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It's suprising!

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  • It's suprising!

    that 90% of zx.'s posts include mocking!

    go ahead and respond to this one to add even more!

    Oh, and why did you choose the name 'zx.' (notice the .)I just don't understand why you put that there

  • #2
    thread devoted to zx by xog = 2
    threads about xog by zx = 0

    who likes who the most.. btw have i said anything to you in the past month? still hung up on me tho....

    and why do you feel the need to understand my name? anyway ill entertain you kiddie these forums wont let you do a name less with 3 chars long. (3 is bigger than 2 btw xog)

    xog you already got a hate thread on me, and doesnt seem like anyone here really cares what you've gotta say about anything... you'll just end up being chased out like everything else youve ever done in life....

    and whats wrong with mocking ppl im not here to be accepted and its fun... u got a problem with that xog? 102% of your threads are nerdy and a waste of time, seeking attenion and being all out faggish, do you see me making a thread trying to put my post count up all about you?.... youd be better making a thread devoted to poop... ... wait a moment! :eek:


    Last edited by zx.; 05-20-2004, 02:38 PM.


    • #3
      so ur not zxer or xz or timing? damn thanks for making all that stuff up u dumbass now ur hunted

      1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
      1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
      1:Freeze> LOL FAR
      5:waven> freeze
      5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
      5:waven> you state your business with sanji
      5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
      5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
      5:waven> and i will talk to ease
      5:Freeze> LOL
      5:waven> that's how things work around here
      1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste


      • #4
        who the hell is timing? thats a new one... im not zeta, im not zxer, im not xz and im not timing.....


        • #5
          Originally posted by THe Search Result
          Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dameon Angell



            • #7
              Zx., without this post, you've already made up over 50% of the replies of this thread. 3 out of the past 5 replies!

              Originally posted by zx.
              do you see me making a thread trying to put my post count up all about you?....
              May not be a thread, but it's the amount of posts. Yes, you're only replying because I start threads. You responding is only encouraging me. You may think by you responding, you're trying to make me encourage you to reply. EEEN. wrong. I'm just waiting for you to apologize for being a total ass to everyone. Be a man. (Apparently you claim you are, but you've yet to show it)

              I've never ever seen you apologize to anyone within subspace/forums. If you're asking 'why'?.. then you're a total dumbass. end of that story.

              Now if you're thinking I'M a total ass, then my freind, you are wrong. Some times I can be an ass when i'm pissed off, but afterwards I apologize. This is something a real man does. Be courteous.

              Don't run away and say HAHAHAH EZ and keep running. Stay up close and say F--K YOU <bang>. It's much easier. When you make a mistake, apologize. Don't lie to get yourself out of it. This is a life-taught skill, and apparently you've yet to learn it. My age may be 16, but my mind is way ahead of my age.

              You need to learn some real skills. I'm not talking about dodging or aiming, I'm talking about REAL skills. Learn them, respect them, work with them.

              As for you, I think you're afraid of life. You try and hide from things you think might harm you. Maybe this is why people complain you run and hide from them in duels. Zx, i'm asking you as a human being, not a subspace player; Please stop acting like a total assholemaphrite. The only person you're harming is yourself. Learn your responsibilities, please


              As for my posts being 'geeky' and 'faggish', I do them for comedy. Not to get attention. Sometimes I post things that are comepletely useless, that's why this forum is called USELESS CRAP. Names mean things, learn them.
              Last edited by Xog; 05-20-2004, 08:46 PM.


              • #8
                omg xog i got tears in my eyes from laughing so hard! i swear ive never laughed so hard at someone!!

                HAHAHA OMG! YOU are giving someone else tips on life? HAHHa!

                You may think by you responding, you're trying to make me encourage you to reply. EEEN. wrong.
                dont understand that, i post a reply simply to say what i gotta say, no secret encouraging or "EEEN".. w/e

                as for apologizing, what for? i don't say things by accident, if i offend someone its on purpose! ive said sorry to alot of ppl in game who i like, as for ppl i dont know, what kinda mug sits there saying sorry to some 10yr old in a game!?

                Don't run away and say HAHAHAH EZ and keep running. Stay up close and say F--K YOU <bang>
                ...says the guy from behind his computer monitor, skin as pale as possible from lack of sunlight..HAHA

                I think you're afraid of life. You try and hide from things you think might harm you
                omg xog no more comments on that post! ive never seen such a girlie, wussy, trying to act like you know stuff, post in my life!

                Last edited by zx.; 05-20-2004, 09:27 PM.


                • #9
                  And yet you continue to rant and rave like a total moron. I've yet to see you actually diss someone, rather than babble on and on.

                  post 666


                  • #10
                    zx. = Zeta_Burn

                    Think about it, their quality of flames are both in the negatives....and they both talk the same. Zeta gets banned BOOM HERE COMES ZX. Supicious? Hell yes.


                    • #11
                      zx has played in the past, i remember from a few years ago when he and i played lasertag. He was a total douche thinking he's best at everything.

                      My psychic abilities tell me he's going to say..: But I am best at everything!

                      But he quit, and now he's back, which is kinda suspicious. And he's a hacker. So... Hm.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gemfire
                        zx. = Zeta_Burn

                        Think about it, their quality of flames are both in the negatives....and they both talk the same. Zeta gets banned BOOM HERE COMES ZX. Supicious? Hell yes.
                        Lolz, look at the video's he made trying to pretend to be xog. They also look exactly alike! AMAZING!
                        ^^^ My new sig i wasted 10 minutes of my life making! W00tz for mE! :D:cool:

                        I am Plasma.

                        Last edited by abrasion about 150 times because he can't fucking type.


                        • #13
                          zeta burn got banned? what did get banned for?
                          that's funny. lets ban zx because he's stupid and he has nothing good to say.
                          Sina Olet Sootti :)


                          • #14

                            Edit: we should create a poll on who to ban in the poles section..


                            • #15
                              lol abrasive, read the posts noob!

                              xog.... POOP! and as if anyone with the power to ban me cares what youve gotta say..

                              He was a total douche
                              quit watching the osbornes xog, you easily influenced outcast

