For TWDTD something as Squadrons Mention on the Map the Most
Top5Squad - 5
Spiral - 2 =is the first squad to win Base
Ruby - 6
Dun VS Me - 6
Nimrook - 2
Team Hilk - 2
Thunder - 2
Baratheon - 3
Earthworm Jim - 2
Tool - 2
Silence - 2
Blind - 3+ (most recent)
Paddington - 2
Terrorist - 11
Power - 14
Top Five Squads are: Power, Terrorist, Ruby, Top5Squad, Blind and older Honorable Mention: Dun VS Me Rosters Can be Strain List as Reply.
Top5Squad - 5
Spiral - 2 =is the first squad to win Base
Ruby - 6
Dun VS Me - 6
Nimrook - 2
Team Hilk - 2
Thunder - 2
Baratheon - 3
Earthworm Jim - 2
Tool - 2
Silence - 2
Blind - 3+ (most recent)
Paddington - 2
Terrorist - 11
Power - 14
Top Five Squads are: Power, Terrorist, Ruby, Top5Squad, Blind and older Honorable Mention: Dun VS Me Rosters Can be Strain List as Reply.
