TWDT 2016 Signups
Conditional (highly rated player who can't show consistently -- draft at your own risk!)
* Won TWDT as a Player
* Won TWDT as a Captain
1. Mikkiz (******)
2. tim
3. Heaven (***)
4. Omega Red
5. Tsunami (***)
6. ixt
8. Stayon (*)
9. Ricko (*)
10. dreamwin (**)
11. Rasaq (***)
12. idkidc1233
13. Rodney (*)
14. Major Crisis (**)
15. Stung
16. tj hazuki (***)
17. Failed
18. hulk (******)
19. Solace (**)
20. Oderus Urungus (********)
21. sphinx (*****)
22. JAMAL (***)
23. Markmrw
24. Cres (*****)
25. Henry Saari
26. Zidane (****)
27. i.d. (*)
28. Sulla (*)
29. Board
30. jerome
31. kado <ZH>
32. aprix (*)
33. shaun
34. kess (*)
35. Jessup (*)
36. mcvicar (****)
37. DOWNFALL (*)
38. skatarius
39. Mr. Tinkles (*)
40. Trasher (*****)
41. Siaxis (**)
42. Steadman (*)
43. hellkite (**)
44. 24 (****)
45. Mattey (**)
46. squallFF8 (****)
47. Lorko
48. Stannis (***)
49. Jatt (*)
50. Banks (*)
51. beam (**)
52. Absent
53. Jimbei (*)
54. Mango.
55. Sir Spider (**)
56. maketso (***)
57. Wazzaaa (*)
58. Morgane
59. Valker
60. porkjet (***)
61. Turban (*******)
62. fram (**)
63. warportal (***)
64. raizin <ER> (*)
65. bellflowers
66. Racka (***)
67. senorkevin
68. Raazi (******)
69. Pat B (**)
70. 2pacZ
71. Healt
72. Mean Gene (******)
73. Eren
74. unrealistic
75. Iron Survivor (******)
76. AFRI (**)
77. Kira_Yamato~ (******)
78. Kos.
79. snO_op
80. jeffpotatoes
81. eavenly
82. Avale
83. ROWS
84. Best (***)
85. mighty
86. Cape (**)
87. wiibimbo (*)
88. Up in ya !!
89. senorkevin
90. Violence (***)
91. BONGHITS (**)
92. little buddha <ZH>
93. Ardour (**)
94. Amnesti
95. Tiny (***)
96. Ellis D.
97. fahrenheit (**)
98. 4 20
99. Beasty
100. voth (**)
101. J-B-Inc (**)
102. Niveous
103. Kloud
104. Racketeer
105. wicket666 (**)
106. popo man
107. Gurliver
108. Megalo (**)
109. joemama
110. Weak (**)
111. Commodo (***)
112. TheWadoRooster (*)
113. Jaguar
114. Pek
115. Smoking Blue
116. Wrath
117. Chrona
118. HalTaffin
119. olde (***)
120. Lena (*)
121. Kos.
122. Casket (***)
123. poem ZX
124. CASED
125. Eel
126. criminal-player
127. the_nme
128. field
129. bone wagon <ER>
130. Zizzo (****)
131. Ison
132. Zannatti
133. Dark Hell (*)
134. EnF
135. Roiwerk (**)
136. uprise
137. mr.homo
138. YoJimBo^ (*)
139. warportal (***)
140. Cranium (**)
141. Cloth
142. G Spot
143. Fork
144. Singer (***)
145. 2borg <ZH>
146. GLYDE
147. Johnie (*)
148. TiduZ
149. jebass (*)
150. raminator
151. wax (**)
152. slurvis
153. wbm
154. Dwopple (***)
155. Zazerick
156. who=by
157. NL>Trigger (****)
158. Darkgriz
159. Bounty <ZH>
160. Grandias
161. sleepyjoe
162. necromotic
163. Weedle
164. nosydawg
165. beanie
166. kyler
167. Cyrus (*)
168. Rab (*)
169. Diakka (*****)
170. mad jack the pirate
171. Gurliver
172. Ice Boss
173. pao
174. Ravos
175. Quota
177. Wh|ppy
178. Beast <ZH>
179. Eager
180. Kim (*****)
181. cash.MONay
182. inmate
183. Spawnisen (**)
184. Shan
185. StackOverflow
186. reckful
187. bugs
188. TheCript
189. Shadowmere
190. d.i.
191. M_M God (****)
192. Hack
193. HUR
194. pee pee sock (*)
195. megaman89 (**)
196. shaun
197. berzerk
198. Cross (*)
199. H.M.S. Stargazer
200. RatioGod
201. Major Crisis (**)
202. Knifes <ZH>
203. dour (*)
204. saetep (*)
205. Flion (*)
206. Lrim
207. andean
208. Rough (*)
209. blowtorch
210. 7th
211. Ease (*******)
212. nokkonen
213. Flew
214. Frog
215. Cubs
216. Kovalchuk
217. Fire Phoenix (*)
218. Holy Ship
219. Raminator
220. Exalt
221. CMDRos
222. 4k
223. buck
224. Cripple (*)
225. jackarius86
226. Sheep
227. Conspiracy (**)
228. ven0m
229. azela
230. PJB
231. Ravage
232. Plank
Mods: Use this sheet to lookup players' number of titles.
P.S. Don't try aliasing your way to lower ratings. We check the names. Also, if you signed up twice with different names contact a TWDT Op to remove the alias you're no longer using. -Heaven