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Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

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  • #16
    oh yeah gone with the wind

    fucking brits

    Originally posted by Ward
    OK.. ur retarded case closed


    • #17
      I just started the game so I'm not going to read your post :P

      I find the game to be pretty god damn hard. I just did the beginning mission where you rescue Sokolov and it took me about 10 tries and like 2 hours. I didn't want to get caught at all though. I also find that there are way too many cutscenes. I don't want to watch my character take out a bunch of enemies... I want to do it myself. <_<


      • #18
        The only problem with that is, with games, your controls can't make it so you can be THAT flexible w/o there being confusion. I love a good movie, and a good story. I personally don't mind watching all those cut scenes as long as they're well done, as in this case.

        BTW: David Hayter, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have do Snake's Voice. He's awesome.


        • #19
          David Hayter also co-wrote both X-men movies as well as the screenplays for other upcoming films based on the comics The Watchmen, Iron Man and Black Widow.

          He's also the "EA Sports: It's in the Game!" voice.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Troll King
            He's also the "EA Sports: It's in the Game!" voice.
            OMG ... he's like 50x cooler now.


            • #21
              dude Seriously GTA SA is the best game ever

              After like 200 reloads, the game probly took me 120 hrs to beat, just the storyline too, I'm only 65% done
              Originally posted by Tone
              Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


              • #22
                I'm in a little predicament. See, I really loved the original MGS...and I mean loved. I beat it like twenty times and loved every minute of it (it's why I bought a playstation). And then I was ecstatic for MGS2; I bought Zone of Enders just to play the demo for MGS2. And then I got MGS2...and it was great...until Raiden. And then it fucking sucked. Hard-on donkey balls. And I shut it off right then and there. So since then I've been scarred from ever playing MGS again, and I kind of want to get MGS3, but at the same time I don't. Raiden ruined it for me. That fucker.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Dameon Angell
                  BTW: David Hayter, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have do Snake's Voice. He's awesome.
                  Yeah he's awesome. My favorite part is at the end of Metal Gear Solid when you have to shoot the rocket launcher at the Metal Gear and the guy is stuck in it and he's like "No, I can't do it! It's no good, I can't do it!"


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Brink
                    ...until Raiden. And then it fucking sucked.
                    If you play all the games. I got a general consensus that MGS1 and 3 were their favourites cause you play as Big Boss and Snake. Now, I come to this point...

                    ... Raiden was hated due to his 'personality' and to a lesser extent his botched skinny dipping job in the Arsenal Gear. But, take Big Boss, and his personality is way closer to Raiden than Solid Snake. He has more feeling, he has more depth, he's more 'human' when compaired to Solid Snake.

                    That and sorry, Solid Snake can't live forever. The torch has to be passed down to other generations (MGS 1's premise with genes). Raiden is the new generation. If they choose to make a new MGS game. I wouldn't be suprised if Raiden is the main character and Snake n' Otacon are his contacts (The Campbell and Mei Ling/Rose of sorts).


                    • #25
                      I don't get how the character change can turn off players so much.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Troll King
                        I don't get how the character change can turn off players so much.
                        Think of it as sex, you dont want to have sex with the ugly fat chick, you want the toned sexy chick, which is hot. :fear:
                        Spam me, Im bored:
                        Selex - (Early) 2000 - (Mid) 2004 Retiree!(July 25)


                        • #27
                          Well my saved game just got corrupted after about 6 hours.


                          • #28
                            Just beat The Fear... what a useless boss. Took him out in about 15 seconds using the thermal goggles and the AK-47. Now I just got to The End and I'm gonna go to sleep and do it tomorrow. Awesome game.


                            • #29
                              I beat every boss with just the MK-22 Hush Puppy (Tranqulizer Gun). If you kill a boss by degrading their stamina you get a unique/special camo that gives you extra stats.

                              When fighting "The End" you get a special sniper rifle. To gain his camo, you have to sneak up behind him (stalk him with the control pad, not stick) and then hold him up. Aim the gun at his head 3 times while holding him up to get him to cough up the camo. Then tranq him in the head a couple times.

                              Edit: also stated below >.>
                              Last edited by Dameon Angell; 12-05-2004, 06:41 PM.


                              • #30
                                Strategy: Fighting &quot;The End&quot;

                                Alright, here is a trick to beat the end without firing a bullet. I thought this was one of the most creative ideas to beat a boss, and also I thought it was really creative for the MGS Team to come up with it for the game.

                                Alright, you run into "The End". He has arisen from the dead once again for his last 'glorious battle'. Of course, you're the one he's been waiting for. Now, you're getting your ass kicked by The End, or you just plain can't find the guy. What do you do? Simple, fight a battle of attrition.

                                The End is over 100 years old, been dead for a while, he's obviously on his last legs. Now, save your game. Turn off and come back in a week (alternatively, set your PS2 clock forward 1 week), when you return to your game, you'll get a radio call in saying that The End has died of natural causes or something.

                                Note: You won't recieve any bonus items from beating him this way.

                                You'll recieve his Sniper Rifle, the Mosin Nagnat, if you kill him by depleting his stamina meter only. Which fires tranqulizer darts from long distances. Very useful later in the game. If you hold up The End, you can recieve his Moss Camo. Very nice camo for hiding in the jungle.
                                Last edited by Dameon Angell; 12-05-2004, 06:40 PM.

