Retired from (really) playing the game(suh)
Beings can be different
They don't grow the same(uh)
I laugh at those few self centered fuckers still using my name
Trying to inflict a pain
Theyll say
"Its one I overcame!"
Spewing the usual shit they speak
Look at the way he writes
Look at the way he plays
In a 2d spaceship game!
"He must have lost a body part
Or a piece of his brain"
A script they've used on others
As they giggled and twiddled
Their online fingers away
I expect them to keep e-coming
Different or the same
Add it to that dumbass quotes machine
Or another segment on an online Hot or Not
Meant to enhance TWs competitive gaming community
(Here comes another reminder
Buddy was paid in USD
So theres apparently
Limited accountability
For the words he speaks)
In the online (claus)House
He eats sleeps and breathes beneath
As I observe that dumbass aim
With some laughter
Pity, empathy
And sometimes glee
Here's a Freebie since I know you here
And maybe its one you can learn from
Read it clear
And with intent,
This version, you,
Behind those
4 screens?
Like your warbird game
Following what you see
Instead of creating chances yourself
Follow a 10*
Rinse and repeat?
What i see
From those actions and words I read
Very clearly
Thanks for reading!
This guy really typed out a full length poem about SS…what’s a few levels above cringe? That’s what I’m feeling right now
J-B-Inc> i ddi that duel while doing coke of pawner moms ass
8:Riverside> UPDATE FOR WEEK 1:
8:Riverside> I go 4-60 and we lose 0-6
2:saiyan> [Dec 22 21:22] Rough: yo just came on to tell you, can you go on a real date with a girl (need to be specific here lol) instead of talking to claus on forums about calcs and formulas for a league? Happy holidays btw
already told you I’m done lol and besides, my captain told
me I’m not wanted or needed, anyway (which he’s right because unfortunately he can’t pick teams as well as he picks his butt crust)
J-B-Inc> i ddi that duel while doing coke of pawner moms ass
8:Riverside> UPDATE FOR WEEK 1:
8:Riverside> I go 4-60 and we lose 0-6
2:saiyan> [Dec 22 21:22] Rough: yo just came on to tell you, can you go on a real date with a girl (need to be specific here lol) instead of talking to claus on forums about calcs and formulas for a league? Happy holidays btw
already told you I’m done lol and besides, my captain told
me I’m not wanted or needed, anyway (which he’s right because unfortunately he can’t pick teams as well as he picks his butt crust)
River my dude. You showed up to FA in DT last season. Got drafted by Power then proceeded to get smacked so hard by the enemy and ogron/zidane that you started talking like violence. You then asked to captain a DT team, presumably to shut up the haters, but promptly drafted a team that statistically couldn't even field a max-star line. (When I asked you why, you told me it was because you "drafted for FA.") Your KPD in jav and warbird as a captain is .56. Your team is ranked last with half as many points as the team above you.
But rather than be humble, accept advice, try to make the most out of what you've got, you cling to a title you won shortly after your balls dropped as and act as if you're better than everyone or even anywhere near on their level.
I'm not asking you to go away, I'm just asking you to stop.
Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
Message has been sent to online moderators
2:BLeeN> veh yes
2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
2:BLeeN> ok then no
:Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
(Overstrand)>oh...then yes
River my dude. You showed up to FA in DT last season. Got drafted by Power then proceeded to get smacked so hard by the enemy and ogron/zidane that you started talking like violence.
I'm not asking you to go away, I'm just asking you to stop.
I startid talking in viop that seasin, eh eldir statesmin Lame?
Ty 4 dis, cud b news 2 me!
PS if da ss playir / legind titld Lame reads this m sry luv u
River my dude. You showed up to FA in DT last season. Got drafted by Power then proceeded to get smacked so hard by the enemy and ogron/zidane that you started talking like violence. You then asked to captain a DT team, presumably to shut up the haters, but promptly drafted a team that statistically couldn't even field a max-star line. (When I asked you why, you told me it was because you "drafted for FA.") Your KPD in jav and warbird as a captain is .56. Your team is ranked last with half as many points as the team above you.
But rather than be humble, accept advice, try to make the most out of what you've got, you cling to a title you won shortly after your balls dropped as and act as if you're better than everyone or even anywhere near on their level.
I'm not asking you to go away, I'm just asking you to stop.
Damn Vehicle, he deserves to lose some of the ego, but you didn't have to murder the man!
RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
RaCka> mad impressive