r1pt1 sh1ps l1g1nd1ry strikir 1pr1st, n 2 othir ppl named r1s1q (ruh-sock *dwoppil voice*), and warrior, to r1f1rs1d1s squ1dr1n of sh1tb1x1s for LIGINDIRY R1P1T1 F1NG1RM1N JZ ALSO KNIWN AS ZY/ANGRY P1NC1L, Cl1TH, and sum guy named D1l1S
not that i give a sh1t wut othir teams do but that trade is basically apt and dak 4 vehicil becuz dr1ft doesnt vs attindinci
glad its approofed becuz bith teams are trying 2 improof their squidrins n not vetoed like every trade where 1 team gets slightly bettir playirs perhaps in sum1s opinion gets vetoed. ty willpy 4 not beink a j1br1n1 like every tr1d1 c1mm1t1 b4 u