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Looking For Hot or Not Writers For This Season

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  • #31
    Bram - Inactive, overrated vet. Said might show 1 more time, if that this season.

    ​well fk u too bud


    • #32
      Originally posted by zidane View Post
      Bram - Inactive, overrated vet. Said might show 1 more time, if that this season.

      ​well fk u too bud
      Put a leash on Tiny for trading lol Not much else to say here. If he is some trade guru, he failed at seeing my hastiness to offload Bram. Everything I proposed was with Bram. Ogron did the same thing to me earlier with Hulk, every proposal involving Hulk. I knew right away something was wrong and passed. You can't tell what the players activity is going to be during a trade but sure as shit can when a captain offers them for every trade. Tiny should of done the same. Nothing personal but when a player repeatedly puts up a good player like Hulk/Bram for a trade, you should recognize something is aloof. I was protecting my own teams interest, can't fault me there.



      PS:You bold face lied to me about your activity during draft, don't feel too bad but still like you nevertheless. See you around bro!
      Last edited by IxaDor; 11-06-2017, 10:33 PM.


      • #33
        +100 ixador for explaining and doing ur best. Makes more sense to me ur actions after reading this.
        TSLD CHAMPION 2018
        TSLB CHAMPION 2018


        • #34
          This guy ..... has some nerve admitting to trading a player that wouldn't show anymore and not telling me. I'm going to let it slide though because I got the better end of it if you don't understand the value of certain players. GOOD DAY SIR
          1:waven> u challenge
          1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

          Originally posted by MHz
          Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Tiny View Post
            This guy ..... has some nerve admitting to trading a player that wouldn't show anymore and not telling me. I'm going to let it slide though because I got the better end of it if you don't understand the value of certain players. GOOD DAY SIR
            tiny got rekt in that trade :laugh:
            TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
            TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
            TSLD CHAMPION 2018
            TSLB CHAMPION 2018


            • #36
              Originally posted by Tiny View Post
              This guy ..... has some nerve admitting to trading a player that wouldn't show anymore and not telling me. I'm going to let it slide though because I got the better end of it if you don't understand the value of certain players. GOOD DAY SIR

              Please... All u want to do is trade me Siaxis, Beam or Rough. All of them hasnt shown a game... If anyone is a snake here with trading its u.
              Major Crisis


              • #37
                TWDTB wk2 HoN (for the games on youtube - as I played myself and couldn't spec other matches)

                Edited: text removed and put into own thread.
                Last edited by Captain Lonestar; 11-07-2017, 08:00 AM.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ronaldinho View Post
                  I tried something, let me know if this is good or shit

                  Earthworm Jim 30 : 50 Lag & Luck

                  Earthworm Jim :
                  -Doughnut 9:10
                  -Geio 6:10
                  -Lofty 5:10
                  -Tiny 5:10
                  -Zidane 4:10

                  Lag & Luck :
                  -Alextron 10:4
                  -GLYDE 11:9
                  -MaiTo_cHi 0:1
                  -mcvicar 7:4
                  -RaCka 11:5
                  -vys 11:7

                  Earthworm Jim took a nice spank in this part, nobody had a positive score. Only Doughnut their new aquisition did a decent performance. In the absence of Siaxis and Beam, Geio was the only Max Player on Jim's side, he completely collapsed against RaCka and vys. Tiny did not show the way to his team, disappointing. As for Zidane I wonder who gave him a Elite Player rank ?! Lofty does not have to be ashamed of his performance given the results of his teammate.
                  GLYDE has managed the feat of doing more than 10 kills, congratulations boy. Alextron has as often been a safe bet, replacing MaiTo_cHi who is struggling to have internet in his bamboo hut in Mexico. Even mcvicar was positive.

                  : RaCka, even though his team was superior on paper, he was able to place himself above his teammate.
                  : Geio, very disappointing from a player of this caliber.

                  Grim Dawn 23 : 50 Terrorist

                  Grim Dawn :
                  -Henry Saari 0:5
                  -IxaDor 0:3
                  -Jessup 3:5
                  -Mikkiz 5:10
                  -Ricko 5:10
                  -Singer 4:7
                  -Zizzo 6:10

                  Terrorist :
                  -dreamwin 6:1
                  -Jurassic 10:7
                  -Kentaro 10:4
                  -omega red 6:3
                  -Tripin 18:8

                  This part was like a fight between athletes and children with Down Syndrome. After moving Ease from his throne in individual, here is that Tripin martyrises his opponents as a team. Accompanied by Kentaro, who offers us his presence between two ping pong, good performance, and Jurassic, new terrorist, beautiful performance too. dreamwin and omega red were satisfied with the crumbs left by their teammate.
                  Ricko, the best ginger ever enter Trench Wars, Grim Dawn's Max Player, did not show anything on this part. Zizzo, Mikkiz and Jessup not better. The newcomer to the team, Singer, Amateur Player, was the only tiny light in this dark sky. Special mention to Captain IxaDor, and especially to Henry Saari, surely too much trouble to take the place of chief. We should ban them.

                  : Tripin, what to say? Just look at the score, it was Tripin and the others.
                  : Henry Saari, Retirement should not be far.

                  Blind 50 : 38 Targaryen

                  Blind :
                  -24 9:6
                  -Major Crisis 9:10
                  -nowon 11:5
                  -Ra 12:8
                  -temujin 9:9

                  Targaryen :
                  -Holy Ship 9:10
                  -iron survivor 10:10
                  -not u 7:10
                  -Ogron 6:10
                  -zeebu 6:10

                  In the absence of Mythril, house Targaryen took a small slap. iron survivor is the only one who has been positive for his team, the least we can expect from him. Holy Ship made a very serious performance for an Amateur Player, especially in a defeat. not u was average, zeebu worthy of his rank, and Ogron unworthy of an Elite Player.
                  On the side of the blind, nowon was as often a reliable teammate. Ra, from the realm of the dead, Amateur Player, offers us a very good performance. Temujin was ok, just like 24, the newcomer, which I'm still waiting for better. Only Major Crisis, the captain, was not positive. His low level is compensated by his ability to make the right choices during the draft period.

                  : Ra, he leads to the score while he is supposed to be the lowest on the paper
                  : Ogron, you'll have to concentrate a little more than that, warned for this time, but beware
                  Lol, can't believe this peach was ignored due to us debating ixador's draft picks Zzzz.

                  +1 sir
                  You come at the King, you best not miss.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
                    tiny got rekt in that trade :laugh:
                    If that's what you think, that's why you shouldn't be helping with trades. You can't see value. I could explain but I don't wanna right now. Potentially later at work when I'm bored.
                    1:waven> u challenge
                    1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

                    Originally posted by MHz
                    Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Major Crisis View Post
                      Please... All u want to do is trade me Siaxis, Beam or Rough. All of them hasnt shown a game... If anyone is a snake here with trading its u.
                      Was joking. Don't care if bram shows up.
                      1:waven> u challenge
                      1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

                      Originally posted by MHz
                      Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by ronaldinho View Post
                        Yo Hellrazer, I liked your example for HON, very nice. Sorry for not saying so earlier, just was bad timing lol I wanted to say, your Not Hot chick is actually hotter to me than the Hot chick.. LOL Not Hot looks like that kind of girl who is kinky as hell and would be a blast in the sack. You should of done like a granny or something Just thought I'd throw that in. Overall good shit. Thanks for your time.



                        • #42
                          Here is an example of what I would use for your "not hot" lool

                          Last edited by IxaDor; 11-07-2017, 06:29 PM.


                          • #43
                            LOL IxaDor, yeah at least this one is a realistic prey, i choose her in 5 sec on internet lol that doesn't count, but thx dudes at least I didn't do it for nothing.


                            • #44
                              I finished the work, just need to find a jav hot or not writter, as me and an other guy took wb and base.

                              Targaryen 31 : 50 Earthworm Jim

                              Targaryen :
                              -Holy Ship 8:10
                              -iron survivor 9:10
                              -not u 4:10
                              -Ogron 6:10
                              -zeebu 4:10

                              Earthworm Jim :
                              -Doughnut 8:4
                              -Geio 15:7
                              -Lofty 8:7
                              -Tiny 8:5
                              -zidane 11:8

                              Our two loosers of the first round have dried their tears after their respective spanking, here they are face to face, the rage to conquer.
                              Geio, star player of the team, finally shows his true face. Well helped by zidane, who also erases his pathetic first-round score. Captain Tiny knew how to find the words, and to question himself, a beautiful performance too. Doughnut again proves that he deserved to be pick in the first round of the FA Draft. Even Lofty, Amateur Player, took place at his comrades
                              In the wake of the first round, Holy Ship has made a solid performance for an Amateur Player. zeebu is still disappointing, when not u, we must think to find a Veteran Player a little less bad than this guy. iron survivor not at the level of what can be expected of him, but again dropped by Ogron, the captain, who is now banned, sorry uncle but it's not serious there. I take control of the team.

                              : Geio, from zero to hero, he lit up the match

                              : Ogron, the guy overestimated his own rating, and this is his team in trouble

                              Blind 50 : 38 Terrorist

                              Blind :
                              -24 10:8
                              -Major Crisis 14:10
                              -nowon 8:6
                              -Ra 9:7
                              -temujin 9:7

                              Terrorist :
                              -dreamwin 12:6
                              -Jones 1:4
                              -Jurassic 6:10
                              -Kentaro 7:10
                              -omega red 4:10
                              -Tripin 8:10

                              It promised to be a fight of warriors, it was despite the slap taken by the terrorists.
                              Because dreamwin offers us a superb performance, with a ratio of 2, arrived during the match, replacing Jones, another joke of the boss for the rating. Jurassic regains his real level, when Kentaro, the Chinese warrior has completely crashed, and crashed his team with Tripin falling from his cloud, with a very average performance for an Elite Player. Yellow card for omega red, insufficient.
                              It must be said that the opposing team throws on the paper. The boss Major Crisis finally behaved as such on the ground, although it is impossible for him to stay alive. 24, the sure value, still positive, the public hopes that it will manage to escape from his cage next Sunday to progress further. Nowon's beautiful performance, this guy never falls. Ra goes on a new great performance, what to imagine a promotion at the end of the season. temujin continues on a performance worthy of his Elite Player rank, neither better nor worse.

                              : dreamwin, abandoned by his team, the captain showed everyone his abilities to play under pressure

                              : Kentaro, unworthy of a player of this rank, first responsible for the failure of his team

                              Grim Dawn 37 : 50 Lag & Luck

                              Grim Dawn :
                              -Jessup 9:10
                              -Mikkiz 5:10
                              -Ricko 5-10
                              -Singer 6:10
                              -Zizzo 12:10

                              Lag & Luck :
                              -AFRI 12:8
                              -Alextron 4:4
                              -Bacon 6:10
                              -maketso 0:0
                              -RaCka 15:6
                              -vys 1:0
                              -zyzz 12:9

                              This match promised to be a waste of time, but Grim Dawn has managed to defend himself.
                              Jessup lift up but it's still not enough. Mikkiz chained again on a 5:10, unworthy of a Veteran Player, same ratio for Ricko, the guy literally explains all by himself the level of his team. Nevertheless, his seniority prevents him from asking for a general ban. While Zizzo, has raised his level in all this mess, with a good performance. Singer did not confirm the penny bet on him.
                              Lag & Luck, the real buldozer of this competition, and TWDT in general, did not tremble. RaCka, the player who can be MVP by playing with the feet, continues his performance of the first round, nice ratio of 2.5. His love vys came killed someone before immediately leaving the field and give his place to Alextron, always positive and safe. Very nice performance of zyzz, Amateur Player, which perfectly replaces the departure of his star comrade, helped by AFRI, as good on the rink as in the trench. This beautiful team work allowed to erase the pitiful performance of Bacon, supposedly Max Player, who replaced maketso, who has gone to poop before the start of the fight.

                              : RaCka, the guy goes on and announces himself as the superstar of the competition

                              : Ricko, his absence would be a profit for his team


                              • #45
                                I hope IxaDor more satisfied with the girls now

