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  • #16
    My math teacher doesn't know the course she's supposed to teach. I love General classes. I'm still taking Gateway/AP course in English and History (I actually have the block, one room, two teachers intertwining's really damn cool)

    oh and everyone asks me what gateway is. it's for elites here in louisiana, in the Northern half, you have to test to get into this school, only top 1000 are allowed in each year. And of those top 1000, 150 get to do "Gateway", our gifted/talented program. So like, it's hard.

    internet de la jerome

    because the internet | hazardous


    • #17
      Im so proud of my little Jerome


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jerome
        our gifted/talented program.
        You guys really have a substantial special ed program down there, wow, I'm very impressed.


        • #19
          Originally posted by PaulOakenfold
          You guys really have a substantial special ed program down there, wow, I'm very impressed.
          Your's didnt work?


          • #20
            Originally posted by Jerome
            "Gateway", our gifted/talented program. So like, it's hard.
            Hmm. I'm not saying this is what your G/T must be like, but at my school, it was basically just a bunch of rich white kids who were being lived through vicariously by their parents, the most of whom demanded that the school allow their child into G/T because they're too terrible of parents to realize that their son or daughter might not be an arrogant shitfuck who wants to sit in a room wanking while some overpaid teacher tries to get them to "realize their potential" at the same time as all the children who aren't white and/or whose parents don't make 6 figures or more each year get to be tought by a bunch of underpaid apathetic teachers the correct way to write letters for six years straight. And if this makes me sound like I never got in G/T and resented it, whatever. I was in G/T in 4th and 5th grade and they wanted to put me in it in 6th grade but I told my parents it was bullshit and they're smarter than almost every parent in the nation in that they actually listen to what their kids say and they took me out of the program. I looked it up again in High School and it turns out that the bulk of a person's time in G/T is spent doing community service. Congratulations, because you're gifted, you get to do the same thing you'd do if you had committed a misdemeanor.

            The entire public education system is in the fucking shithole. The teachers of our children are dangerously underpaid while pharmacuetical executives rake in hundreds of billions of dollars every year because they happen to own a few puppet legistlators. The CSAP (Colorado State Assessment Program) is a standardized test that takes hours and hours, hurts your wrist, and has absolutely no repercussions toward students who do badly on it. Therefore, almost every student doodles a few pictures out of the multi-choice bubbles, pees on the rest of the test, then turns it in. Then they cut funding of schools that did badly on it, turning stinkholes into shitholes. It'd be like, if a nuclear plant failed its saftey tests, allowing less money for safety of that plant. Can you say meltdown?

            While elementary schools should be teaching foreign languages, students are fingerpainting. While 6 years should be long enough to teach the conceptual basis of higher level math and physics (don't you fucking dare tell me kids are too young to understand it. Until you've gone into a kindergarten class and tried to teach a kid the concepts of relativity, or the basics of calculus, don't you fucking dare tell me they're too young to understand it. If anything, people are too old to start learning it when they do.) the entire time is spent on reading, writing, and basic arithmatic. THAT'S IT! Six years of reading and fucking writing and fucking shit that has been done on calculators for the last 50 years. And fingerpainting. Yay!

            The only thing I remember from my science class was that there are different types of energy: kinetic, potential, electrical, yadda yadda yadda. As it turns out, that isn't actually science, and nobody needs to know that shit. Some of it was even flat-out wrong: potential energy isn't a kind of fucking energy.

            The music class? When we actually got to play instruments (way too rarely), they'd put one kid on a big marimba and tell him to play a C and a G, and take off all the rest of the notes. What a fucking way to learn music. There are two notes. Even with all the notes on, the thing was only a C-scale; it had no sharps or flats. The rest of the time we'd play dumb shit like telephone. What the fuck does duck-duck-goose have to do with music you dumb bitch Mrs. Templeton? I was practically a star in that class because I was the only one who hadn't been completely deprived of real music by their parents and knew how to play some piano.

            Middle-school and Junior high were the same way, except that the music classes got better. Oh, and in 8th grade I actually learned some science just because I happened to get an awesome teacher. High school was much, much better too, but that was really only because the teachers were generally better. Kids shouldn't have to wait 9 years to learn something actually real anyway.

            Pre-college education needs a complete overhaul, and no current politician is qualified to do so. Fuck I hate the world sometimes.

            Oh, and yeah, next year I'm starting college for the first time $$. Finally, some actual education.
            Last edited by Feoren; 08-16-2004, 10:42 PM.


            • #21
              My sister is in a Gifted and Talented thing, its incredibly nerdy, they have to go to the University of Warwick for a week every year to do stupid things. All the teachers there try too hard to be cool too.

              The dumbasses of my school also get special treatment, like going out on holiday for weeks during school.


              • #22
                School, where?! no no.. I graduated this summer..!
                Endless space, endless exploration.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Mr. Peanuts
                  My sister is in a Gifted and Talented thing, its incredibly nerdy, they have to go to the University of Warwick for a week every year to do stupid things. All the teachers there try too hard to be cool too.

                  The dumbasses of my school also get special treatment, like going out on holiday for weeks during school.
                  Yeh dumbasses get to go on trips for free and loads or other stuff, Then twats tht steal stuff and break windows get "rewards" for being good, maybe they get a stereo for a months good behaviour, total bolloks.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Da1andonly
                    Men du började i Junior Highschool, dvs Highschool. (Antar att du menar gymnasiet)
                    Vilka vackra ögon du har!
                    TelCat> there arent 'sort of' get the flag


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Golden Sun 1
                      Yeh dumbasses get to go on trips for free and loads or other stuff, Then twats tht steal stuff and break windows get "rewards" for being good, maybe they get a stereo for a months good behaviour, total bolloks.
                      yeah. they have that at my school, too. it's so fucking unfair


                      • #26
                        School is: overrated. I learn all I need to know from TW forums.
                        this is a dated signature

                        FREE GHB, PH


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Golden Sun 1
                          Yeh dumbasses get to go on trips for free and loads or other stuff, Then twats tht steal stuff and break windows get "rewards" for being good, maybe they get a stereo for a months good behaviour, total bolloks.
                          Yeah, make them do fucking community service, they should be killed painfully.


                          • #28
                            i go to the same bloody school with you Mike, im taking psychology so i can know what the hell is wrong with you!
                            Jarlson of> if this game was a girl i would jerk off to it every night

                            nopcode> sometimes get mates round, have a few beers and play this yes
                            oNe-t> YEAH
                            nopcode> before going out
                            funfunfun> god the fun never stops does it

                            MageWarrior> I'm so sexy, frog makes me lapdance for him daily


                            • #29
                              Business and ICT for me, I'm gonan be the next Bill Gates, but less nerdy. If thats possible.


                              • #30
                                bill gates my arse, Seamus is the next bill gates. your more like the next,................... Je Ne Ce Quoi?
                                Jarlson of> if this game was a girl i would jerk off to it every night

                                nopcode> sometimes get mates round, have a few beers and play this yes
                                oNe-t> YEAH
                                nopcode> before going out
                                funfunfun> god the fun never stops does it

                                MageWarrior> I'm so sexy, frog makes me lapdance for him daily

