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  • screenshot

    I reformatted my computer and I lost my screenshot software. Anyone know a good screenshot client?
    audit> and btw, im your fan!

    DeeZ NuTs> time to own
    DeeZ NuTs> got my fedex hat on
    Azreal> LOloL
    cook> ROFL


  • #2

    Look around here.
    Originally posted by Jeenyuss
    sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


    • #3
      um... not for continuum.. for my regular desktop stuff. Printscreen doesnt work for me.
      audit> and btw, im your fan!

      DeeZ NuTs> time to own
      DeeZ NuTs> got my fedex hat on
      Azreal> LOloL
      cook> ROFL

      R.I.P VENOM


      • #4
        Press print screen in windows... and then press "Ctrl+V" (paste) in any picture editing program (i.e. MS Paint, which comes free with Windows)

        Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

        My anime blog:


        • #5
          ty very much epi. I learn something new everyday.
          audit> and btw, im your fan!

          DeeZ NuTs> time to own
          DeeZ NuTs> got my fedex hat on
          Azreal> LOloL
          cook> ROFL

          R.I.P VENOM


          • #6
            Originally posted by DoTheFandango

            Look around here.
            I have that exact keyboard.
            this is a dated signature

            FREE GHB, PH


            • #7
              I remember when I was a little kid and I have no idea what the button did. Then some guy told me and I was so amazed. It's the most useful button on the entire keyboard. I still have no idea what Scroll Lock and Pause/Break is for. Anyone care to kill me in?


              • #8
                Pause was more used back in the DOS days, but it's still useful if you have to debug a long startup sequence. It will pause screen output during DOS and pre-Windows startup (well, in most scenarios it will). The functionality might also be there in text-mode Linux (don't know off the top of my head).

                Same thing for the scroll lock key--it's mostly used in old legacy apps. It controlled the way the cursor control keys worked. Most newer apps ignore it's use, except in user-defined macros.
                Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cook
                  ty very much epi. I learn something new everyday.
                  gg, what did u think, you get a screenshot folder in the windows root? as the same in continuum ? :P
                  1:Pred_FNM <ER>> guys, yellow + green is really shitty for forumcolours :p
                  1:lnx> what's wrong with that combination
                  1:lnx> I wear yellow-green clothes :(
                  1:Pred_FNM <ER>> i dont mean in clothes, in forums..
                  1:lnx> kk
                  1:lnx> buy a black-white computer monitor if you don't like the colors foo


                  • #10
                    That looks like some KEYBOARD FOR DUMMIES.
                    megaman89> tsunami taught me that 1 shouldnt have used it
                    L K> taught u what?
                    megaman89> how to suck

                    9:WiL> im gonna with my league \o/
                    9:Graner <ZH>> you mean win?
                    9:WiL> being on plade i forgot how to spell it


                    • #11
                      Kuvaseiveri is a finnish program that allows you to take a specific amount of images per second, I think there's a langage pack that makes it english nowdays too

                      And then you don't need to paste it into a picture editing program after every screenshot, but take em jsut as in continuum and it saves all screens in a default directory.
                      5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                      5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                      5: Da1andonly> =((
                      5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                      5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                      5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DOTSY
                        gg, what did u think, you get a screenshot folder in the windows root? as the same in continuum ? :P

                        No dotsy. I used to have a program for that. (Like Jeansi has mentioned) I never really had use for the printscreen button outside of ss. so..... naturally, I had no idea that I could do that and cut & paste. My program was all I needed. Thus, me creating this topic.
                        audit> and btw, im your fan!

                        DeeZ NuTs> time to own
                        DeeZ NuTs> got my fedex hat on
                        Azreal> LOloL
                        cook> ROFL

                        R.I.P VENOM


                        • #13
                          In MS Excel, with scroll lock on, pressing the arrow keys will scroll without changing the cell, while with it off, the arrow keys simply move the cell selection.
                          USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                          ---A few minutes later---
                          9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                          9:Kim> UM
                          9:Kim> i didn't
                          9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                          9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                          9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                          9:pascone> lol?


                          • #14
                            Ewan your sig is just.....fabulous
                            Cig Smoke> He spelled since "sinse" LOOOl

                            YTRE> i wish newbs likes you who think they are vet like hazuki wouldn,t talk like necro


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Cook
                              No dotsy. I used to have a program for that. (Like Jeansi has mentioned) I never really had use for the printscreen button outside of ss. so..... naturally, I had no idea that I could do that and cut & paste. My program was all I needed. Thus, me creating this topic.
                              well now you know
                              1:Pred_FNM <ER>> guys, yellow + green is really shitty for forumcolours :p
                              1:lnx> what's wrong with that combination
                              1:lnx> I wear yellow-green clothes :(
                              1:Pred_FNM <ER>> i dont mean in clothes, in forums..
                              1:lnx> kk
                              1:lnx> buy a black-white computer monitor if you don't like the colors foo

