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Welcome back, PH

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  • Welcome back, PH

    First of all, I'm not trying to talk shit or beat a dead horse with this thread, I just want to make amends with a (once) good friend of mine.

    I don't know how long he's been back, but thanks to ?find, I see that the most despised member of this forum, Pure Hatred, is back in TW.

    Now, before you start your flaming and tomato-throwing and whatnot at me for bringing him up, and at him for still being alive, please allow me to explain. The main reason he left the game was to sort out his offline life. About a month ago he had to bury his grandfather, whom he lost to lung cancer. His grandmother's in very poor health, and the rest of his family's a bunch of dysfunctional retards (no offense if you even see this, Pure).

    In short, I want to offer my apologies for being a dick to you in-game, on the forums and offline, PH. Welcome back, and I hope things are going well for you.
    Originally posted by vubinspiran
    I hate X very hard.

  • #2
    Thats nice, I didnt think you hick pub people could get along.
    audit> and btw, im your fan!

    DeeZ NuTs> time to own
    DeeZ NuTs> got my fedex hat on
    Azreal> LOloL
    cook> ROFL



    • #3
      No offense taken, and thank you for your support. Congratulations on growing out of the "forum troll" phase, too.

      Pleasantries aside, yes, I did step away from the game due to offline issues, the main one being my grandfather fighting lung cancer for four months before pneumonia kicked in and finished him off. During those four months, as I'm sure everyone I played with noticed, I was quite an irritable asshole due to being preoccupied with other things and knowing that I had no business playing a 2D spaceship game. I want to apologize for that.

      While Subspace is fun and extremely addicting, back in the real world, when you lose someone important to you it really puts things in perspective. I had to back away from the game, and the main reason I said I wouldn't be back is because I wasn't confident in myself. I didn't know if I would ever sort out my life enough to play and enjoy the game again. However, time healed my wounds, and I felt like I was mentally able to return, and so far I have to say it's good to be back with everyone. I'm sure I seem quite a bit more tame and soft-spoken than I was before my departure. Reality has a way of doing that to you, I guess. I just hope no one else has to go through losing a loved one to make them realize that.

      For those of you who wondered what Ezor meant by "and offline", here's the deal on that. I was pubbing (as I always did back then) one day a few months ago, and noticed an "Ezor" attached to Izor and laming it up. I didn't even want to play because Izor pissed me off back then, so I went to go get the mail. I passed four trailers, and the fifth one had a window open. I heard a faint hum, followed by the deployment of several mines and a wave of explosions. Demonic laughter followed, then I heard a voice. "This Izor guy is a genius." So there you have it. Ezor and I are trailer trash. We hung out for quite some time before he turned into an asshole. Hopefully those days ARE behind him.

      Losing sight of what's important in life was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made. Don't let it happen to you guys. Peace, and I'm looking forward to getting owned by all of you again.

      - PH
      Originally posted by Tone
      It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
      Originally posted by the_paul
      Gargle battery acid fuckface
      Originally posted by Material Girl
      I tried downloading a soundcard


      • #4
        Personally I dont know why they call it trailer trash, some of the most kind and generally good people i know live in trailers, while all the assholes seem to live in houses.


        • #5
          I like the one picture, like your avatar, that says "shcool" or something like that


          • #6
            aww subspace romance <3

