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  • So basically no money is rolled over and that's the cash breakdown? Damn, not the end to this saga I foresaw.

    [USER="3972"]Dwopple[/USER] thank you for taking a shit ton of undeserved hate and doing your best to fix a bad situation. There's still going to be people who bitch, but this baby was getting cut in half one way or the other.
    Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
    Message has been sent to online moderators
    2:BLeeN> veh yes
    2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
    2:BLeeN> ok then no
    :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
    (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


    • [QUOTE=Vehicle;n1360274]So basically no money is rolled over and that's the cash breakdown? Damn, not the end to this saga I foresaw.

      [USER="3972"]Dwopple[/USER] thank you for taking a shit ton of undeserved hate and doing your best to fix a bad situation. There's still going to be people who bitch, but this baby was getting cut in half one way or the other. [/QUOTE]

      Oohf, you're right in that I didn't make it explicitly clear... BUT, division winners and top players can make a choice of what to do with the money!

      Here are those options:[LIST=1][*]Keep everything[*]Roll over everything[*]Donate your winnings to TW Server upkeep & dev fund (my personal favorite :))[/LIST]Edit: updated the big post, thanks Veh.
      Last edited by Dwopple; 07-25-2022, 08:12 PM.
      zidane> big play
      Omega Red> dwop sick
      mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
      WillBy> ^^

      1:Chief Utsav> LOL
      1:Rule> we dont do that here.

      cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


      • All is restored in the subspace universe!! Thank you [USER="3972"]Dwopple[/USER] for all the work you've put into op'ing this season, you're work is greatly appreciated
        1:Riverside> you guys eat schmores in america?


        • ty 4 allowink morils n common sense n doink the right thing when theres a clear right/wrong decision 2 make 2 vs pr1v1l1nk and vsink sum accountability and acknowledgement that what u did was susp1ct n vsink clarity. will u post that to the top of this thread?

          also, am still abit confused on the winnings ch1rt. is that just an example of what payouts would be if those teams won?


          • [QUOTE=viop11;n1360281]ty 4 allowink morils n common sense n doink the right thing when theres a clear right/wrong decision 2 make 2 vs pr1v1l1nk and vsink sum accountability and acknowledgement that what u did was susp1ct n vsink clarity. will u post that to the top of this thread?

            also, am still abit confused on the winnings ch1rt. is that just an example of what payouts would be if those teams won?[/QUOTE]

            yes just an example if those teams won. yes I will update top post.
            zidane> big play
            Omega Red> dwop sick
            mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
            WillBy> ^^

            1:Chief Utsav> LOL
            1:Rule> we dont do that here.

            cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


            • [QUOTE=Riverside;n1360264]

              Health =/ 2d spaceships pew pew =/ what u can bicep curl or # of scotch 2 hop
              "Intelligence" =/ 2d spaceships pew pew



              Fight me

              Also, thanks racka, dwopple and everyone else volunteering
              TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


              • how is there always drama when its the same group of people over 10 years :rolleyes:
                1:Foreign> i screenshot every time i get mvp in javs
                1:pascone> folder is empty :/
                1:Tiny> LOL
                1:Mega Newbie> uhauhauhauhauhauha

                1:Ricko> i havent played so well and gone 4-7 before


                • What a rollercoaster of a thread, emotions, anger, love, frustration, ammendments, personal reveals, passive-agression, smiles, pats on the back, hugs, violence, money, balance, spaceships. Love you bois.

                  More importantly guys, I recieved a fan e-mail which said the following: 'Don Papi, my wife just watched one of your hall of fame moments on YouTube and she was immediatly impregnated with triplets. How should I name em?'

                  Rosa, Culo and Polla.



                  • [QUOTE=Stayon;n1360374]More importantly guys, I recieved a fan e-mail which said the following: 'Don Papi, my wife just watched one of your hall of fame moments on YouTube and she was immediatly impregnated with triplets. How should I name em?'

                    Rosa, Culo and Polla.

                    10 out of 10 response, absolutely perfect, no notes
                    top 100 basers list


                    • Best part was when Ogron compared spawn mines to slavery...
                      Kinda wish he got the replay just to lose in finals like déjà vu....

                      In all seriousness hope everyone is doing well mentally and physically.
                      GL in finals!


                      • [QUOTE=Cape;n1360396]Best part was when Ogron compared spawn mines to slavery...
                        Kinda wish he got the replay just to lose in finals like déjà vu....

                        In all seriousness hope everyone is doing well mentally and physically.
                        GL in finals!


                        10 out of 10 response, absolutely perfect, no notes


                        • Congratulations to Evil on winning the TWL triple crown.

                          Now that's out of the way we can focus on TWDT again. :rolleyes:


                          • cingritilitions on disgricink ur f1m1ly w/ that girpigi tixt


                            • Might add the wrong line and not triple crown, but clearly Rab has already lost TWL.


                              • on paper i thought we cud izily disp1tch 1rc1s w/ any line i added, i wudnt have tried to get every1 a round if i thought i was sicrificink winning. but i would definitely not have considered any1s feelings or getting every1 involved if i knew that ppl who won the semis alrdy receif prize $, i would have for sure not insirtid a few individuils who got to play in the finils

                                that beink said 1rc1s scrubmin spidirmin played a lot better than anticipitid n fingired r1p1t1 n took tripil criwn away so cr1d1t 2 them for taking advintigi of my syndrim

