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EA Gains a Stranglehold in Football Game Market

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  • #31
    yes he left out the word "a". Crucify him

    blaster master was fun but I'll take contra.


    • #32
      Why is it always such a big deal if I make a small error? I miss an "a" in one post or spell Bert "Burt" and people jump on it like they expect to get a gold star or something.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Cylor
        Shouldn't it be "Heaven forbid I use a word that has multiple definitions but just happens to use a meaning which you don't happen to use?" I'm not entirely sure, but you're grammar is always superb so I just have to check.

        By the way, NHL 94 fucking ruled.
        Firstly, it should be happen, not happens.

        Secondly, NHL 94 was good yes, NHL 95 was better. With NHL 94, you could skate around the back of the goal, and the goalie would get stuck and it would be a guaranteed goal each time. With NHL 95, there was (of course) a guaranteed way of scoring, but it was slightly harder and the computer seemed to be better than in '94. Only problem was that there was no fights in 95 .

        I also liked the way that you could go ahead and play games, without the other games that day being played. That meant if I was doing a season with my brother, I could play games without having to wait for him to play his.

        I must say, NHL 2004 owns on the Xbox, and I'm getting 2005 this Xmas, and I'm guessing it's going to be awesome. (I had 2002 as well which was good when I played it, but as soon as I had played 2004, I realised how many things were wrong with it).

        But: BRING BACK DON TAYLOR. If you played 2002 or 2003, you know what I'm on about; Craig Simpson sucks.

        EDIT: I've just had a poke around, and it seems NHL 2005 has had poor reviews . Oh well, it's too late to tell my brother to get me ESPN 2k5 instead.
        Last edited by Ewan; 12-15-2004, 07:53 AM.
        USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
        ---A few minutes later---
        9:cool koen> you scorereseted
        9:Kim> UM
        9:Kim> i didn't
        9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
        9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
        9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
        9:pascone> lol?


        • #34
          Sorry, I'm still learning and I thought perhaps there was some rule I was missing. I didn't mean any bad blood.
          Originally posted by Vatican Assassin
          i just wish it was longer
          Originally posted by Cops
          it could have happened in the middle of a park at 2'oclock in the afternoon while your parents were at work and I followed you around all afternoon.

