Please keep in mind there have been 3 players moved (Saturday, January 9th, 2016) listed in italics, with a chart below in the posts showing the moves.
Here are the 8 low-star packages for the draft, of which each captain must select one. The 8 packages are:
1. When in Jerome, Do What Jeromans Do
2. Keeping up with the Kylerdashians
3. Stung's Stingers
4. Jebass's Magikarp-et Ride
5. Viop's Speech Therapy Speedsters
6. Wii Bimbos
7. Joemama's Classy Rebuttal Shack
8. Spud-nik
If you want to see their star levels in each league, you can reference the sheet here:
The groups were randomized in excel, then I spent around 5 minutes moving 7-8 of the better people around so they seemed somewhat equitable at a glance.