This doesn't even look like it'll be easy to contest. The margin is too wide to be the result of anything but an ENORMOUS fraud operation, which even I find impossible, and I'm a wacko leftie!
George W. Bush (Rep)* 49393852 51.2% 249
John F. Kerry (Dem) 46135403 47.9% 207
Ralph Nader (Ind) 340102 0.4% 0
Percent Reporting: 79%
I think Fox and MSNBC said Bush won already, or something. I'll check in a sec.
There was a comment just now on NPR about the Hispanic vote in NM and how it came out 60-40% in favour of Kerry, but was expected to have a much greater margin in his favour.
FAQ: Vykromond, what are these numbers?
These are the live-updated results, as reported by ABC News, which has shown nonpartisan and solid reporting of the election thus far, of the election results in Ohio. At this moment in time, Ohio is all that matters- if Bush wins it, he wins.
EDIT: A friend of mine says that the Kerry campaign released a statement to TV networks saying that MSNBC and Fox were wrong to call Ohio. I also think it's too early to call Ohio, but I don't know if they're wrong. Sounds like some Kerry-campaign wishful thinking.