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TWDT Season 28 Announcement

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  • #76
    Originally posted by beam View Post
    can you explain your reasoning for splitting base from dueling? I assume playoffs for dueling leagues will be based on individual records not combined wb/jav records now since base is separate? I apologize if these questions have been answered already
    Main reason is the number of players needed to make a competitive duelling vs basing team. Previously, the max number of teams was predetermined by what was needed for base and even with that, some base teams struggled with showups. Separating base and duelling means we most probably have 2 less teams for base vs duelling, but also means more people will get to play in duelling as teams will be smaller and less people have to bench.
    And yes, wb/jav will be still be considered separately for playoffs, but will have 1 draft, so caps need to balance their wb/jav picks while drafting.


    • #77
      Asking for a friend, if I am a captain and I have just drafted and setup my team can I ditch them at the last second before the tournament actually starts and join another team?
      Ogron - "Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for 10* attitude [Ardour]"

      ranked #2 in ogrons signature of: TWL's most irrelevant nobodies pubtrash bozos with 0 titles.

      TWLD Season 19 #70th Best Warbird
      TWLB Season 19 #56th Best Spider

      TW Greatest no-shipper 2002 - Present


      • #78
        I want to think that I understand the point behind tier system but I must join the critiques and say that it most likely wont work. The league has improved a lot with star cap system.

        Tier system simply creates broken teams and makes the experience bad for many players.

        Just a quick thought - maybe a star cap for 4/5 players(dueling) and 7/8 plauers(base) + requirement to add max 7* in the last spot. This would give some amateurs play time and minimize the effects of broken 6* stars. Then again, it would create another issue of rating 7*s very carefully.
        Season 12 champion TWLD / TWLJ
        Season 18 champion TWLJ / TWLB
        Season 19 champion TWLB (C)

        Season 6 champion TWDT-J TWDT-B (C)
        Season 10 champion TWDT-J (C)
        Season 11 champion TWDT-B (C)
        Season 13 champion TWDT-B (C)
        Season 17 TRIPLE CROWN TWDT (C)

        The winningest TWDT captain of all time


        • #79
          Any thoughts on introducing a new Saudi Arabia rule?

          At any point the richest players (myself..) can offer transfers to high priority targets... this will encourage a new element to drafting where captains must look also at how their roster contributes to pub 0.... This will in turn allow pubbers to see what other skilled players there are and will create a more understanding setting for all.

          It may also help to bring countries to wash their money through our great game.

          I await your decision with an eager heart and a full bladder.


          • #80
            I feel like we should start a poll on a start date or get some data on show rates for the upcoming weeks. Seems like pushing this out another month may be beneficial. As of right now I'm thinking about dropping out of this.
            Raazi> this is the only place men chase jessup


            • #81
              Originally posted by Rasaq View Post
              I feel like we should start a poll on a start date or get some data on show rates for the upcoming weeks. Seems like pushing this out another month may be beneficial. As of right now I'm thinking about dropping out of this.
              Yes, we are going to push the starting date


              • #82
                Important update, due to low signup rate, we will move the league to October, new draft date 15th of October, we will try to increase activity meanwhile with scheduled base games and also looking at developing MMR further.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by LeeRomeno View Post
                  IMPORTANT UPDATE:
                  Think our goal is to have a great season, there are few things blocking it, so here are the updates:

                  1) We will skip the tier logic for this season, but will have some mid-season short tourney testing the idea how it would work.

                  Still think the VPs are broken, but will try to get them as good as they can be, so I am looking for volunteers who would help rating all the players once league start is closer. I am looking for around top 10 pilots. I will send personal anonymous google sheet and hope you will respond with your ratings on those players. Once everyone has filled them, i will make 1 giant sheet, remove best and worst rating and then take average and then adjust with final jury taking also MMR ratings into consideration for players who are sort of between ratings.
                  Hope everyone so passionate in arguing the tier system can voluteer helping with ratings.

                  2) We will have draft league in 2 parts. Duelling (WB and JAV) with one set of caps and Base with another set of caps. Main reasoning for this: with 1 round main season, i would like to have as many squads as possible (to give as many players possibility to play), duelling squads need less people for that. Usually draft league team number is automatically adjusted for base, this way we can have more squads for duelling and still have big enough teams for base to suffer from no-shows.

                  3) Will take a vote among captains before league to decide if we continue with current setup (jav/wb before base) or they are willing to test bringing base earlier and why not also switching wb/jav order, so that wb will be last. For me I have no preferences, but this could increase the number of euro basers taking part and perhaps some would return as well.

                  Will also take a look at VP limits after more people have signed up and see if having larger VP gap on freq makes sense. After remapping VPs

                  Last but not least, if signups will not really improve soon, we may need to reschedule the draft and start week or 2 later, but will take that call once time is closer.

                  Tbh, I think base will have better competition with 6 teams instead of 8. The last 3 seasons have had quite a few mid-season forfeits and I feel both duelers and basers will appreciate the better quality games.

                  Open to help keep the conversation flowing for anyone wanting to discuss more.

                  zidane> big play
                  Omega Red> dwop sick
                  mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
                  WillBy> ^^

                  1:Chief Utsav> LOL
                  1:Rule> we dont do that here.

                  cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


                  • #84
                    Have the separate drafts been combined, and schedule changes not made - so this is just normal TWDT now?


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Rab View Post
                      Have the separate drafts been combined, and schedule changes not made - so this is just normal TWDT now?
                      Yes, traditional TWDT with a star cap.
                      1:Riverside> you guys eat schmores in america?


                      • #86
                        With signups nearing 120, wouldn't it be a good idea to consider doing 10 captains this season? That's still 12 players per team if it hits 120, 13 if it hits 130. As it stands, it will be 15 per team if it hits 120 at 8 caps and 16 if it hits 130.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Grasps View Post
                          With signups nearing 120, wouldn't it be a good idea to consider doing 10 captains this season? That's still 12 players per team if it hits 120, 13 if it hits 130. As it stands, it will be 15 per team if it hits 120 at 8 caps and 16 if it hits 130.
                          This is the toughest part of every season. It’s really tough to find the perfect balance but with so many players saying their show rates are 50% or less in some cases I think 8 teams is still the move as of right now. There’s still a bit of time left if we get another bump in sign ups to revisit total teams
                          1:Riverside> you guys eat schmores in america?

