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【 S12 - S20 】 combined TWLJ statistics

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  • 【 S12 - S20 】 combined TWLJ statistics


    i have made a similar statistics spreadsheet with our javelin league. this sheet has statistics from seasons 12 through 20 in TWLJ, and like in the other sheet(s), it is missing some matches as our TWL website is a bit clunky. anyway, this spreadsheet has ..

    - squads a player was on that season (a minimum of one game played to be listed as a player) with yellow meaning that player won the title that year, and silver is runner-up for that season
    - total amount of games played, kills, deaths, team kills, highest amount of kills in a match, times substituted out, lagouts, and total time played
    - additional statistics with average kills and deaths per match, kill to death ratio, average team kills in a match, plus-minus total
    - and even more specific with kills and deaths per minute, plus-minus total per match, team kills per minute, and average time played

    .. and then sorted by a rating formula that checks key statistics such as average kills / deaths, highest amount of kills, games played, kill to death ratio, kills and deaths per minute, plus-minus per game with different weights for each. it is not perfect, but should be accurate enough.


  • #2
    .. and image for the lazy.


    • #3
      will do the spider statistics one in a bit, going to eat first.


      • #4
        went full tryhard mode. it is easier to edit now too. i've hidden the s12-20 sheets.

