That sucks that it happened. It looks like Henry barely touched and got repped away causing a jupe? I don’t think this appeal should be approved though given that it had no bearing on the outcome as we held very well at the end and you would’ve only had about 13:30.
In game alias: mvp
twdt-b 2017 finalist
twlb 2020 and 2023 champ cheerleader
twdt-b 2020 and 2021 champ
It seems to be another "repped off flag" jupe. Same thing happened to us and we had to replay. I guess for consistency this should be replayed?
One thing counting against a replay is that FLA weren't within 1min 30secs (the "opportunity cost") of the total scores, and so, assuming everything else was equal, didn't affect the outcome of the game.
This is difficult, and there are multiple ways of thinking about it, but I like this one..
We can't really say who would have won had this jupe not occurred.
Therefore nobody was denied the win on the basis of this jupe alone.
No crime, no punishment. So I would not replay.
Also don't want to set a precedent that any game with a jupe needs a replay.
Reasoning: We cannot reasonably say it changed the outcome of the game. The flag was juped for about 46 seconds, if this 46 seconds was taken from PL's time and given to FLA they would still had less time on the clock. (14 mins 14 seconds with flag/cram for PL vs. 13 mins 34 seconds for FLA.
Jupes will only be considered for appeal in extreme circumstances where it is clear that it had a pivotal role in the outcome of the match, and where the jupe was not an error by the team (ramming mines etc.)
So this new kind of jupe, which u really can't do anything about as a player, only gets u a replay when it happens in the end of a match..?
That's questionable reasoning. 46 sec is a damn long time. When I see the other team is @ 14.15, I'm def not gonna give up on a match, esp not when my team is at 13.30...
So this new kind of jupe, which u really can't do anything about as a player, only gets u a replay when it happens in the end of a match..?
No, in our first game we had that same kind of jupe at 14:50 for the other team (yours). But apparently that's just 10 seconds so it doesn't matter. Now we get to deal with it, when you take the flag it's either you get it or there gonna be a bug that won't allow any flag change for whatever amount of time. As Zizzo said in the other thread, the only reason why he appealed is because they allowed a replay for Stray (who lost, fortunately). Apparently it was for "common sense", I might lack of it. Anyway I don't want to blame Zidane, the game in itself is becoming a joke. I remember year(s) ago my shots being tanked three times in a row, I was like what the fuck is this?! Now it's common things you get to deal with.