1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
1:Freeze> LOL FAR
5:waven> freeze
5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
5:waven> you state your business with sanji
5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
5:waven> and i will talk to ease
5:Freeze> LOL
5:waven> that's how things work around here
1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste
Nobody probably gives a damn, most likely most people will be glad.
But I am retiring, reason: quite simpel, I am having no fun whatsoever in this game, I am constantly bored, only reasons I sticked around was twl. And I wasnt gonna leave till after TWL, but due to some personal reasons and circumstances I am leaving now. My squad knows this reason, and and thats enough for me.
Now you can go and post, you will be back, they all come back. And I probably will come back, but not for a long while.
Peace from Tyson_Bitbeast, ex-squadie and a good friend.
Blood Love Overcomes Our Depressions
Perhaps they can't be together 24/7, ever think of that? I'm married to the most beautiful woman in my world, and I can't be around her all the time because she works during the day, while I work nights. When she's not around I'm either taking care of my daughter (add son to that now), sleeping, reading, watching TV, or playing this. I'm sure in Loth's case, he loves her, and if he had his way, would spend every moment of his life with her, but can't. For example, she's been gone the last couple of weeks, so he's been on this devil game almost 24/7.
Man, all this talk about girlfriends... I can't wait to get back to school and be with my glass blowing goddess. I mean, fussing over girlies is a mindfuck, but if you don't sack up and deal with the mindfuck, you don't get fucked, and that fucks with your mind way more than the mindfuck ever could.
word up to jason. Anyways, I have known her all my life, we have been best friends all our lives, she lives in my street, we have been dating for 4.5 years... We really don't need to be together 24/7, in fact that wouldnt be good. In our first year (we dated that is) we spend way to much time together, wich caused some tension and not very relaxed situations. I see her more then enough, cept now because she is on vacation till next week saturday. Believe me, when she is at home, I maybe play this game in total max 1.5 to 2 hours a day, and then mostly during times she is either already asleep, or during school periods when she is still in school because I have less classes or whatever. Or during times she is going out with her friends, or whatever. I spend more then enough time with her, and still have time for friends, this game and other stuff, I dont make much homework so that saves me time. And tho I might be online 12 hours a day, I am afk 90% of the time or more, you can ask anyone in the squad.
Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
I can't believe with so many posts I am going to be the first to say this....
Who are you?
Is it that I just don't play enough? I've seriously never heard of you...
3:PEGASiS> double u tee ef?
3:Spirit> ar oh ef el
MODERATOR WARNING: pegasis if I catch you hiding again I will ban you -Da Farmer! MODERATOR WARNING: pegasis, If you do not stop killing your own team <yellow ships on radar> You will be banned from this zone!! Thank you. -YoMama!!!
Hal Wilker> hal likes pegasis to cumshot in his eye.