Join the Offical Trenchwars Fantasy Stock Exchange.
Start with a portfolio of $1,000,000 in fantasy money and trade stocks listed on the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX exchanges. Conduct limit and stop orders, build your own private competition and more!
Visit http://game.marketwatch.com/Home/default.asp - If you're interested message me and i'll give you the information on how to join the Trenchwars Fantasy Stock Exchange Competition. Serious only...
Thanks, and Good Luck!
Louis Logic
P.S. It started offically today....the longer you wait to sign up, the bigger edge the competition has on you financially....
Also...when registering your username, please use your subspace alias so we all know who you are.
The chat is ?chat=exchange (If you have any questions, or just want to talk about different stocks and stradegy)
Once your signed up click on competitions then join the Trenchwars Fantasy Stock Exchange http://game.marketwatch.com/Competit...mpetitions.asp
Competition ID: Trenchwars