Silence vs. Blooms
It seems Blooms has yet to blossom in warbird, as maketso's squadron got shitstomped by a whopping 21-point margin in their season opener, and may require more time in the greenhouse. In the words of the immortal Rodney Dangerfield, put her back in, she's not done yet!
Turban was the lone bright spot in an otherwise gloomy performance for the Bloomers with a palatable 10-10, as the aptly named bellflowers (5-10) negged alongside a2m (2-4), Keith (2-6), maketso (1-3), and Spawnisen (7-10).
Commodo (13-6), on the other hand (leaf?), led the Silencers to a resounding victory in his opener, decimating the opposition with a sizzling score, ahead of Best (11-10), Kim (10-4), Lasenza (9-5), and Singer (7-4) as their entire line went positive -- Kudos!
HOT: Commodo, with a commanding 13-6.
NOT: Clark Kentaro (2-7), whose kryptonite is apparently doing anything remotely competent in his own ship
NOT: Keith (2-6). Better chance of seeing a positive result watching an AIDS test in a nunnery than Keith in wb.
Thunder vs. Power
After going undefeated in the regular season last year, Power opened the 2015 season with one of the all-time worst performances in TWDT-D, losing by an astounding 27 kills. Nice work, zidiots!
Ease led his team with a resounding 13-2 performance, ahead of JAMAL (12-6), Shadowmere (11-6), 5-Star superstar Lena (9-5), and Weaver (5-4).
The Powergonians all negged: 2pacZ (8-10), dour (3-10), fram (4-10), Rab (3-10), zidane (5-10). This is what I imagine Zidane's pregame speech was like:
HOT: Ease (13-2), destroying his former TWDT team and (I assume) cannibalizing their corpses to absorb their essence, as is the Florida custom
NOT: It's hard to single out a player from this buffet of suck, so let's just say Zidane, for drafting a wb line so bad 2pacZ is the best player in it. That's like giving the lamest Avenger his own series. 2pacZ is the Hawkeye of wbs.
Meteorite vs. ill
The Meteorites slugged it out with ill, narrowly edging the Weezers out 50-44 as Mythril (19-8) stormed out the gates with a performance for the ages, as aprix (12-10) continues to be one of the most valuable TWDT players two years running, helping carry mediocre to sub-par outings from Geio (7-6), Jessup (8-10) and madmaxx53 (4-10).
On the losing side, wiibimbo (12-10), Tripin (11-10) and stung (11-10) put in strong performances, but were ultimately sunk by poor play from TJ Hazuki (6-10) and wicket666 (4-10), falling just short of victory. If only they had one more warbird, a TWLD veteran who carried his team last year, like, oh, I dunno, say Tarnish, so they could compete well in two leagues.
HOT: Mythril, with a Herculean 19-8, rekindling his dominance over TWDT-D once again.
NOT: wicket410 (4-10)
WIN OR DIE vs. Patouf
The Winordites claimed their first win of the season over Patouf, as the Tabarcats were within a hair of victory, but just couldn't claw their way to the W.
WIN OR DIE won without Racka even present, as dreamwin (12-9) led the sortie alongside Kira_Yamato~ (11-10), Flew (9-6), devilish (9-9), and torcher (9-10).
For Patouf, zeebu (14-10) and Siaxis (12-10) represented imminent lethality, but were saddled with atrocious outings from Steep (1-7) and Tiny (1-3), and unacceptable scores from Rasaq (8-10) and Tarnish (8-10), who are way too good to be getting downed by the likes of WIN OR DIE's Mickey Mouse line.
HOT: dreamwin (12-9), leading a jav line to victory over a legitimate wb line
HOT: Zeebu (14-10), turning in a rousing performance despite his team falling short
NOT: Steep (1-7). Combined with Tiny (1-3) to make a number 2.