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Potato and Beef Burrito

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  • #16
    I have a friend from Montana that raves about Taco John's.
    5:gen> man
    5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


    • #17
      Code for the love of god! Tell us the KFC story!!


      • #18
        Taco Del Mar is good, but they're PNW only, and In and Out has the hands down best fast food burgers on the planet. The big national chains are pretty much crap, although Popeye's fired chicken and seasoned curly fries fill some sort of gaping fat/sugar/salt overdose hole in my metabolism like no other food/food susbstitute can.


        • #19
          Ok, I've been around the country, so I know my share of fast food....

          Burger King - in serious financial trouble, their burgers don't taste like beef, but who cares when there's so much shit on them.

          Taco john's - almost exactly like taco bell, except they serve tater tots (which can also be put in the burritos). to me, their meat and stuff tastes just like taco bell.

          Taco Del Mar - very good burritos. best fish tacos

          Baja fresh - fast expanding mexican place.(mexi-fresh, or something like that, a step above fast food... the chicken is actual chicken, not weird soft white chunks). Fantastic. Try the burritos enchilada style (they put sauce and cheese on the top.

          KFC - good once in awhile, I like the fries. Nothing there is as good as the same stuff at Popeyes though (plus, popeyes has curly fries, can't beat that).

          Hardees - haven't had in a long time, I used to love the sourdough burgers though.

          In & Out - Whoever said these were the best burgers is a smart person. Though it's a close race between In & Out and Fatburger.

          Burger Me - as far as I know, only one exists, it's on the road between seattle and vancouver. if you see this place, DO NOT stop. it's the worst piece of shit ever. The menu rocks with stuff like "burger me" and "cheese me" and "double cheese me", but don't be fooled, the buns are soaked in that fake butter oil shit and they taste like ass.

          I think I covered all the ones mentioned. I should write a fastfood guidebook.
 - Gallileo's racist thread

          "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


          • #20
            Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd
            KFC is disgusting.
            As a Kentuckian I agree completely. In other countries however they make their chicken differently apparently, so it's hard to compare one to another. But it stands that with a package of boneless chicken breasts from the grocery store and about 30 or 40 minutes, I can fry better chicken than you'll ever get at KFC. Now if I could just become a Kentucky Colonel, I'd be set to start my own chain of restaraunts. Maybe I'll name it "Colonel Sarien's Make You Jizz With Just One Bite Fried Chicken", and then later when I'm looking to streamline my image I can just shorten it to CSMYJWJOBFC.
            "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

            Reinstate Me.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Sleepy Weasel
              The combo KFC/taco bell is the best thing in the world.
              The tribo KFC/Taco bell/Pizza hut owns that. I only have to drive 30miles to get a KFC's fries a breadstick and a buritto.


              • #22
                Chick-Fil-A man, that is the BEST chicken hands down


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Displaced
                  More? they actually exist in finland? Where tell me!

                  I could do with a KFC, and Hardees.
                  After having lived in the worst college town in America, having Hardees 3 times is 3 times too many. I like fast food and all we had in the town was a Taco Bell/Pizza Hut combo, Subway, and Hardees. Top that with below par cafateria food and I didn't gain any weight at school. I think people underappreciate the general great food and cleanliness of Wendy's. If I had the money, I'd put a frosty machine in my house.
                  The song doesn't make your hands clap,
                  The hand claps make the song


                  • #24
                    Del Taco is supreme, I think its a west coast chain though, like In-N-Out. I haven't eaten at Taco Bell in years, yuck.
                    Animol> the solution for crimelization is openetion of heartization
                    Moltenrock> STOP TALKING TO MY TEAMMMATE ASSHOLE


                    • #25
                      Wendy's is good and hihg quality compared to the rest of the fast food places in my town area, i just hate their fries.

                      Burger king has all but dissappeared from around here.

                      TOO MANY FUCKING TIM HORTON'S AND THEIR SHIT SUCKS. Coffee time or country style is 10x better than tim horton's.
                      There once was a man from Nantucket.


                      • #26
                        i hate fast food, apart from english fish & chips


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Melufa
                          Chick-Fil-A man, that is the BEST chicken hands down
                          That place is freaking great we only have them in our malls, but man is it worth to buy food from there.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by unrealistic
                            Code for the love of god! Tell us the KFC story!!
                            If you really want to know, pm me in game sometime. It's not a very happy story.

                            Originally posted by triceratops
                            Del Taco is supreme, I think its a west coast chain though, like In-N-Out. I haven't eaten at Taco Bell in years, yuck.
                            We have Del Taco here in CO, and its better than Taco Bell also. But if I'm gonna eat some good mexican food, I go to a local favorite called Antonio's Mexican Grill. The owner runs this place with her family and she makes the best mexican you've ever had.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Facetious
                              This thought probably comes intuitively to 98% of you, but DO NOT try the Potato and Beef Burrito at Taco Bell. Yes, it sounds intriguing, and yes, it's only $1.29, and yes, it's a new item at Taco Bell, but it will make you physically sick, and it also tastes mediocre at best. It would be best for the Subspace community if I were to remain the only person to suffer the consequences of eating one of these. Thank you.

                              i ordered the bean burritto cuz it was only 99c....BAD IDEA. 2 bites n threw it out...fuckin gross
                              1:Nimrook> On a scale of 1 to 10.. how old do u think Michael Jackson's boyfriend is?
                              1:Jack Kiefer> 22
                              1:Jack Kiefer> he is innocent, i know from experience. All I did was sleep in his bed and he gives back scratches.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by PUNK rock
                                After having lived in the worst college town in America, having Hardees 3 times is 3 times too many. I like fast food and all we had in the town was a Taco Bell/Pizza Hut combo, Subway, and Hardees. Top that with below par cafateria food and I didn't gain any weight at school. I think people underappreciate the general great food and cleanliness of Wendy's. If I had the money, I'd put a frosty machine in my house.
                                Ive heard horror stories about fast food places in america, how wildly they deviate from state to state and how bad their quality control is.

                                in the UAE (United Arab Emirates) all of the meat and other ingredients are strictly controlled by the government and all meat must be halal approved and slaughtered meat.

                                that being said, ive never once had bad Hardees in the UAE, the KFC fries over there are terrible, soggy, tasteless, if id have to rate fast food places from my experiences over there it would look something like this.

                                1. Hardees - Just cant beat their Super Star meals, or Spicy Santa Fe burger and some Curly fries.

                                2. KFC - Their fries may suck, but their Zinger Supreme is awesome, as are their Zinger twisters (dunno if these are unique to the middle east and ECC countries.. but they are good)

                                3. Burger King - Best fries, hard, crunchy, taste good, and their Chicken Royale is pretty damned fine. (added bonus of Mozzarella sticks)

                                3. Subway - Tied with BK, pretty much all of their stuff is good, be it Steak'n'Cheese or some Italian BLT.

                                4. McDonalds - Shitty fries (seems to be common around the world), but they have some good burgers, McArabia is my new fav (too bad its ME only since it owns)

                                5. Wendy's - Havent been there often, but its not bad.

                                6. Wimpy's - Crappy McDonalnds clone. with worse burgers.

                                7. Jolly Bee - (Philipino chain) its not all that bad, but i dont really like a burger covered in honey and shite.

                                now those are the "commercial" brands, if you people ever end up in the middle east, go to some arabic reastaurant and order Shwarmas, (fast food which looks something akin to a fajita) or order some Chicken Birijani from an indian place.

                                hmm now it looks like im some fast food afficionado (sp?) but im just your standard old college/uni student who cant be bothered to cook.
                                Displaced> I get pussy every day
                                Displaced> I'm rich
                                Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
                                Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
                                Thors> prolly
                                Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

                                best comeback ever

