x your entire post already proved you know nothing, the european observers in america who are following these elections closely DO know alot about democracy, elections, election style etc, and they think america is a joke.. They are actually laffing at you out loud. Now stop being the stereotype american and shut up
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USA voting system blows
Originally posted by xSliderxUSA owns
Pwning you brits since 1776...gg
O and lets not forget that if it wasnt for the USA, you brits would be speakin German right now...$$
USA pwnsI mean really u canadians...STFU EH!
Half of you complaining dont even live here, so therefore your opinions are worth nothing. In fact, most of you barely understand how the american voting system works and its apparent by these posts.
Now dont get me wrong......I dont like bush as much as the next guy, butits funny to hear how people who dont even live here complain about him....He doesnt effect yer lives in anyway, so I find it hilarious.
You all complain about the US, and state how much the US sux....Until u get invaded, then we yer friends
you 14 and gay, i'm tqalkign ass pumping gay. If i saw you i'd beat the crap out of you for your complete and total lack of knowledge. You beat Britain for independance because of this little guy (haha) named Napoleon, who was causing this little problem of conquering everything. The brits were a tad busy. As far as Canada goes, you've invaded us once and were thuroughly beaten. You can't use either ww's as bragging rights since you only entered at the very end. Where were you when canadians were being gased and holding the lines without gas masks. Where were you when European Freedom was being threatened. My Country was there, yours was not.The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.
Originally posted by Richard CreagerAll space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.
Re-done in Vykromond Format.
Originally posted by Nicknameyou 14 and homosexual, i'm talking anal pumping gay. If i saw you on the street i'd hastly smother you with fists for your complete and total lack of knowledge. America defeated Britain in a war for independance because of a little guy (haha) named Napoleon, who was causing this little problem of conquering everything. The brits were a tad busy. As far as Canada goes, you've invaded us once and were thuroughly beaten. You also cannot use either ww's as bragging rights since you only entered at the very end. Where were you when canadians were being gased and holding the lines without gas masks. Where were you when European Freedom was being threatened. It is a matter of public record that my country was there, yours was not. In closing you are a chocolate thief.The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.
Originally posted by Richard CreagerAll space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.
Originally posted by lunch3sure Bush is a bad statesman, not too bright, arrogantly religious, etc....at least the guy has balls and courage.http://www.trenchwars.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15100 - Gallileo's racist thread
"Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo
Originally posted by lunch3heh america is not perfect, but we're doing a lot more than any other country for the well being for the rest of the world in some way. so what invading iraq provides a 'morale' dilema for u, well in long run it better for world. if we didnt have terrorists fighting us there they would be fighting or terrorizing here in states or in europe....haven't u noticed not many terrorist attacks have happened anymore outside of Iraq and palestine?
think about it, would you have liked it if say Persians or some shit woulda come and invaded the USA and told them what to do before the USA was a "super power", hell no, youd be suicide bombing every damned persian too if you were put into that situation.
Think about it..Displaced> I get pussy every day
Displaced> I'm rich
Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
Thors> prolly
Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!
best comeback ever
we didnt invade anyone b4 9/11, they started it.
and azh...i said (read carefully) basically 'so what if u didnt agree or want us to invade iraq, u would be helping urselves and the rest of the world if u helped stabilize it'. that's my whole point. u guys didnt even do anything to help Sudan, bunch of bickering wankers who rather point and smack talk then take things into ur own hands.
our election, not urs.....mind ur business and impose sanctions if ur so venemently opposed...pfft.-L3
Originally posted by lunch3we didnt invade anyone b4 9/11, they started it.
.http://www.trenchwars.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15100 - Gallileo's racist thread
"Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo
From my recolection (don't pin me down on this) Bush didnt do that much wrong before 9/11 foreign politics wise, tho he didnt do everything right, and I think Osama didnt attack because you guys had bush, I think he attacked for all those years going before that, I dont THINK you can blame bush for 9/11 you can however blame him for everything that happened after.Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
heh Vyk I read NN's first sentence and immediately thought about responding and linking to that Penny Arcade comic too, and then saw the next post. That was amusing to me. Carry on.
For the record Da1 weapons have always existed, hell the human fist can be a weapon. Take us back to day 1 and I guarentee you there would be someone thinking hmmm grog knocked me down and stole my food, if only there was some way to kill him and all his friends (maybe not to the level of a WMD, but in time). Aggression seems to be an innate part of humankind, peace and respect is something we've had to learn. Anyway your argument was fine, saying we're better because we can kill you is a dumbass statement, just your reasoning was kind of backwards.
xsliderx you are one of the stupidest people I've ever seen on the internet. You deserve a medal. I never thought there'd be an American stupid enough to prance around threatening people of other countries because "WE GOT THE NUKES" "WE'D BLOW YOU UP IN 2 MINUTES!!"
Now hypothetically, what would the plausible consequences be if the US took this action? Well, yes, of course the US would crush Finland, but after a horrible act like that, they'd be kicked out of the UN. And basically every country in the world would place a trade embargo on them, they wouldn't even need to go to war (if they did it would be the whole world vs. the US, mutually assured destruction, we're all fucked). US's economy would be severely crippled, people would start panicking and flee the country. It would eventually fall into anarchy, not to mention "terrorists" would be pounding America like never before. I'm sure finnish freedom fighters would be dropping a few bombs on America too. Jeez, if America ever tried to invade Canada, I'd be in the resistance fighting for my country too.I AM NOT AN ANIMAL