Hey, jus saying yo....
Wow, well i havnt played this game for years due to i switched from cable to dsl and it would never let me play, weird that it lets me now..
I remember my "squad", not existing anymore sadfully tho, and almost getting recruited to paladen, but i never played since the connection problem..
Ill remake my squad, it will be kickass, cept lol im not so kickass like i used to be.. WOW. its been awile i jus hope ill remember my password soon..
Wow, well i havnt played this game for years due to i switched from cable to dsl and it would never let me play, weird that it lets me now..
I remember my "squad", not existing anymore sadfully tho, and almost getting recruited to paladen, but i never played since the connection problem..
Ill remake my squad, it will be kickass, cept lol im not so kickass like i used to be.. WOW. its been awile i jus hope ill remember my password soon..