Maketso (Blooms): C
8+: Turban, Maketso, Spawnisen, Mean Gene, Paradise
6/6: Clark Kentaro/Paky Dude, Menelvagor/Reckful
7/5: M_M God/Jizzron Phillips, a2m/Morg
A lot of jav depth, but only one superstar in Turban. No impressive 6 star javs, but interesting possibilities at the 7/5 with M_M God, a2m or frightful. Should be a strong team with a good record, but will likely struggle against the top tier TWDT-J squads.
Stayon (Patouf): B
8+: Stayon, Bueno, Tiny, Havok, Zazerick
6/6: porkjet/Rasaq, siaxis/Heaven
7/5: Trasher/Jatt, Zeebu/Mizzike
A strong trio in Stayon, Bueno, and Tiny, and potentially lethal combos at both the 6/6 and 7/5, particularly porkjet/Rasaq, although some good 7/5 options as well. This looks like a strong, active team that has good chances at a Semi-Finals berth.
Ease (Thunder): A
8+: Ease, Shadowmere, Steadman
6/6: Weaver/Undercut, SNSD Sooyoung/beam
7/5: Jaguarus/Lena, JAMAL/pee pee sock
This line looks absolutely crushing. Ease and Shadowmere tied for the scoring title in TWLJ and finished 1-2 in TWDT-J 2014 ratings, while Steadman is one of the best pub stompers in the game. And that's not even considering that they have some of the best package players in the league -- at the minimum a Finals appearance.
Zizzo (Meteorite): C
8+: Amnesti, aprix, euforia, Zizzo, Shock Therapy
6/6: Megalo/Jessup, Star Fox/Field
7/5: Fork/Sassafras, Wax/Space Trooper
A lot of talent and depth at the 3 starting positions, with Amnesti the standout jav among them, although aprix and euforia are great as well. Really lackluster at the 6/6, they have solid 7s in Mythril, Fork, and Wax, but are pretty barren at the 5 with only three players qualifying, leaving me to wonder if they'll be able to play a 7. This is a very good team, but a questionable package situation leaves them vulnerable.
Commodo (Silence): B
8+: Commodo, Roiwerk, Singer, Kim, Best
6/6: Raazi/Oder, Dazz/Bad Game
7/5: Slum/RTAllen, Ayn/Cherry Poppins
Commodo, Roiwerk and Singer are a formidable group, and while the 6/6 situation looks poor, the 7/5 options seem decent with Slum/RTAllen, but definitely not a tour-de-force in that area. With Kim and Best as options, this team looks quite appetizing.
TJ Hazuki (ill): F
8+: N/A
7: Mikkiz, WBM, Lorko
6/6: Welt/Tripin, Sphinx/Tarnish
7/5: Maze of Torment/Lights
Easily the worst TWDT-J team in the draft, this "team" is going to get absolutely slaughtered. This team will win 0 games, and I'd be shocked if they ever got more than 30 kills. I'd call this line garbage, but I'm afraid Oscar the Grouch's lawyers would sue me for tarnishing their good name.
Racka (WIN OR DIE): B
8+: Dreamwin, EvilDeed, Torcher
6/6: Devilish/Flew, TheWadoRooster/JammyJames
7/5: Weak/Markmrw, Racka/Spacely
A fantastic starting trio led by Dreamwin, along with some really good package players puts WIN OR DIE in good position for a winning record in what is shaping to be a tough TWDT-J league loaded with talent. Weak/Markmrw seems to be one of the best 7/5 combos to date.
Zidane (Power): A
8+: Zidane, Rough, Children
6/6: Rab/Ogron, Sawyer/Fatrolls
7/5: Fram/KATC, Hulk/Lee
If this team doesn't implode before Week 3, expect a deep playoff push and a good chance at defending Power's TWDT-J title. Zidane, Rough, and Children are equalled only by Thunder's Ease, Shadowmere, and Steadman, and have maybe the best depth with a plethora of options at both the 6/6 in Rab and Ogron, who were two of the best 6-Star javs in the playoffs last year, and Fram/Hulk representing insane value 7s, whilst KATC and Lee are some of the best 5s in the draft.
Maketso (Blooms): C
8+: Turban, Maketso, Spawnisen, Mean Gene, Paradise
6/6: Clark Kentaro/Paky Dude, Menelvagor/Reckful
7/5: M_M God/Jizzron Phillips, a2m/Morg
A lot of jav depth, but only one superstar in Turban. No impressive 6 star javs, but interesting possibilities at the 7/5 with M_M God, a2m or frightful. Should be a strong team with a good record, but will likely struggle against the top tier TWDT-J squads.
Stayon (Patouf): B
8+: Stayon, Bueno, Tiny, Havok, Zazerick
6/6: porkjet/Rasaq, siaxis/Heaven
7/5: Trasher/Jatt, Zeebu/Mizzike
A strong trio in Stayon, Bueno, and Tiny, and potentially lethal combos at both the 6/6 and 7/5, particularly porkjet/Rasaq, although some good 7/5 options as well. This looks like a strong, active team that has good chances at a Semi-Finals berth.
Ease (Thunder): A
8+: Ease, Shadowmere, Steadman
6/6: Weaver/Undercut, SNSD Sooyoung/beam
7/5: Jaguarus/Lena, JAMAL/pee pee sock
This line looks absolutely crushing. Ease and Shadowmere tied for the scoring title in TWLJ and finished 1-2 in TWDT-J 2014 ratings, while Steadman is one of the best pub stompers in the game. And that's not even considering that they have some of the best package players in the league -- at the minimum a Finals appearance.
Zizzo (Meteorite): C
8+: Amnesti, aprix, euforia, Zizzo, Shock Therapy
6/6: Megalo/Jessup, Star Fox/Field
7/5: Fork/Sassafras, Wax/Space Trooper
A lot of talent and depth at the 3 starting positions, with Amnesti the standout jav among them, although aprix and euforia are great as well. Really lackluster at the 6/6, they have solid 7s in Mythril, Fork, and Wax, but are pretty barren at the 5 with only three players qualifying, leaving me to wonder if they'll be able to play a 7. This is a very good team, but a questionable package situation leaves them vulnerable.
Commodo (Silence): B
8+: Commodo, Roiwerk, Singer, Kim, Best
6/6: Raazi/Oder, Dazz/Bad Game
7/5: Slum/RTAllen, Ayn/Cherry Poppins
Commodo, Roiwerk and Singer are a formidable group, and while the 6/6 situation looks poor, the 7/5 options seem decent with Slum/RTAllen, but definitely not a tour-de-force in that area. With Kim and Best as options, this team looks quite appetizing.
TJ Hazuki (ill): F
8+: N/A
7: Mikkiz, WBM, Lorko
6/6: Welt/Tripin, Sphinx/Tarnish
7/5: Maze of Torment/Lights
Easily the worst TWDT-J team in the draft, this "team" is going to get absolutely slaughtered. This team will win 0 games, and I'd be shocked if they ever got more than 30 kills. I'd call this line garbage, but I'm afraid Oscar the Grouch's lawyers would sue me for tarnishing their good name.
Racka (WIN OR DIE): B
8+: Dreamwin, EvilDeed, Torcher
6/6: Devilish/Flew, TheWadoRooster/JammyJames
7/5: Weak/Markmrw, Racka/Spacely
A fantastic starting trio led by Dreamwin, along with some really good package players puts WIN OR DIE in good position for a winning record in what is shaping to be a tough TWDT-J league loaded with talent. Weak/Markmrw seems to be one of the best 7/5 combos to date.
Zidane (Power): A
8+: Zidane, Rough, Children
6/6: Rab/Ogron, Sawyer/Fatrolls
7/5: Fram/KATC, Hulk/Lee
If this team doesn't implode before Week 3, expect a deep playoff push and a good chance at defending Power's TWDT-J title. Zidane, Rough, and Children are equalled only by Thunder's Ease, Shadowmere, and Steadman, and have maybe the best depth with a plethora of options at both the 6/6 in Rab and Ogron, who were two of the best 6-Star javs in the playoffs last year, and Fram/Hulk representing insane value 7s, whilst KATC and Lee are some of the best 5s in the draft.