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Official Warning: Steadman

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  • #61
    On the 8th alot of people logged on to find the game unplayable and log off again.. (what I did).. Judging by that graph (low-point on 5th says 80ish users online) I'd bet we still have 20 people afk'ing in pub/elim etc. That means we have about 60 bots in the game.

    Which means...

    4th peak: 70 players
    5th peak: 110 players
    6th peak: 70 players
    7th peak: 80 players

    Clearly DT is very important to the game and we need to find a sweetspot for running it as much as possible without people losing interest because it's too often...

    PS. I love this game don't let it die


    • #62
      Some credit needs to go to Mastersword however and what hes done for Elim. People playing and actually caring about elim again, a few tweeks to be made to the ranking system but hes on that.
      Elim much healthier for the game than javduel and wbduel.
      British> my 18th tomoz $$
      Sol ^> 18 and scouse, so that two kids you have by now, brit? :)

      i.d.> I just farted and shit myself alittle bit


      • #63
        Originally posted by Attacks View Post
        I think its very important that we all remember when pointing fingers at Ogrons or Qan method of management that we remember how many hours of unpaid work they have put in for our entertainment.
        I dont agree with some of the changes qan has made in pub and I wish he could think a little less base and more open map in some instances but honestly I think you guys are really the heroes for how much you have done for this game which has been mostly unthanked. Ogron and Qan.

        Anyone could have done with ogron did tho. If tw didnt have ogron theyd have someone else, its that simple and unsignificant in reality. What qan does or other coders do is very different from league ops. Ive hosted games and tournies manually back in the day in redstarzone, so i know the value of a coder is actually of meaning, unlike that of a host who can be replaced by anyone in a zone with proper bots. Even without bots, anyone can learn to host manually within an hour orso, if well prepared.

        Be real to yourself. Its the coders that actually kept tw alive as you can see that even skyforger and henry saari can host leagues, i havent noticed any difference from the leagues hosted by ogron or sky/henri. We get online and play the game, nothing changed.

        If anything you guys should suck your dev teams dick for giving you a proper zone, something all other zones prayed and begged for but got let down in the end.

        Be gratefull to what matters


        • #64
          Concerning sysop it is true, we are lucky to have qan because he is very concerned about the game and is listening to every opinions as proved by all the detailed answers he give to every questions players asked. I got only two problems concernig him : 1 he don't play leagues, at least with his main alias (no need to be there 100% of time, even 10% would be very good), which separate him from tw community 2 he is stubborn concerning Ogron.

          Cause yes there is a difference between Ogron's and Saari's work, just look at who take the time to create contents? What MC said about Saari is true, the dude just do the minimum work and wait for things to be done. Who really took time to create contents so far? Major Crisis, Holy Ship and Commodo, no one is a staff member. Tiny with this drama thread, but he isn't staff. Ogron added many contents but especially many dramas, all by himself as a staff. So what the fuck does staff members are doing? Vys did an audio draft commentary, which was good, but that's all what staff members did so far.

          Nobody are doing things for others, we all do things for ourself. If Ogron did HoN, stats, and all those dramas, it is because he enjoyed doing them, if qan do his work it is because he enjoy it. That's all, but I just wonder why we name as league staff peoples who enjoy to do nothing, when we got a dude who enjoy to do many things?

          But hey, we all moved forward as this is just a game, qan don't want Ogron and now it is Henry Saari the fuhrer. This TWDT is already a success, captain's level has improved with power's return (my thoughts goes for mikkiz ricko and zizzo, unlucky at draft), many returning vets (like ease and heard people enjoying roiwerk return, a dude i never saw, let's bring some others like him), a motivated community...

          A boy named "Lews Therin" is back, he was part of TW Elites, the first ever TWL winner. He was a champ even before Epinephrine won his first title, can someone ask him to join FA Draft? He seems to still be a good dueler if I refer to twd stats.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Smoking Blue View Post
            Anyone could have done with ogron did tho. If tw didnt have ogron theyd have someone else, its that simple and unsignificant in reality. What qan does or other coders do is very different from league ops. Ive hosted games and tournies manually back in the day in redstarzone, so i know the value of a coder is actually of meaning, unlike that of a host who can be replaced by anyone in a zone with proper bots. Even without bots, anyone can learn to host manually within an hour orso, if well prepared.

            Be real to yourself. Its the coders that actually kept tw alive as you can see that even skyforger and henry saari can host leagues, i havent noticed any difference from the leagues hosted by ogron or sky/henri. We get online and play the game, nothing changed.

            If anything you guys should suck your dev teams dick for giving you a proper zone, something all other zones prayed and begged for but got let down in the end.

            Be gratefull to what matters

            Ofc coders are more important. But not with TWDT, TWDT has been run for multiple seasons and nothing is getting changed in the coding stuff.
            And if anyone can do what Ogron did, why does no one does it? I think u underestimate what Ogron did all these seasons. It's not just making rules, announce twdt is starting and then see if rules get followed. Ogron always got people to signup and captain. Got people get hyped for it. If Henry had to do all by himself this season wouldnt have happened, trust me.

            And the reason why u dont see a difference between ogron and henry, is cuz henry does barely do a thing. Yea he announces so stuff.. Ratings, draft sheet, captains, signups he all put 5% effort into that. It doesnt stay with 'we get online and play the game'. Many of the players are here cuz they see other vets signing up and get hyped. We got contacts to get them back. If you dont see a difference between this and the season henry/vys did together.. Then you are stupid as hell.
            Major Crisis


            • #66
              Originally posted by Major Crisis View Post
              And if anyone can do what Ogron did, why does no one does it?
              From being involved in TSL and Basing Cup - it's probably due to the amount of abuse they get from players. Whatever decisions are made, there'll be a post telling them how much of an idiot they are. Who wants to subject themself to that abuse? - Nobody.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Smoking Blue View Post
                Anyone could have done with ogron did tho. If tw didnt have ogron theyd have someone else, its that simple and unsignificant in reality. What qan does or other coders do is very different from league ops. Ive hosted games and tournies manually back in the day in redstarzone, so i know the value of a coder is actually of meaning, unlike that of a host who can be replaced by anyone in a zone with proper bots. Even without bots, anyone can learn to host manually within an hour orso, if well prepared.

                Be real to yourself. Its the coders that actually kept tw alive as you can see that even skyforger and henry saari can host leagues, i havent noticed any difference from the leagues hosted by ogron or sky/henri. We get online and play the game, nothing changed.

                If anything you guys should suck your dev teams dick for giving you a proper zone, something all other zones prayed and begged for but got let down in the end.

                Be gratefull to what matters
                Host the next league then, and do it better than ogron did. Fuck boy
                SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2022
                SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2021
                SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2020

                TWLB CHAMP x4 dicE
                TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 10
                TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 11
                TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 15


                • #68
                  Anyone can host need to have no job, no education, no friends, no motivation in life...hmm I just described
                  1:Ogron> i can officially say that i am quitting tinder dude fuck that i met the most amazing girl ever
                  1:Zidane> congrats man
                  1:Ogron> yeah she is into star wars movies and plays little bit of LoL
                  1:Ogron> AND we had a 10 minute make out session in my car
                  1:Rough> AND this guy wonders why he is a loser


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Rough View Post
                    Anyone can host need to have no job, no education, no friends, no motivation in life...hmm I just described
                    Please sign up for FA Draft, nobody will be mad at you if you show on not a single sunday, and you could play if you can and want it. Just adding your alias to the competition's roster would be a huge improvement to it, take it like a helping hand to TW. I saw you took your retirement, but trust me nobody retire until God decide it, all others come back sooner or later.
                    Oh, and trashtalking are welcome too, especially from a hall of famer, nice post keep up


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Major Crisis View Post
                      Ofc coders are more important. But not with TWDT, TWDT has been run for multiple seasons and nothing is getting changed in the coding stuff.
                      And if anyone can do what Ogron did, why does no one does it? I think u underestimate what Ogron did all these seasons. It's not just making rules, announce twdt is starting and then see if rules get followed. Ogron always got people to signup and captain. Got people get hyped for it. If Henry had to do all by himself this season wouldnt have happened, trust me.

                      And the reason why u dont see a difference between ogron and henry, is cuz henry does barely do a thing. Yea he announces so stuff.. Ratings, draft sheet, captains, signups he all put 5% effort into that. It doesnt stay with 'we get online and play the game'. Many of the players are here cuz they see other vets signing up and get hyped. We got contacts to get them back. If you dont see a difference between this and the season henry/vys did together.. Then you are stupid as hell.

                      Every league op is gonna do a different job. Almost nobody works in the same way, nor do they have the same time/agenda. In the end it doesnt matter who is league op because players like you and me will still play the game regardless of who is making the forum posts and this is because DEV TEAM made it possible for you but also made it possible for league hosts to do what they have been doing.

                      The only reason players from dead zones come tw is because of the proper bots/coding tw has. Tw has by far the best bots the game has seen. Also dev work goes beyond one league and one league op. TW is alive and has a feed of players for leagues like DT because of many other assets dev has brought to your zone, like ELIM and other arenas. Your website is connected to the bot database etc etc, ive seen you all play in events. Squads are having games because, dev team made it possible to have borrows etc. DT is one fraction of the game and probaly the most whiney part of the game too. since there is no real new player feed, dt is really become less significant.

                      Your squad system is amazing and so easy to use yet nearly halfway tru 2018 these so called good players still gang up in tw rofl. I get it, they scared to lose but just wanted to mention that real good players from other zones stopped stacking since 2011, while there were still several top squads around.

                      DEV will never be the issue in TW, its the players who create an, as qan said so beautifully, Unhealthy atmosphere and try to kill the game just to look good in something the world doesnt even know is here.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by ronaldinho View Post
                        Concerning sysop it is true, we are lucky to have qan because he is very concerned about the game and is listening to every opinions as proved by all the detailed answers he give to every questions players asked. I got only two problems concernig him : 1 he don't play leagues, at least with his main alias (no need to be there 100% of time, even 10% would be very good), which separate him from tw community 2 he is stubborn concerning Ogron.

                        Cause yes there is a difference between Ogron's and Saari's work, just look at who take the time to create contents? What MC said about Saari is true, the dude just do the minimum work and wait for things to be done. Who really took time to create contents so far? Major Crisis, Holy Ship and Commodo, no one is a staff member. Tiny with this drama thread, but he isn't staff. Ogron added many contents but especially many dramas, all by himself as a staff. So what the fuck does staff members are doing? Vys did an audio draft commentary, which was good, but that's all what staff members did so far.

                        Nobody are doing things for others, we all do things for ourself. If Ogron did HoN, stats, and all those dramas, it is because he enjoyed doing them, if qan do his work it is because he enjoy it. That's all, but I just wonder why we name as league staff peoples who enjoy to do nothing, when we got a dude who enjoy to do many things?

                        But hey, we all moved forward as this is just a game, qan don't want Ogron and now it is Henry Saari the fuhrer. This TWDT is already a success, captain's level has improved with power's return (my thoughts goes for mikkiz ricko and zizzo, unlucky at draft), many returning vets (like ease and heard people enjoying roiwerk return, a dude i never saw, let's bring some others like him), a motivated community...

                        A boy named "Lews Therin" is back, he was part of TW Elites, the first ever TWL winner. He was a champ even before Epinephrine won his first title, can someone ask him to join FA Draft? He seems to still be a good dueler if I refer to twd stats.

                        I didnt rsad all your post cause fuck this bullshit but think for a second ...

                        LIke anything anywhere, its about the end result. You played in leagues hosted by everyone so far, who ever hosted didnt matter to you because you played anyway. Same goes for every other player. Whatever the league op does or whoever he is. When you get online on sunday for DT or any other league that matter, you will do what youve always have done because your dev team made it possible for you to get in the game without having to change squads or alias, u just get in the arena which with coding wouldnt even be necesary either and if your captain wants to start you, u get to play the game you like to play. not because of the host.

                        The goal of every league is to have us play in it, and this happens every time, regardless of who is making the forum posts. So there is no difference, 0 difference to be exact because the outcome is always the same. Sure the player base is declining but this might even be more the league ops fault than the devs fault because your dev team has done everything to keep and attract the players in tw.

                        and qan doesnt have to play, he should talk more with real top players like turban and zidane and ease, people that understand tw and their ships to the fullest only tw players like this know what works best for tw as they know the zone and its ships to an extend few have arriaved at yet.


                        • #72
                          I'm pretty sure you're trolling at this point... but w/e...

                          Obviously development is important to a certain point - no one can argue that. But when it comes down to keeping the playerbase healthy it has little to no impact beyond a certain point (a point we've now reached - not much we can add that has a positive impact on the "competing" playerbase - pub excluded).

                          What is more important going forward, a) a driven league coordinator that creates hype, creates thread for us to read and get involved in the game.... or b) another bot command? I'm pretty sure for example Rough is more inclined to come back to subspace if Ogron were to rail him about being overrated in a thread rather than a new !command.....

                          You say that there is 0 difference between the leagues because the outcome is the same. I think you misunderstand what the goal is, apart from completing a TWDT tournament. Of course there is more to it then just declaring a winner - I'd argue it's more about hosting a fun league that retains the player base and creates a buzz that makes old players come back year after year. For every badly hosted DT we will lose more players compared to a well-hosted DT.

                          Tl;dr I appreciate everyone everyone in this thread (Qan, Ogron etc for the work they do) except Smoking blue cuz he dumb


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Smoking Blue View Post
                            I didnt rsad all your post cause fuck this bullshit but think for a second ...

                            LIke anything anywhere, its about the end result. You played in leagues hosted by everyone so far, who ever hosted didnt matter to you because you played anyway. Same goes for every other player. Whatever the league op does or whoever he is. When you get online on sunday for DT or any other league that matter, you will do what youve always have done because your dev team made it possible for you to get in the game without having to change squads or alias, u just get in the arena which with coding wouldnt even be necesary either and if your captain wants to start you, u get to play the game you like to play. not because of the host.

                            The goal of every league is to have us play in it, and this happens every time, regardless of who is making the forum posts. So there is no difference, 0 difference to be exact because the outcome is always the same. Sure the player base is declining but this might even be more the league ops fault than the devs fault because your dev team has done everything to keep and attract the players in tw.

                            and qan doesnt have to play, he should talk more with real top players like turban and zidane and ease, people that understand tw and their ships to the fullest only tw players like this know what works best for tw as they know the zone and its ships to an extend few have arriaved at yet.
                            wtf you should have read dude


                            • #74
                              I don't understand why you guys are typing your little hearts out in this thread about Steadman.
                              Raazi> this is the only place men chase jessup


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Rasaq View Post
                                I don't understand why you guys are typing your little hearts out in this thread about Steadman.
                                You are mistaken, Steadman drama was done days ago. This is new stuff
                                1:waven> u challenge
                                1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

                                Originally posted by MHz
                                Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.

