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The music nowadays

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  • The music nowadays

    People listen to the wrong kind of music nowadays (giving too much money to the wrong kind), and too much money circulate around things, that should be the opposite. Let me give you an example:

    We have a DJer, let's call him DJ Da1. He is "very good" (how the fuck can someone be very good in the genre of techno/trance?), and he earns a shitload of money. For every gig he has, at every club he plays, he gets enormous amounts of money. [As it is IRL, but with other DJs ofcourse). Now, it's almost guaranteed that people and clubs will buy his records/songs, so it's a kind of safe business to place money at.

    Then, we have a guitar player, let's call him Dennis. He is one damn good guitarist, he knows a shitload of stuff to do with the guitar, and he has been practicing scales on the guitar in his basement for the last 20 years. Why does he have much slimmer chances of getting known and earning money?

    The answer: Because this kind of music is not too safe to place money at. I personally think it's wrong that a guy who is much better at his own genre then the other at his own, has to suffer cause of the ie. Rock genre being too risky to place money at. Sigh.

    Originally Posted by HeavenSent
    You won't have to wait another 4 years.
    There wont be another election for president.
    Obama is the Omega President.

  • #2
    I wish Pink Floyd never broke up

    But I see what you mean, usually it's because that other person can't play anywhere so they can be discovered.. I don't know. The "rock" industry does good where I live, and lots of local bands make it on to record labels and stuff.. and everyone likes them.. but that's also because we don't really haev any "clubs" where I live either, so who knows :/
    Sina Olet Sootti :)


    • #3
      There's no right/wrong kind of music to listen to

      There's a lot of talented people in every genre who will never make money.

      Just because you don't appreciate a DJ's skill, doesn't mean that he doesn't have any, it just means that you don't appreciate it.

      Just because someone has talent doesn't mean they're capable of making something that people want to listen to. You're ignoring the style factor. Someone can be the best guitarist in the world, but if I'm not feeling what he's doing, i'm not going to his show. - Gallileo's racist thread

      "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


      • #4
        yeah, i actually dont care much for pink floyd except the song "dogs". thats the only reason they should be paid, a dollar everytime someone plays it.

        internet de la jerome

        because the internet | hazardous


        • #5
          Synthesizer = Best instrument. $$

          But this is coming from and industrial fan.

          I <3 metal too
          G[y]Ro> omfg
          G[y]Ro> u nerds
          G[y]Ro> NERDS
          G[y]Ro> ALL OF U


          • #6
            Listen to whatever you want to listen to, and if anyone ever tells you different punch them in the face. there's no right or wrong. Now on the topic of what's music and what's not music is different. Giving money to some douche that talks really fast is bullshit and in my opinion that is bad, but again that is my opinion and not a fact. A lot of the older stuff like Pink Floyd or The Clash is amazing. Try not to judge a genre of music without looking deeply into it. Right now the main genre of music I'm into is ska, It'll always be rock - punk but I mix it up quite a bit. I'm currently joining a local ska band this summer just got to work on my trumpet skills.
            Last edited by Cops; 04-21-2004, 08:04 PM.
            it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


            • #7
              ska is cool..
              the trumpet is pretty easy to learn, my sister learnt it in like a month :x
              i forgot what else i was going to say..
              meh no i listen to mostly everything.. except country music.. i can't stand most of it :x
              Sina Olet Sootti :)


              • #8
                Originally posted by aussie
                ska is cool..
                the trumpet is pretty easy to learn, my sister learnt it in like a month :x
                i forgot what else i was going to say..
                meh no i listen to mostly everything.. except country music.. i can't stand most of it :x
                yeah It's like emo but without a beat. I'm hoping i can learn it in a month I got to hurry up and get playing
                it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                • #9
                  Well, then there is always rap with all these clones walking around in music videos with naked women dancing around a group of guys throwing their hands at a camera. Then these guys start driving around in Saleen S7s. Clearly there is a problem with society today. (Although I love Trance & Rock myself, I can see the problem here)
                  GO LEAFS GO!
                  Inspriational Songs for Subspace:
                  Duran Duran - Reflex

                  Inspirational Songs for TW forums:
                  Tears for Fears - Shout


                  • #10
                    Da1ondonaly, music is just any other business you cant complain when the taste of the music generation change thats like being in the fashion industry and complaining that no-one is buying cargo pants anymore even though everyone did 1-2 years ago!
                    Note: maybe your guitarist isnt getting anywhere because all he cares about is the money and not the music and listeners can tell that straight away thus not buying the cd.


                    • #11
                      I like cargo pants, ye bastard!
                      G[y]Ro> omfg
                      G[y]Ro> u nerds
                      G[y]Ro> NERDS
                      G[y]Ro> ALL OF U


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cops
                        Right now the main genre of music I'm into is ska, It'll always be rock - punk but I mix it up quite a bit.
                        ASKJGVKFDJ ME TOO

                        Sumpson told me about this ska band called Liberator, their shits rare but its worth it
                        NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                        internet de la jerome

                        because the internet | hazardous


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Cops
                          yeah It's like emo but without a beat.
                          PSSH ska is more like punk without a beat and trumpets used as filler since there is no beat.

                          Only decent ska band I've listened to are the Mad Caddies.
                          The song doesn't make your hands clap,
                          The hand claps make the song


                          • #14
                            Its not that music is bad nowadays, its just that theres so many genres, and people feel the need to identify themselves with one or more of them. I enjoy all kinds, except for gangster rap cuz I don't relate to it. I'm not a huge country fan either, but I respect what they do, and some of it is actually quite good. My favorite music is what I play. Being a band student for seven years, and marching band really opened me to more things, including writing music (actually, cadences for my high school drumline).

                            This is the stuff I enjoy and appreciate, and I suggest you guys check it out. It probably isn't stuff you'd think to have bumpin' in your car, or to be groovin' at the club to, but I think its amazing. Drums are Fun


                            • #15
                              Best not worry about such trivial things. Be comforted by the fact that when you buy a CD made by your guitarist, the money will go to him, and not the DJ. Funny how that works.

