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I'm resigning from TWDT

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  • I'm resigning from TWDT

    I'm resigning from TWDT.

    Henry Saari is an incompetent, power-hungry social climber who has repeatedly tried to muscle in on TSL and take it over, and threatened me and some of the other few competent mods trying to keep the game alive. Jessup abuses the TSLBot to close games early and hosts late night sessions when the game is dead to boost his own ratings, and accounts for 90% of forum posts with his brain-damaged ramblings. The trolls follow in their wake.

    Which led me to the question, why the fuck am I doing Henry's job?

    If Henry Saari, Jessup, and Wiibimbo are so unhappy with my tenure, they're free to create their own league from scratch, or at the very least run TWDT by themselves (I ended up doing 70% of the work in TWDT last season trying to salvage it.)

    Here are some things you can do:

    1) Write all the rules
    2) Create your own unique rating system
    3) Rate all the players, and have experts in each league re-rate them
    4) Create your own artwork for the league
    5) Make up a schedule
    6) Do the standings
    7) Find good captains (I've already done that for you)
    8) Drum up interest and get players to sign up (Me, Cripple, and Commodo have already done that for you)
    9) Create a trade system
    10) Figure out Free Agency and the system that governs it
    11) Create your own TSL Draft Preview
    12) Run the draft
    13) Write all the Hot or Nots

    Do your own fucking work.
    Last edited by ogron; 10-09-2017, 07:33 PM.
    top 100 basers list

  • #2
    Please post twdt drama in the TWDT section. This is the finalest final warning!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Claushouse View Post
      I'm resigning from TWDT.

      Henry Saari is an incompetent, power-hungry social climber who has repeatedly tried to muscle in on TSL and take it over, and threatened me and some of the other few competent mods trying to keep the game alive. Jessup abuses the TSLBot to close games early and hosts late night sessions when the game is dead to boost his own ratings, and accounts for 90% of forum posts with his brain-damaged ramblings. The trolls follow in their wake.

      Which led me to the question, why the fuck am I doing Henry's job?

      If Henry Saari, Jessup, and Wiibimbo are so unhappy with my tenure, they're free to create their own league from scratch, or at the very least run TWDT by themselves (I ended up doing 70% of the work in TWDT last season trying to salvage it.)

      Here are some things you can do:

      1) Write all the rules
      2) Create your own unique rating system
      3) Rate all the players, and have experts in each league re-rate them
      4) Create your own artwork for the league
      5) Make up a schedule
      6) Do the standings
      7) Find good captains (I've already done that for you)
      8) Drum up interest and get players to sign up (Me, Cripple, and Commodo have already done that for you)
      9) Create a trade system
      10) Figure out Free Agency and the system that governs it
      11) Create your own TSL Draft Preview
      12) Run the draft
      13) Write all the Hot or Nots

      Do your own fucking work.
      Claushouse - Warned for resigning TWDT.
      Claushouse - Also Warned for posting TWDT thread in TSL forum.
      3:kyler> who r u btw i keep wanting to ask people "who is 45th pres" but someone gonna say "trump"
      3:45th President> do it
      kyler> who is 45th President
      nah> donald j trump

      Downfall> Shoutout to forwards for randomly giving gunsmith results that made no sense and just made things harder

      Jacklyn> holster is the thing that holds/carry the gun

