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Naked Pictures Of Myself...Eat your heart out Annux

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Sir Gaunt
    God the mods why are they not moderating???
    They aren't on the forums 24/7.
    Mr 12 inch wonder


    • #17
      I know thats true.


      • #18


        • #19
          yay now i need to focus power on killing him, then pissing on his skull watching it slide into every orifice as his lifeless eyes just stare back at me, reminding me of his screams HAHAHAHA BURN YOU BASTARD BURN


          • #20

            Here is a softcore picture of Oen

            The individual, a prisoner. Humanity holding the key to the opression. Everyone a prisoner, holding a portion of the whole truth. And so the enigma perpetuates. Insentient, lifeless. Grinning mockingly at its creators through its cold, inanimate lips.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Sir Gaunt
              Annux did ask, see the "Can i be a mod now?"
              Jesus Christ on a pogo stick


              • #22
                It's better to just e-mail him/her.


                • #23
                  ANN hook up brotha up

                  Originally posted by Dystrophy

                  Here is a softcore picture of Oen

                  That page didnt work wtf! I want a refund. Never mind I got it to work , Ann, plz add this picture to my TW gallery pic and replace my top pic with that one that calls me a TW porn star , thanks in advance ..

                  I wonder whose IP got banned with this practical joke gone wrong.. Not mine as you see I am nice try with that under score.. Lets make a contest and guess who made this thread..
                  Last edited by Oen; 10-02-2002, 04:13 AM.
                  You laugh at me because I am different, and I am laughing at you because you're all the SAME.


                  • #24
                    Will the real Oen Izan plz stand up!

                    Originally posted by Disliked
                    yay now i need to focus power on killing him, then pissing on his skull watching it slide into every orifice as his lifeless eyes just stare back at me, reminding me of his screams HAHAHAHA BURN YOU BASTARD BURN
                    Can I say you are on crack , Jack , and I think this proves your a queer. stop with this perverted dream of yours.. it's scary..
                    You laugh at me because I am different, and I am laughing at you because you're all the SAME.


                    • #25
                      how does thinkina botu you dying make me queer? Do you think you are attractive to the men/boys?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Disliked
                        how does thinkina botu you dying make me queer? Do you think you are attractive to the men/boys?

                        Take some time and actually read what you write.

                        No not me dying, just many of you comments leads me to believe your hiding in a closet some where.

                        Read most of your attempts at making fun of people.. You wanna piss on my skull, you taken a shine to dill. Asking me if I think I am attractive.. what more do you need to have me and others really think you just might be.. If you want I can go though ever post and reply and find all your references to the fact.
                        Last edited by Oen; 10-02-2002, 02:20 PM.
                        You laugh at me because I am different, and I am laughing at you because you're all the SAME.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Annux
                          Can i be a mod now?
                          If you would use your powers for good , you'd make a great forums moderator.. you are here 24/7 round the clock. You would be one up on all the post that shouldn't see the light of day. But since your a idiot, you don't get any control here. sorry
                          You laugh at me because I am different, and I am laughing at you because you're all the SAME.


                          • #28
                            Gosh how could disliked hate me more then this guy???
                            I'm not a jerkoff.. boohoo I'm sorry for all the bad things i said about some of you. Please forgive me
                            Last edited by Sir Gaunt; 10-02-2002, 04:06 PM.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Oen

                              But since your a idiot


                              • #30
                                Annux do you think your sig is really funny or is that there to remind me that I post that msged a few weeks ago??

