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Llama song

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  • Llama song

    Why is this so goddamn funny?

  • #2
    way to watch flash animations with hidden subliminar messages
    8:I Hate Cookies> a gota dágua foi quando falei q eu tinha 38 anos e estava apaixonado por uma garota, mas a família dela n deixava agente namorar
    8:I Hate Cookies> aí quando todo mundo me apoiou falando q o amor supera tudo, falei q a garota tinha 12 anos
    8:I Hate Cookies> aí todos mudaram repentinamente de opinião falando q eu era um pedófilo
    8:AnImoL> esses amigos falsos
    8:SCHOPE NORRIS> o amor supera tudo. da até pra esperar a puberdade
    8:I Hate Cookies> sim... fiquei desiludido schope...


    • #3
      its not, really
      Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


      • #4
        What he said
        I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...


        • #5
          Winamp, winamp, it really whips the llama's ass.

          That song sucks btw
          USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
          ---A few minutes later---
          9:cool koen> you scorereseted
          9:Kim> UM
          9:Kim> i didn't
          9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
          9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
          9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
          9:pascone> lol?


          • #6
            Agreed. Does it just keep on going forever?


            • #7
              funny? for about 1 second...then its like stfu winamp.
              thread killer

              Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game

