Hi! I am THE PUSHER! You may remember me from such hit radio programs as THE PUSHER'S SHEEP FARM and Genital Shaving, The Gentle Art .
Once upon a time there was a Pallies Radio Contest in which you were asked to make a t-shirt. I lost a great deal of the submissions when forumspec disbanded TW association.
If you made a t-shirt or would still like to submit one you have until MIDNIGHT EST TOMORROW to get it to me! You will receive an email if yours was one of the missing.
Once upon a time there was a Pallies Radio Contest in which you were asked to make a t-shirt. I lost a great deal of the submissions when forumspec disbanded TW association.
If you made a t-shirt or would still like to submit one you have until MIDNIGHT EST TOMORROW to get it to me! You will receive an email if yours was one of the missing.