Okeeday! Heyo dalee! Missa Jar Jar Binks, sith lord an da real phantom menace here! Missa present to yousa week 2 Hot or Not by yousa truly, mesa! Yahooooooo!!!
Before mesa begin, missa wanna tank everrybody who showed up to Week 2 DT! Also, tank you to mesa real fans for knowin missa da real bombad sith lord an not imposter Maul. Ya! Wat are we waiting for? Lets gos!
ALF 50 vs. TERRORIST 26: MVP RATING: Major Crisis 9-2. MVP KILLS: Not U 13-7.
Dis is not dat surprisin’, missa seein’ as ALF’s warbird’s line was berry bombad. Terrorist hasa line of like.. Jav’s and Extreme Gamer’s.
Ex squeezee me here but..
Mesa expect more from Kess, Rasaq and War but daysa doomed no matta wut reely in da end. If wesa getin a line likein dis from ALF tomorrow vs. Baratheon/Terrorist, daysa could win duey games mesa tank.
POWER 50 vs. BARATHEON 31. MVP RATING: Weak 6-0. MVP KILLS: Ricko 17-9.
So simple, Power hot. Dis agin, not dat surprisin’. Baratheon did try, missa tank berry hard matta of fak. Power hasa berry bombad lineup with Okyo, Trasher, Weak, Ricko, makin dis no match for Orgon’s Baratheon. Wesa gotsa admit Ogron trys hard goin 10-10 but daysa doomed with dis line vs. Power or any utta squad reely. Missa note here, Ixador’s 2-7 wasa big doo-doo. Ricko and Trasher surprising mesa wit them performance sidering one is never on and utta isa Jav/Baser. Overall, dis game wasa win forsa Power before start and was over pretty quick.
PALADIN 37 vs. BREXIT 50. MVP RATING: Temujin. MVP KILLS: Lasenza 14-10.
Wowsa! Whosa tank dat Paladins wud lose to Brexit? Mesa did! “But Lordy Jar Jar, whysa?” yousa ask missa?
My reply is simply dis... Mesa a sith lordy an can use da force to see da future. Move on..
Ya! Okeedee! Soweee to all-n youse whosa bets on Paladin win disa game, on paper it playsa in Paladin’s flavor, berry close at leest, but.. da hoo-doo force decided differentlee. As Ogron’s Baratheon is top heavy withsa baser’s, Paladin’s isa top heavy wit warbirds, which seems to missa, to cause problems in dare divisions wit both squads strugglin to getsa wins in dem.
TERRORIST 24 vs. POWER 50. MVP RATING: Okyo 20-9. MVP KILLS: Okyo 20-9.
Okyo hot! Wut can missa say? 20 kills! Bombad mula mula okee dee! Disa game wasa blowout with Okyo and Ricko alone putin up 31 kills between dem duey. Mesa feelin bad for Terrorist honestly, theysa got banished here bombad indeed. Kess’s subs failed, wit dee boyos givin only 2 kills. Wowsa! Terrorist line of mostly Javs/Eg’ers vs. Power’s strong warbirds, wasa berry eezy for mesa to tank Power gunna win it leevin missa not surprised wen dis game over.
BREXIT 29 vs. ALF 50. MVP RATING: Singer 9-3 MVP KILLS: Not U 13-6
Oi boyos! Missa lost mula on dis match! Wasa berry messen on Brexit’s side. Missa sur dat Brexit win. All blaster’s firing for Alf dis round, Maito_Chi, Not U and Mythril givin Brexit berry troubles. Dis game shuda been closer. Iron Survivor, Olde and Geio musta been tired from holdin Paladin off previously missa guess cuz dalee kills wasa berry low. Bess kill score for dem was a whoppin 7 from Olde. Dis Nutsen! Alf agin surprising, pullin off duey wins dis weekend! Da chemistree is strong or maybe its da force, whatever is, it’s over 9000 missa tank!
PALADIN 44 vs. BARATHEON 50. MVP RATING: Blazier 10-6 MVP KILLS: LaSenza 13-10.
Oi Moole!! Dis prolly da biggest surprise and upset of da weekend for warbird division with Ogron’s baser heavy squad beetin Jessup’s warbird heavy squad.
“Mr. Jar Jar, did yousa see dis comin?” yousa ask missa? Missa tell yousa “My no know coming okee day! Seesh”
Missa wasa confused how dis even happen! On paper, dis game eezy win for Paladin but.. its messen! Paladin jus messen rite now. Total nutsen on dare squad. Was dramatic finish wit da close win for Ogron’s team an caused doo-doo in da force after for Jessup’s. Kira surprising mesa wit his performance goin 9-10. Spezza, traded jus una day before dis goes 12-10, addin to da pain for dis loss for Jessup missa spect. Overall, dis game is my game of da weekend! Boyos steppin up, boyos steppin down, purely nutsen an most surprising! Berry bombad! Weeeeeeee!!!!
Overall Jar Jar’s Hot Squad Squad: Power. Eezy pick!
Overall Jar Jar’s Not Hot Squad: Paladin. Messen ova dare rite now an dis weekend shows dis!
Missa done here and tank yousa for reading. Here comes week 3! Missa excited to see wut is gunna happen next! Selongabye!