I was checking out some game sites the other day, and I found a pic of a 3d rendered Chrono, and I wondered where the source of it was found. Through more discovering, I found out that Chrono Trigger - Resurrection was in the making, a 100% fan-made game of the timeless classic into a 3d environment. This game will be made exclusive to the PC, while no specs or release dates for the game has been issued.
Here's some pix
Woot magus, what a badass
Anyways I think some of these pix are rough compositions, and when the game is finally released, I don't think they'll look as rough-edged. I also heard that they are planning on enhancing the already uber soundtrack that the SNES chrono trigger had, which is a plus (as long as they don't butcher it). Anyhow, I'm definitely looking forward to this game no matter what.
Here's some pix

Woot magus, what a badass
Anyways I think some of these pix are rough compositions, and when the game is finally released, I don't think they'll look as rough-edged. I also heard that they are planning on enhancing the already uber soundtrack that the SNES chrono trigger had, which is a plus (as long as they don't butcher it). Anyhow, I'm definitely looking forward to this game no matter what.