My avatar is losing power now that Oen is banned from the forums
The individual, a prisoner. Humanity holding the key to the opression. Everyone a prisoner, holding a portion of the whole truth. And so the enigma perpetuates. Insentient, lifeless. Grinning mockingly at its creators through its cold, inanimate lips.
wouldnt it be fun to tie his mullets to 2 oppisng horses then whip them so they run away tearing away his face and revealing the soft golden treasure inside, aha you found my gold
Originally posted by Disliked wouldnt it be fun to tie his mullets to 2 oppisng horses then whip them so they run away tearing away his face and revealing the soft golden treasure inside, aha you found my gold
I lied you suck at flaming also..
You laugh at me because I am different, and I am laughing at you because you're all the SAME.
Originally posted by Disliked i wasnt trying to fukin flame, i was just statin that i want you to fukin die!!!
flame = when you purposly try to get some1 angry and get a response right?
you mean you don't know?
my actions = i wasnt looking for a response, in fact i hate it when you reply, even reading your name make me sick to the bone
EGADS! you don't even know how a flame works..
"sick to the bone" Jack I think your fruity. As far as me replying, there is one way to stop that. You know how, least I would think your smart enough to realize how..
You laugh at me because I am different, and I am laughing at you because you're all the SAME.
You're correct if I am speaking "english" but what you fail to realize is I speak "oenglish". With that said, I am correct in the way that I spelled that. Enjoy the rest of your day.
You laugh at me because I am different, and I am laughing at you because you're all the SAME.
The individual, a prisoner. Humanity holding the key to the opression. Everyone a prisoner, holding a portion of the whole truth. And so the enigma perpetuates. Insentient, lifeless. Grinning mockingly at its creators through its cold, inanimate lips.
dystrophy is really ugly, just looka t him. I would never bang him, if a mobster put a gun to my head and told me to I would be like "no man hes too ugly"