Just a few more days and our autumn TWDT season is officially starting. Our caps have made the picks, time to check who made the best choices (by order of draft). Here is how jav teams are looking:
    Stray (9/10)
    Similar to wb, zapata has also selected team, which can be fielded without any players below 8*. Big questionmark is about his 8th round pick roiwerk (9*), who is actually second highest rated player on team. But looking at the roster, it is going to be difficult to play him.
    commodo 9.5
    hellzno! 8.5
    rasaq 8
    spectacular 8
    banzi 8

    Only real alternative option is to play roiwerk is to use him instead of hellz, as there are no 7* players on team, who could be used, if roi played instead of 8* player. But there are several decent options at 7.5 (sarger, ravage, jessup), if hellz cannot show. We may even have a chance to see roi and jessup on same freq. Other than that, its a solid and pretty aggressive team.

    Terrorist (9/10)
    Terrorist looks like one of those teams that have that always risky 6.5* player in. This can go either way, but rest of the team looks really solid
    dreamwin 10
    lockdown/uprise 8.5
    hurricane 9
    zizzo 8
    unlimited/FT/cig smoke 6.5

    It is looking likely that dw wants to play with his first draft picks, so that lineup is pretty realistic. Unlimited is pretty good at staying alive, so this could turn out to be pretty strong team, but both Cig and FT are also viable options. Not many options on bench apart from violence at 7.5. Terrorist top 4 is really solid, i believe if they dont get screwed by showups, their chances of progressing are high.

    Power (9/10)
    Power looks also strong on paper, similar to wb, there are gazillion of possibilities to setup lineups, each offering a bit different approach. Zid/skat and iron will definitely form the backbone of the team, but rest of it is wide open.
    zidane 10
    iron survivor 8.5
    zizu 8
    skatarius 8.5
    raazi/brethal/lee 7

    There is also wildcard waiting to show called draft (9*). If draft shows, can we witness some crazy lineup including 6* player (dad, cz530 and snip3 being available), while draft replacing zizu? Also 8 and 7* players can be replaced by 2 7.5* players in beam and jack.

    Bunnies (9/10)
    Another really interesting lineup including current highest rated jav player in mmr Rough. Spartan has plenty of options on roster, his main issue seems to be finding out what exactly is the best working combination
    rough 10
    aprix 8.5
    autopilot/paradise 8.5
    hulk 8.5
    groan/pawner 6.5

    Bunnies have 4 strong 8.5* javs, but yea, if rough plays, only 3 of them can join him and in that case, they need to add a low star (not many options there). There is also possibility of spartan playing (8*) so that low star can be replaced by mvp (7*). In either way, this is another really strong team with every possibility of making it.

    Pure Luck (7/10)
    Tiny likewise has very strong core, but his issues are more severe compared to some other captains. With yeh, himself and hellkite probably locked in roster, there are limited options for rest.
    tiny 9.5
    hellkite/creature/ardour 8.5
    yeh 9
    dwopple 8
    refer 7

    So in a nutshell, Tiny has really no options to play his highest rated players (unless taking big risks with a need to play y0gi as low vp). His best bet maybe not using dwop, but 2 7.5* players (siaxis and omega red) as last 2. So difficult choices, maybe some trading can help.

    Ethereal (6/10)
    Ekkos team is looking weaker compared to others. At this stage he is not even able to max out his 42 limit. Taking considerating vys not focusing on this league, they may be in deep trouble
    vys 9.5
    cape 9
    jz 8
    banks 7.5
    ekko/wbm/rojo 7.5

    In order for this to work, vys has to show every week, otherwise the freq will be capped at around 40.5 max. I can see some issues already coming from this team.

    Prime (8/10)
    Racka decided that he is in love with 8* players (probably realizing anyone below that is complete shit based on mmr games). So he drafted 5 of them. Most likely we will see 4 of them in game together with Racka himself, with also 1 bench option available.
    Racka 10
    cripple 8
    renzi 8
    riverside 8
    beast/crazy canockout 8

    Looking at the names though, this looks like to be sort of explosive team with mood influencing alot. There is also question what will happen if spawnisen (8.5) wants to play. As below 8* the best bet is probably 7* joe and spookedone and delectable. Surely, on a good day, this team can be nuissance, but I have a feeling it may not be smooth sailing all the way for Prime this jav season.

    Cloud (9/10)
    Mythril has similar problem of having perhaps too many high star players, so someone has to bench. Looking at different options, it could be absurd (8*).
    mythril 9
    mikkiz 8.5
    stayon 9.5
    geio 8.5
    rylo 6.5

    Now this is actually pretty solid team, but purely depends on rylo showing (if he does not show, there are only random 6* available). If rylo cannot show, there are options of using 7.5* players like tpz/paky dude/coupe to play.
    Pure Luck

  • #2
    Originally posted by LeeRomeno View Post

    Pure Luck (7/10)
    Tiny likewise has very strong core, but his issues are more severe compared to some other captains. With yeh, himself and hellkite probably locked in roster, there are limited options for rest.
    tiny 9.5
    hellkite/creature/ardour 8.5
    yeh 9
    dwopple 8
    refer 7

    So in a nutshell, Tiny has really no options to play his highest rated players (unless taking big risks with a need to play y0gi as low vp). His best bet maybe not using dwop, but 2 7.5* players (siaxis and omega red) as last 2. So difficult choices, maybe some trading can help.
    Appreciate the write up, but respectfully disagree. Jav is our strongest league. Will be top 2.
    1:waven> u challenge
    1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

    Originally posted by MHz
    Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


    • #3
      To me it seems like Terrorist, Pure Luck and Cloud have the top 3 teams on paper.

      Thanks for the write up!
      Season 12 champion TWLD / TWLJ
      Season 18 champion TWLJ / TWLB
      Season 19 champion TWLB (C)

      Season 6 champion TWDT-J TWDT-B (C)
      Season 10 champion TWDT-J (C)
      Season 11 champion TWDT-B (C)
      Season 13 champion TWDT-B (C)
      Season 17 TRIPLE CROWN TWDT (C)

      The winningest TWDT captain of all time


      • #4
        I dont know Who the Hell u r...But you must be absolutely Strait out of the Looney bin kid. You Putting me next to autopilot?????? are you just plaid fuking stupid???

        You idiots gave Rough a 10????????? The man wore a helmet outside at all times from the ages of 15-27. Autopilot Idk who that is..Sounds like an absolutely massive doofus that I would demolish. Hulk is honestly still learning the ship, the man looks absolutely lost out there when there isn't a Rushing jav to Spoon Feed him his vulches. Aprix? this 2004? My god....The man is a literal relic from an ancient before time looking ass....need to interrogate this dinosaurs mental awareness..,,,,I walk into ?go elim and see him talking to himself in yellow chat. Groan/Pawner I don't know who these people are-sorry. Maybe Their Good..Maybe Their not. Not my problem.

        Rest commentary:

        You can 100% tell without a Shadow of a Doubt who did the ratings. Racka is a 10. if that doesn't tell you enough then Idk What will. Prime is an absolute liability......Not a single rusher on that team. Licherally team of Backpedallers and furious rude people. Sleeper pick for me is Pure Luck. if Dwop's or HK's R5's start hitting its OVER for anyone. I completed several games and not once ran into is Queen of the "Shoot and Scoot"..He will Fire and Leave into Corner exit quickly...Serves zero purpose except for being obnoxious and telling people to "team.'

        The fact that zid is a 10 in 2023 is COMICAL...YOU PEOPLE ARE DELUSIONAL THE MAN IS NOT GOOD...HOnestly about to Quit...Hurricane hasn't played on this side of the 2010s and this guy is a 9...HOnestly log me out of this Farce...I'm losing my fuking mind.
        4:BigKing> xD
        4:Best> i'm leaving chat
        4:BigKing> what did i do???
        4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
        4:BigKing> ???? why though
        4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
        4:BigKing> xD


        • #5
          Originally posted by paradise! View Post
          I dont know Who the Hell u r...But you must be absolutely Strait out of the Looney bin kid. You Putting me next to autopilot?????? are you just plaid fuking stupid???

          You idiots gave Rough a 10????????? The man wore a helmet outside at all times from the ages of 15-27. Autopilot Idk who that is..Sounds like an absolutely massive doofus that I would demolish. Hulk is honestly still learning the ship, the man looks absolutely lost out there when there isn't a Rushing jav to Spoon Feed him his vulches. Aprix? this 2004? My god....The man is a literal relic from an ancient before time looking ass....need to interrogate this dinosaurs mental awareness..,,,,I walk into ?go elim and see him talking to himself in yellow chat. Groan/Pawner I don't know who these people are-sorry. Maybe Their Good..Maybe Their not. Not my problem.

          Rest commentary:

          You can 100% tell without a Shadow of a Doubt who did the ratings. Racka is a 10. if that doesn't tell you enough then Idk What will. Prime is an absolute liability......Not a single rusher on that team. Licherally team of Backpedallers and furious rude people. Sleeper pick for me is Pure Luck. if Dwop's or HK's R5's start hitting its OVER for anyone. I completed several games and not once ran into is Queen of the "Shoot and Scoot"..He will Fire and Leave into Corner exit quickly...Serves zero purpose except for being obnoxious and telling people to "team.'

          The fact that zid is a 10 in 2023 is COMICAL...YOU PEOPLE ARE DELUSIONAL THE MAN IS NOT GOOD...HOnestly about to Quit...Hurricane hasn't played on this side of the 2010s and this guy is a 9...HOnestly log me out of this Farce...I'm losing my fuking mind.
          I just started 5 separate order returns for my collection of durags (it was A LOT) after reading this and encourage my fellow space pilots to do the same.

          **exits via bottom right corner**
          zidane> big play
          Omega Red> dwop sick
          mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
          WillBy> ^^

          1:Chief Utsav> LOL
          1:Rule> we dont do that here.

          cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


          • #6
            Originally posted by paradise! View Post
            "Shoot and Scoot"
            95% of the stuff para says is retarded, but Shoot & Scoot is gold.
            1:waven> u challenge
            1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

            Originally posted by MHz
            Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


            • #7
              Liked this post


              • #8
                Licherally the best thread of 2023.
                Ogron - "Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for 10* attitude [Ardour]"

                ranked #2 in ogrons signature of: TWL's most irrelevant nobodies pubtrash bozos with 0 titles.

                TWLD Season 19 #70th Best Warbird
                TWLB Season 19 #56th Best Spider

                TW Greatest no-shipper 2002 - Present


                • #9
                  Disclaimer: looks like i overlooked Zapata as 7* for Stray, so zap + roi is indeed valid choice there.


                  • #10
                    I would like to unvote us in jav. Thanks
                    1:waven> u challenge
                    1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

                    Originally posted by MHz
                    Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


                    • #11
                      My team has so far lived up to this rating in jav, lol. Thanks for all these write ups Lee, always great reads.
                      absurd> havnt seen ekko miss in 20 mins;\

                      - "notable middle-star javelin player" - turban

                      - Jav Cup 2024 Winner

                      - Terr of the Week - week of Nov 12th, 2023, week of Dec 3rd, 2023 & week of Dec 10th, 2023


                      • #12
                        I'm stomping this league even more this season, then last it's crazy.
                        2018 TWDT Champion 2019 TWLD Final 4 2019 TWDTJ Semi finalist 2019 2x TWDTD Finalist 2020 TW Forum Mafia Game champion


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Beast View Post
                          I'm stomping this league even more this season, then last it's crazy.
                          THATS MY TEAMMATE
                          1:Riverside> you guys eat schmores in america?

