i don't understand why the fasion now days between you kids is spelling things badly...
oh well, 3v3ryt1m3 u say s0m3th1ng s0m30n3 pr0v35 u wr0ng ,gg n00b
..His reply just totally flew over your head, didn't it.
My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.
Why don't you contribute something then? It's pointless saying that and not providing some input of your own.
I agree, if you think you know more on the topic then place your views and we will debate it and if you are what you say you are then what you say should be correct and disprove others, your not proving anything by just sitting on the fence.
Yeah we sat on our asses, because we have a foreign policy, ever heard of the Monroe Doctrine? It said we would STEER CLEAR OF EUROPEAN AFFAIRS. Yet when needed, we came and rescued our allies' asses like usual. Oh yeah, and i almost forgot to add that we sent millions upon millions of supplies to great britain, france, and russia BOTH FUCKING TIMES. U:ve seen no support from France, and we didn't agree with the World Wars, but did we still support our allies, HELL YEAH WE DID.
Oh you mean how they bailed out of French Indo-China because they couldn't take communism? I could've, but i thought that the world wars would be proof enough. I'd say that we've helped more countries then we should've.
Hay there, Germany was already losing the war (well, I guess nobody wins a war) before USA entered it. All of the elite german troops were dying in Stalingrad and Soviet was pushing the germans back while shitloads of resources were wasted on the luftwaffe dying over the english channel.
Thats the part of the whole pacification. Take all people out of a town, burn it(or in this case crumble it) and take the villagers to refugee camps, but the US wouldnt do that =p
unt here boyz unt girlz iz a clazzic exampul of vot ve call ze "wannabe"
he vill sit ar'und in ze background ocasionaly stepping in to give a veally stupid comment in un attempt to fit into ze thvead.
Liquid blue i dont remember talking to you or asking you for a reply, quit butting in where you aren't wanted.
Indeed, I also try to act tough on the internet by insulting anyone who doesn't agree with my views and having long, drawn out cat fights with abrasion..oh wait.
My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.
i don't understand why the fasion now days between you kids is spelling things badly...
oh well, 3v3ryt1m3 u say s0m3th1ng s0m30n3 pr0v35 u wr0ng ,gg n00b
First, you missed the entirety of the point which is kinda hard to do.
Second, If the birthdate in your profile is right.. which I somehow doubt it is, I'm about a decade older than you.
Third, From your profile:
Hacking, skating, crackin, fucking
Professional Expert
Home Page: www..astalavista..com
Astalavista.com eh? Now we know where you get your super hacking abilities from. A wannabe site with a name ripped off from the ACTUAL security site. Dig your hole deeper junior, by all means.
Edit: disabled his astalavista link, wouldn't want random kids clicking it while their moms are in the room or something.
K Money, that was the most ignorant thing I've ever heard anyone say. France doesn't owe you anything. I don't think any country owes any other country anything.
And the thing about Canada going out to send mounties to fight? Umm.. we don't even get involved in wars, so why would we be sending out anyone anyways? (Other than Peace Keepers) And on top of that point, do you know where you get most of your weapons from? Canada. We take your stupid shit ass guns and your stupid machinery and make it better.. you should go read up about that.
Hmm.. we also supply your electricity for the west coast, some of your natural gas and most of your water, because you don't have enough to supply your people with clean water.
The next time you want to bitch about someone else's country, take a look at your own first.
On this whole war thing though, I think the reason they went there was wrong, because America didn't really have any proof to go in there other than Bush's assumptions. But what the Iraqis are doing now to innocent people is just wrong.
In my opinion I think America should just leave them alone, evidentally the Iraqis don't want their help. Besides, they've done everything they can now.
There will always be some radical group in every country who doesn't like what another group is doing, and shit happens I guess.