oh, and how did you manage to get on spec freq? i smell photoshop for some reason
he is on freq 0, not the spec freq.
And I think the point wasn't to brag about a rec. Just a random pic to upload to test that site out?
Or then he wanted us to think that, which would be sneaky
5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
5: Da1andonly> =((
5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
5: Epinephrine> oh shit
and here we have another candidate to "most useless thread ever"..
Throughout time, there’s been
crimes, throughout our history
But not as great, as the one of late, affecting you and me
Once a nation proud and free, and now we’re weeping sorrow’s tears
Tragedy’s approaching, it’s worse than all your fears
Come on my countrymen
Come on and take a stand
Don’t let ‘em take away your land
the Wenger bus is coming
and all the kids are running
from London to Manchester
cos he's a child molester