I have been thinking about this. Since I'm basically dling non-stop. And with ABC you haft to upload to get max dl speed.
Have you ever got a complaint from your internet-provider, that you have been dling too much and uploading too much?
Kinda funny, I my contract it says, "Thou shall not have a ftp server nor any other server... forbidden with our internet service!". I'm using DNA.. and I asked them on dna what is the upload limit, and they answer that there are no restrctions about how much you upload, in other words no limitions. And I accually asked my internet-provider, the company that I made this deal with, about uploading, and they didn't say anything, though I e-mailed them.
I calculated how much I accually would download if I would non-stop dl for 7 days. I have my upload on ABC on 18kb/s, for max dl speed for my connection.
So I "calced":
18 * 60 = 1080, thats like 1,08 mb per minute.
1080 * 60 = 64800, 64,8 mb per hour
64800 * 24 = 1555200, 1 giga 555,2 mb
1555200 * 7 = 10886400, 10 giga 886,4 mb
10886400 * 4.5 (ave of a month, weeks) = 48988800, 48 giga 988,8 mb
Let say my dl ave is 45 kb/s
45 * 60 = 2700
2700 * 60 = 162000
162000 * 24 = 3888000
3888000 * 7 = 27216000
27216000 * 4.5 = 122472000, 122 gig 472 mb
So I might be little bit worried that they will complain..
Not that I have the computer non-stop on for a month. Would be neat though...
So does anyone know anything about this? Are they able to see how much you use, and what protocol you have used, what you dled and stuff? Does is cause em trouble when some is using their connection to it's max? And do they care?
And I live in Finland, if you didn't know.
Edit: Thank you in advance for reading and giving your time to think, and time to write something here.
Have you ever got a complaint from your internet-provider, that you have been dling too much and uploading too much?
Kinda funny, I my contract it says, "Thou shall not have a ftp server nor any other server... forbidden with our internet service!". I'm using DNA.. and I asked them on dna what is the upload limit, and they answer that there are no restrctions about how much you upload, in other words no limitions. And I accually asked my internet-provider, the company that I made this deal with, about uploading, and they didn't say anything, though I e-mailed them.
I calculated how much I accually would download if I would non-stop dl for 7 days. I have my upload on ABC on 18kb/s, for max dl speed for my connection.
So I "calced":
18 * 60 = 1080, thats like 1,08 mb per minute.
1080 * 60 = 64800, 64,8 mb per hour
64800 * 24 = 1555200, 1 giga 555,2 mb
1555200 * 7 = 10886400, 10 giga 886,4 mb
10886400 * 4.5 (ave of a month, weeks) = 48988800, 48 giga 988,8 mb
Let say my dl ave is 45 kb/s
45 * 60 = 2700
2700 * 60 = 162000
162000 * 24 = 3888000
3888000 * 7 = 27216000
27216000 * 4.5 = 122472000, 122 gig 472 mb
So I might be little bit worried that they will complain..

Not that I have the computer non-stop on for a month. Would be neat though...
So does anyone know anything about this? Are they able to see how much you use, and what protocol you have used, what you dled and stuff? Does is cause em trouble when some is using their connection to it's max? And do they care?

Edit: Thank you in advance for reading and giving your time to think, and time to write something here.