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【 S12 - S20 】 combined TWLB spider statistics

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  • 【 S12 - S20 】 combined TWLB spider statistics


    this one is pretty big. i compiled all the spider statistics from the last nine seasons, and added several different categories to it. so, uh ..

    - player and squads played on (with yellow meaning championship won, and silver meaning runner-up). needed to play at least one game in that season to get the squad tag mention.
    - games played, total kills and deaths, highest amount of kills in a game, spider kills, terrier kills, special kills, shark kills, flags taken, times lagged out, times substituted out, total time played
    - into more advanced, with average kills and deaths per game, kill to death ratio, flags taken per game, spider kills per game, shark kills per game, terrier kills per game, special kills per game ..
    - into even more advanced with spider kill percentage, shark kill percentage, terrier kill percentage, special kill percentage, plus-minus total ..
    - and then even more because yolo: kills per minute, deaths per minute, flags taken per minute, spider kills per minute, shark kills per minute, terrier kills per minute, special kills per minute, plus-minus per game, average time played

    .. and then last, but not least, a rating formula. i decided to reward players with higher spider kill ratio in the end as those are usually the aggressive players as often times, players with high shark kills are trying to boost their kills in a game with their incredible last hitting abilities. it should be fairly accurate, anyway.

    only players with at least three games got to the final list. i did not combine aliases as usual because that is too much work, and once again, some games are missing from the overall statistics because of the website being a bugged son of a bitch.

    enjoy and have fun.
    Last edited by Turban; 11-27-2015, 03:39 PM.

  • #2
    .. and a picture for the lazy ones. it's quite big, so you might want to right-click the image and hit "view image" or drag the image to your URL bar.

    Last edited by Turban; 11-27-2015, 03:11 PM.


    • #3
      froze the first column so you can scroll to the right without losing the player name. whoops.


      • #4
        added special kills (javelin, lancaster, warbird) to the statistics to complete the spreadsheet, even though that statistic isn't really that important as it pretty much only tells the frequency of games the team faced special ships.


        • #5
          added confidence because ogron wanted it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Turban View Post
            added confidence because ogron wanted it.

            someone named Riff_Raff was #9 all-time with 3 games played lol, looked retarded.
            top 100 basers list


            • #7
              Can you combine my stats from MEGA on here and the twlj ones? Please and ty
              DICE TWLB SEASON 10 CHAMP
              DICE TWLB SEASON 11 CHAMP
              DICE TWLB SEASON 13 CHAMP

              1:waven> i promised myself that the only way id ever roid
              1:waven> is if im going to prison
              1:waven> no one gonna try to rape me


              • #8
                fuck it, yolo.

                I will make a better version of the TWLJ spreadsheet and combine stats of some aliases to their main names.


                • #9
                  LOOOOL the man came to the forums....

                  from ogron and turb
                  anything else? LOL
                  or we done here?
                  good night tongue emoticon" 3:33am

                  "Notice how you don't post the jav ones
                  Sent from Messenger

                  Don't do it Turby. This right here is the climax of 13 years of being bros/arch rivals. This means more than any of our fake medals.

                  Thanks for giving me honoring 'da' fallen too Claus, that also touched a spot on his emotional armour.
                  Last edited by Stayon; 11-28-2015, 05:35 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by stayon
                    from ogron and turb
                    None of these stats are mine being posted btw, all the S12-S20 stuff is 100% turban, and the LJ Finals stuff is Tiny's intense desire to show the world his 1:1 rec, I just color coded/cleaned it up.

                    I actually have some really cool basing stuff from TWL15-TWL20 and the TWDT games from the same period (showed some of it to your brother the other day since we're both NBA fans and it follows similar adjusted plus-minus stats), but I'm still tinkering with formulas and hoping to get the S12-S14 stats (sadly I got all the game links to TWL site from Turban and he's no longer a mod, so will prob never happen.)

                    Originally posted by Stayon View Post
                    Thanks for giving me honoring 'da' fallen too Claus, that also touched a spot on his emotional armour.
                    You're welcome : )

                    Given my 3-9 lifetime TWJD average I asked around and they felt you were the most deserving, you had some great rounds!
                    top 100 basers list

