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【 appeal result 】 ineligible players

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  • 【 appeal result 】 ineligible players


    We have decided to grant the appeal submitted by BurN on the basis that LaSenza was ineligible to play, but due to host and league operator errors was allowed to play in the match. Fierce managed to snatch a win in both of their games against BurN and Potenza while fielding an ineligible player, and thus the captains of the aforementioned squads may request a replay to be played during the Replay Week.

    This appeal holds true to Cloth as well who played in all of his matches for Vikings, and thus both You2be and Paladen may request to replay their TWLD games from the previous week and play them during the Replay Week. However, we are not replaying the other games where Cloth played as his team was on the losing side, and thus there is no point to contest those games for a replay.

    For the replay matches, you may not field ineligible players. We will go by the Round 3 rosters meaning LaSenza, Cloth, and Ease are all ineligible for the replay games. These games will be played on October 25th and due to the delay in the schedule we may end up having an All-Star Weekend which will be ran and hosted by Tiny during the Replay Week.

    We would normally have forfeited all of the matches where an ineligible player played, as it is captains responsibility to field an eligible lineup, but due to the league operators making a mistake and giving the okay for the players to play, a replay is the correct choice to make.

    This appeal was discussed and voted by Ricko, Wax, and myself, and thus the majority vote went to grant the appeal. We are sorry that this happened in the first place, but .. hey, that is life for you.

  • #2

    5.03 Postponed Games & Available Time Slot

    For a postponed game, players eligible for the game depend on the current roster. The squad will be limited to players eligible during the week the game was postponed.

    If a game is not resolved as defined above, a postponed game can be replayed in an available time slot of the same weekend provided that all technical difficulties have been resolved and both captains agree on the game time.

    5.04 Postponed Games - Replay Week

    In the event that a match cannot be replayed in the same weekend, it will be postponed until the replay week. The game time of the match will be decided using the standard scheduling rule.[/php]

    11. Appeals Process and Guidelines

    If a squad feels that such factors as game referee decisions, staff involvement, server or router error, cheating, or other instances have affected the outcome and fairness of a game, that squad has the right to appeal to the League Operator. It is up to the squad to ensure that as much information as possible is included in the appeal for the League Operators to make a fair decision.

    Appeals will be handled by the TWL Operators collectively. The TWL Operators will vote on acceptance/denial of each appeal. Their votes, along with an explanation of their choice, will be public information. Any TWL Operator who has a conflict of interest in the appeal (i.e. is a member of a squad involved) will not be eligible to vote. At least 3 TWL Operators will need to vote, and the final decision on the appeal will be based on whichever vote has majority. In the event of a tie, the league head will provide the deciding vote unless they have an interest in which case a neutral third party will need to decide.

    All decisions made by the Trench Wars League Staff are final. There is no appealing a final judgment.

    If an appeal is denied, the player making the appeal will not be eligible to play in the next game.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Turban View Post
      This appeal was discussed and voted by Ricko, Wax, and myself, and thus the majority vote went to grant the appeal. We are sorry that this happened in the first place, but .. hey, that is zidane for you.


      • #4
        Jones kills me... why do you even care lol

        and yea Burn requests replay during replay week obviously


        • #5
          If it was not clear enough, we are allowing the teams that lost their games against an ineligible lineup to replay their matches. We will ask the captains of Paladen, You2be, BurN, and Potenza to hear their decision and whether they want their TWLD games to be replayed.


          • #6
            dis is like continuum court of law lol
            AKA Shaun


            • #7
              potenza accepts replay vs fierce. allow everything next week and not during a replay week.
              1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

              1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

              Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

              Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

              Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


              • #8
                Well, I wouldn't have cared about any replays since I'm the captain of a squad that has a number in its name. But our match against Vikings was quite unfortunate with our players lagging out and with the player in question (Cloth) eating 2 shots while it was 49-49, changing the outcome by himself, I'd like to have another go if possible.
                Again, I wouldn't want to be a burden as I know the games my squad plays don't matter at all, but for the reason alone stated above, I'd like for our TWLD game to be replayed.
                7:Ruhe In Frieden> wiat, how come everyone said jill was lebanese?
                7:raizin> LESBIAN, NOT LEANESE
                7:Almalexia> LOLIRL
                7:Ruhe In Frieden> lol
                7:CROW_CAW_CAW_CAW> hahah
                7:Berlin Wall> rofl


                • #9
                  it's ok, eren, you guys deserve it. raizin lagged out and he did amazingly well
                  TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                  • #10
                    Thanks a lot Zidane...

                    4:cripple> everyone DOWNLOAD my cheat engine it removes .5 sec off ur respawn and adds a 3rd into regen energy link is here:


                    • #11
                      Eren not our fault that your players have terrible internet and that Cloth ate two shots. He cant control eating, its all server.
                      Pretty sure Cloth also didnt play the weekend he got recruit and played the next weekend instead. But w/e, we will replay and beat u all again. See you soon, fuckers.
                      4:cripple> everyone DOWNLOAD my cheat engine it removes .5 sec off ur respawn and adds a 3rd into regen energy link is here:


                      • #12
                        So which one of these staffers are gonna vote for a common sense idea that a one week ban from the old rules meant missing one game in each league on Sunday and not two games like we are playing this season? Also, considering we got the approval to play lasenza from head op prior to adding him after asking. Not to mention ease knowing ahead of time what was happening and already planned to appeal in case of a loss? Does this not get taken into the account?

                        A new season also means new rules, as obviously appearant by the fact we play about 6 games on a Sunday instead of 3. Which means that one week ineligibility rule should be stuck far up your crying asses.

                        Let's get a rematch and demolish you again tho, it will be that much sweeter to see you in tears right before you quit the game on a lowest note of your spaceship careers (((((((

                        Nerdy ass scum
                        Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


                        • #13
                          u planning on actually getting off the bench in this rm or just crying until it happens?


                          • #14
                            I could almost taste that smile on your ugly face when you typed "rm" lol bet you guys are so happy to try again. The chat is in high morale at an all time high to get a rematch against guys who log in twice a week, good job. No one even takes you seriously, don't be surprised if we don't even show and let you have a default win since you want it so bad. so sad.

                            Literally destroyed all of burns reputation. Hope it was worth a regular seasons game. Pathetic dude, but you're considered one of the biggest losers of this game already, this didn't surprise anyone.

                            No one on fierce is crying over a dd game, as if it will matter on your way to the playoffs. Only losers like you and most of your squad give a shi about the game. Worst that's happened to us is Deez losing one of the greatest sub performances in ld history. If I feel for something it's that.

                            wonder how you'll feel after being the first squad to ever lose twice in a row to the fierce fam back to back

                            Losing in an LD like back to back
                            Back to back
                            Losing in the LD like back to back
                            Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


                            • #15
                              u getting off that bench though?

