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Power appealing twdtb match vs Blooms

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  • #16
    1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

    1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

    Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

    Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

    Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


    • #17
      how about providing the logs of you openly admitting that you should have been subbed? you lagged horrendously and the only reason you weren't removed is because you are a sysop. the game was 15-13 and your lag played a huge impact in the loss, i really don't understand how you can be so stupid. you got removed in the jav game literally 1 hour before because of your lag turban, and 50 people send cheater calls and you don't spec because your "under the limits". anyone with eye balls saw your lag was horrible and total bullshit. you're a fucking tool

      1) was your lag unfair in twdtb today?

      2) was the game close?

      3) did you not get spcced in twdtj 30 mins before?

      the answer is yes to all 3 of these questions and yet we got people like heaven denying appeals in 25 minutes when he didn't even watch the game. Staff is SICK
      Last edited by zidane; 02-22-2015, 10:05 PM.


      • #18
        You got specced in twdtj bc of lag? if this is true, this should be replayed.
        1:waven> u challenge
        1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

        Originally posted by MHz
        Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


        • #19
          i have already answered these questions (in a fast, non-detailed manner) in-game, but may as well do it on the forums for it to be more official.

          first of all, you are exaggerating with your claim of having 50 different players sending cheater reports. it was six (6) people from your team, all based one scenario about the teleport which i can not personally confirm, but surely it did happen as there is no way an entire team would make a fake mass cheater report. there was a time when M_M God was reported for cheating as well, but in truth he basically flew out of cram, none of you team were shooting him, and he scored a legitimate terrier kill.

          however, as stated above, after the cheater reports, i basically became a non-factor thus your team had a good chance of winning the game. we were technically playing one man down with me floating around. i was asking for a substitute from maketso which was denied, and then started asking staff members and other players about my lag, to see if it was acceptable for me to continue playing for several minutes or if i should simply spectate and have my team play with 7 players due to no available substitutes. i was given the approval to continue playing, but i was still reluctant to play and barely focused on the game.

          anyway, to answer your questions;

          1) my lag may have been unfair, that claim is correct from you. however, given the fact my lag only caused a 20 to 25 second advantage for my team, it was not as unfair as you make it to be, and thus this should not warrant a replay.

          2) no. it was not close in truth, and my lag did not swing it to our favor. we won by five minutes, and we controlled most of the game. your team got around four minutes of free time due to our team playing with 7 players in the beginning which you seem to forget about.

          3) that is correct. i got substituted in twdt-j. however, in neither of the games did my lag play a significant role when deciding the winning team. even your players, such as hulk, were telling me that your teams spiders were absolute garbage.

          any other questions you want me to answer?


          • #20
            here's the log from draft team chat + freq chat, we were out of substitutes anyway -- kind of forgot about that:

            C 10:turban> do we have a sub
            C 10:maketso>  no
            C 10:maketso>  Play
            C 10:maketso>  5 mins and we win
                       maketso> Pelaa turbis
                       maketso> ? we used all our subs
                       maketso> if you dont lag out your lag is not over the limits
                       maketso> period

            and quote of what i asked of staff:

            7:turban> asked 4 sub
            7:turban> can a mod come n watch me in spec 
            7:turban> going to just stay back n spray
            7:turban> someone take that call

            and private talk from Asmodeus, as an added bonus, and his message, all while we still needed 3 to 4 minutes to win the game:

            Asmodeus> Did you need to spec'd?
            turban> if my lag is too bad, yes.
            turban> you be the judge
            Asmodeus> I wasn't here for the weirdness, but when I looked at Turban's lag it looked fine to me
            Asmodeus> his high was pretty high and there was a spike when looking at tinfo
            Asmodeus> +-8
            Asmodeus> I just saw one
            there were other staff members involved, and even players.

            as a reminder, i'm not saying that my lag was good. i likely deserved a forced reconnection or spectate after that teleportation, but was instructed to not do either of those. i should have been treated like a regular player in those situations, and hopefully did.
            Last edited by Turban; 02-22-2015, 11:05 PM. Reason: fixed formatting


            • #21
              Fucking wahhhhh, you lost fgt now cry about it. Maybe if u didn't have a bum terr. You might win...


              • #22
                your lag played a huge role in the entire game and your delusional if you think otherwise. asmodeus wasnt even there for the "weirdness" .. so ya thats a great source for this appeal and i appreciate more useless staffers like asmodeus/heaven playing a role in this joke of a game. maketso wanted to win, so he told u to stay in.. but it's not maketso's call if your lag is ruining a game for everyone playing. and honestly all this talk about your tinfo being stable is a total crock of shit, people who used ce weren't above the limits either, didn't mean it was wasnt cheating.

                1) your lag was insanely unfair, and many other people on your team had ridiculous lag. I don't understand how you can seriously say its not unfair that you can eat 15 bullets and say "fc", when you sat still against a wall and didn't get a single green. Also when the game was over your ship was spiking ridiculously even when you were just afk floating, just an example of how awful your lag was.

                2) how is a game thats 15-13 "not close", and you think the ridiculous lag didn't demoralize my team?

                3) you got specced in a game 30 mins before for the same joke lag. but you were so desperate to win this one you refused to get subbed and no one on staff wanted to spec mr. sysop


                • #23
                  I got banned for using vpn, so turbi uses it and gets away with it. who win? staff win. asmo kissing nuts for higher staff as usual. disgraceful staff.

                  Retired after i dropped 24 kills and carry the team

                  wbduel Map Maker Legend


                  • #24
                    i'm not sure why i'm even bothering to respond, but here we go again!

                    i have already said that my lag was unfair. however, i doubt me tanking a couple of bullets (often times due to a full charge) and teleporting once would have given you guys the advantage in this game, especially given how dominant we were throughout the game. we could make the game only for the US and Canadian players to eliminate most of these lag problems, but surely our players would not like that at all.

                    also, "you refused to get substituted" should be more like my captain told me to play the game and could not even substitute me as we had 0 substitutes left. do you still remember the early game? we used all of our substitutes in the first 3 minutes of the game. keep making false statements, it will only make your stance better.

                    .. and another cute lie about the closeness of the game. the game was 15 minutes to 10 minutes, and your team got an additional 4 minutes of free time on top of that due what happened in the beginning of that match. i would say we were the dominating team, even while i was floating and barely moving for several minutes.

                    as far as the use of VPNs go, 2pacZ, i connected to a server next to me and had identical ping and spike information from my main connection (although, this time, it lowered my ping by 610ms, and packet loss by -30%). this is vastly different from what you did with your VPN.


                    • #25
                      l o l

                      yes turban.. usually captains don't sub the player who's winning them the game, some A+ logic here (and usually the player doesn't want to be specced). That's why staff needs to spec them.. which didn't happen because your were sysop. The game was definitely within the definition of "close", you floating and barely moving is a total lie as most of your minutes you got was in cram when your entire team was tanking bombs.

                      it's sad when people want to win dt games this bad, id rather just feel like my team wasn't cheated. you lagging it up and teleporting around isn't helping this zone


                      • #26
                        Come on man, now your clearly just whining... embarrassing your self man..... Have some pride....


                        • #27
                          I think the whole week should have been postponed due to hopone. At no point was this weekend's competition an even playing field.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Turban View Post
                            i have already said that my lag was unfair.
                            he said it's unfair himself, don't know why this game still counts
                            if staff got some decensy and selfrespect they should get this game replayed
                            Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by View Post
                              he said it's unfair himself, don't know why this game still counts
                              if staff got some decensy and selfrespect they should get this game replayed
                              I agree and rematching can be a good thing... Brings more drama\ people hungry for revenge, people would be interested if zidane would lose again + what his reactions are. All up to clause on this one and not turban... Meh anyone would have thought this was twl
                              1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far


                              • #30
                                Its just like twl in the competitive aspect, hell maybe even better then twl itself, with clauses interesting write ups, and creative presentations.
                                Captain of Blind

