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What Flat Panel to Use?

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  • What Flat Panel to Use?

    k. I've always hated space ship talk, but this my be worth asking about, as I need opinions from people with flat panels who watch movies, edit graphics, and, yes, play the space ship game.

    I have played ss for way too long, on a series of screens and I am aware of and understand the difference between CRT vs. LCD for gaming/video/graphics. I have been using a Sony M61 16" panel for close to 3 years now. It's great for graphic design and text, but the 50 MS total response time isn't the best for movies and SUCKS ASS for the space ship game. I need more precise control and faster "twitching" that I have only been able to get on a Sony 17" Trinitron CRT.

    After pooling some funds I am in the market for a new lcd and have boiled it down to last summer's Samsung 213T, the new ViewSonic VP201S or VP211B, or the equally new NEC MultiSync 2080UX+. The VP201 and the NEC boast 16 ms response times and are 20" in size. The samsung and the VP211B, which are larger 21" models, have 25 ms, but are supposed to have better image quality and contrast.

    In conclusion, I'm NOT a "gamer." I play ss to kill time now and then, but like to play well when I do play. To those with panels who know what your response times are, does a 25 ms panel get you by for the space ship game?

  • #2
    I'm also in the process of looking for a monitor.

    This is the one that seems the best value for money:


    • #3
      If you can afford it, the wacom flat panel monitors that use a stylus for a mouse are great. They have one at my school, it really all that its hyped to be, but a little pricy.

      Having one (might) make you totally awesome at fps's too, so maybe you could use it to win those fps cash tourneys ive heard about. Just a thought.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Benno
        Oo! I so want this one.. Just imagine what cool art you can do! Though, I prefer the traditional way, (if you don't have money) first draw on paper, scan, photoshop or other program, outlines, color*, more color*, even more color* and some final touches, done! 5 hour pictures, is something worth watching, it's like: "WOa!"..

        * = colour if you like

        Sry, Supra, but I don't really know any good flat panels, but I must say that benno's suggestion was kinda good.
        Endless space, endless exploration.


        • #5
          Misunderstood me...

          I think I got things going in the wrong direction maybe...I just want to know, from ANYONE who uses a flat panel to play space ships, what model do you have? Does it work adequately? Or it too sluggish? The more feedback, the better.

          Again, I could care less about FPS games and all that crap, I'm not a "gamer" in any sense of the word.



          • #6
            I just got myself a BenQ FP931 (19" LCD, 16ms response time, digital & analog inputs) yesterday. It seems extremely good so far, and Subspace is VERY playable on it. The only thing is that the viewing angle is only 130/130, but if you don't really watch movies with a crowd (and can afford to aim the monitor directly at you the only viewer) it doesn't really matter.

            From my pre-purchase research, it seems like almost all the panels are around the same, no matter what brand. There's only 5 major manufacturers out there of panels and all other companies just repackage these. Each of the big 5 produce similar ones.

            If you want to make sure you have the newest ones, get a 16ms one. If you want 20", I suggest the Dell 2001 model. Apperently that is extremely highly regarded by many people, although it is apperently not so good for games (and thus Subspace).

            Samsung has a new model the 193P (19") which is AMAZING. The picture quality is the nicest I've seen of any monitor, but yet again the response times are only 25ms. I am not sure how that would look with Subspace, but for anything else, this is the monitor. Of course it's also very expensive.

            I suggest BenQ if you don't care about frills, or Samsung high-end models if you are rich.

            (NOTE: BenQ = Acer's new name, although they do still sell under the Acer brand)

            Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

            My anime blog:


            • #7
              Thx epi. Good stuff. The primary reason I want to go 20" or 21" is for the 1600x1200 res and larger pixel pitch than the miniscule .248 mm of my 1280x12024 16" Sony. But obviously, I am finding out that 20"+ monitors with 16ms or even 20ms times are a lot of dough. I am capable of spending $1200 if I need to for a top-of-the-line NEC, but something tells me that would be really stupid...I spent $700 for the Sony back in 2001, and $700 was almost overkill back then...$1000+ seems like a waste, agreed?

              Anyone else with experience?
              Last edited by Supra; 08-26-2004, 05:20 PM.


              • #8
                I have a Samsung 213T alongside two Samsung 191Ts, and it's great.
                Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                • #9

                  Originally posted by ConcreteSchlyrd
                  I have a Samsung 213T alongside two Samsung 191Ts, and it's great.
                  Nice concrete. Just the guy I was looking for then. Do you play on the 213T? Is the 25 ms response time acceptable? Also, I know the res limit of tw is 1280x1024, not 1600x1200 (the 213T's native res), so you play windowed or do you scale up the 1280x1024 to fit the whole screen?


